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J A Wilcox 《Primary care》1987,14(4):699-709
This article is intended to expand the clinician's understanding of psychosis. The concept of psychosis and the differential diagnosis of this condition are discussed. The treatment of psychotic illness also is briefly addressed.  相似文献   
A Comparison of mortality from ischaemic heart disease underthe age of 60 for 1980 to 1981 between the Grampian Health Boardand the North Staffordshire Health Authority has been made.A total of 993 deaths was notified by death certificate fromthe two areas of similar population of which 434 were from Grampianand 559 from North Staffordshire. After examination of generalpractitioner and hospital case notes, autopsy reports and deathcertificates, nearly all (532) of the North Staffordshire deathswere accepted as being due to ischaemic heart disease but onlythree-fifths (263) of the Grampian deaths could be begin besubstantiated as there was inadequate information for the remainder.Deaths from ischaemic heart disease seem apparently to be twofoldgreater in North Staffordshire than Grampian but much of thisdiscrepancy could be attributed to a widely different autopsyrate and to unavailability of case notes. Experience of thissurvey suggests that the results of other epidemiological investigationsmay be equally or even more unreliable.  相似文献   
This paper models the proximate determinants of school attendance and scores on cognitive and educational achievement tests and on school examinations of over 600 schoolchildren from the Control group of a randomized trial in Tanzania, where children in the Intervention group heavily infected with hookworm and schistosomiasis received treatment. The modeling approach used a random effects framework and incorporated the inter-relationships between school attendance and performance on various tests, controlling for children's health status, socioeconomic variables, grade level, and the educational infrastructure. The empirical results showed the importance of variables such as children's height and hemoglobin concentration for the scores, especially on educational achievement tests that are easy to implement in developing countries. Also, teacher experience and work assignments were significant predictors of the scores on educational achievement tests, and there was some evidence of multiplicative effects of children's heights and work assignments on the test scores. Lastly, some comparisons were made for changes in test scores of treated children in the Intervention group with the untreated children in the Control group.  相似文献   
Secondary prevention of coronary events in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with aspirin is generally accepted because of ease of administration, predictable safety, and proven efficacy. The use of long-term anticoagulant therapy with heparins, vitamin-K antagonists (VKAs), or thrombin inhibitors is, however, more controversial. During the last 40 years, several trials have been conducted in order to evaluate the role of anticoagulant therapy in patients with CAD as a protection against subsequent death and thrombo-embolic complications. The conducted trials are heterogeneous in many ways, concerning comparative medications, patient populations, endpoints and follow-up, which makes a standardized recommendation on the basis of these studies difficult. This review is an overview of the largest and best studies on this topic and discusses the scientific background for a possible use of VKA or an alternative anticoagulant treatment in CAD patients, looking at both the beneficial effects and the risk of bleeding.  相似文献   
Xanthogranulomatous orchitis is an extremely rare inflammatory non-neoplastic destructive lesion of the testis. We report a 44-year-old man who presented with right scrotal swelling and two discharging sinuses. Testicular tumor markers were normal. Scrotal ultrasound showed heterogeneous testicular areas and irregular margin of the tunica. Surgical exploration revealed infected, unhealthy testicular tissue with necrosis and tumor-like lesion. Orchidectomy was done and histopathology showed xanthogranulomatous orchitis.  相似文献   
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