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In experiments on mice and rats quipazine exerts a moderate and short-term anorexigenic activity. N-acyl quipazine derivatives are markedly less toxic, do not exert anorexigenic action and influence weakly the serotoninergic and adrenergic systems.  相似文献   
We explored the relationship between striatal dopamine-2 (D(2)) receptor occupancy and extra-pyramidal symptoms (EPS) in bipolar patients receiving olanzapine. Seventeen patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of bipolar disorder were treated with 5-45 mg/day olanzapine for at least 14 days. After that period, D(2) receptor occupancy was determined using Iodobenzamide (IBZM) and SPECT. EPS were assessed by the Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS) and Barnes-Akathisia Scale (BAS). We found a dose-dependent increase in occupancy: 5 mg led to 28-50%, 10 mg to 40-68%, 15 mg to 69%, 20 mg to 57-66%, 30 mg to 66% and 45 mg to 80% D(2) receptor occupancy; and a significant correlation between plasma levels and occupancy (R(2)=.55, P=.001). Similar to schizophrenic patients, bipolar patients did not exhibit EPS at D(2) occupancy levels of 28 to 80%. Although we did not find an increased vulnerability for acute EPS in bipolar patients receiving olanzapine at clinical relevant doses, this needs to be replicated with larger sample sizes.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to verify hyperthermia treatment planning calculations by means of measurements performed during hyperthermia treatments. The calculated specific absorption rate (SAR(calc)) was compared with clinically measured SAR values, during 11 treatments in seven cervical carcinoma patients. METHODS: Hyperthermia treatments were performed using the 70 MHz AMC-4 waveguide system. Temperatures were measured using multisensor thermocouple probes. One invasive thermometry catheter in the cervical tumour and two non-invasive catheters in the vagina were used. For optimal tissue contact and fixation of the catheters, a gynaecological tampon was inserted, moisturized with distilled water (4 treatments), or saline (6 treatments) for better thermal contact. During one treatment no tampon was used. At the start of treatment the temperature rise (DeltaT(meas)) after a short power pulse was measured, which is proportional to SAR(meas). The SAR(calc) along the catheter tracks was extracted from the calculated SAR distribution and compared with the DeltaT(meas)-profiles. RESULTS: The correlation between DeltaT(meas) and SAR(calc) was on average R = 0.56 +/- 0.28, but appeared highly dependent on the wetness of the tampon (preferably with saline) and the tissue contact of the catheters. Correlations were strong (R approximately 0.85-0.93) when thermal contact was good, but much weaker (R approximately 0.14-0.48) for cases with poor thermal contact. CONCLUSION: Good correlations between measurements and calculations were found when tissue contact of the catheters was good. The main difficulties for accurate verification were of clinical nature, arising from improper use of the gynaecological tampon. Poor thermal contact between thermocouples and tissue caused measurement artefacts that were difficult to correlate with calculations.  相似文献   
We examined binding to excitatory amino acid and inhibitory amino acid receptors in frozen hippocampal sections prepared from surgical specimens resected from 8 individuals with medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. The excitatory receptors studied included N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), strychnine-insensitive glycine, phencyclidine, and quisqualate. The inhibitory receptors studied were gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) and benzodiazepine. Excitatory and inhibitory amino acid receptor binding were differentially altered in the patients with temporal lobe epilepsy in comparison to 8 age-comparable autopsy control subjects, and changes in receptor binding were regionally selective in four areas. Binding to phencyclidine receptors associated with the NMDA channel was reduced by 35 to 70% in all regions in the hippocampi of the patients. In contrast, binding to the NMDA recognition site and its associated glycine modulatory site was elevated by 20 to 110% in the cornu ammonis (CA) 1 area and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus of the patients. Binding to these sites was unaffected in area CA4. Binding to the quisqualate-type excitatory amino acid receptor was unchanged in all regions except the stratum lacunosum moleculare CA1, where it was increased by 63%. GABAA and benzodiazepine receptor binding was reduced by 20 to 60% in CA1 and CA4, but unchanged in dentate gyrus. The data indicate that excitatory and inhibitory amino acid receptors are altered in the hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   
In acute experiments on cats the activity of the motor cortex neurons was recorded. The dynamics of interneuronal connections at passive bending and electrostimulation of the limb contralateral to the place of recording was studied by methods of cross-correlation analysis of impulse trains. At passive bending a considerable decrease of the number of common inputs between neighbouring neurons (within 50-100 microns) and an increase in their number between remote (from 100 till 400 microns) cortical neurons. During electro-stimulation a certain increase in the number of direct inhibitory interactions between the neighbouring neurons was observed.  相似文献   
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