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Objective The INTERMAP Study is an international cooperative study on the relationship between macro- and micro-nutrient intakes and blood pressure. The present study—ancillary to INTERMAP—is to evaluate validity of the INTERMAP Tables of Food Composition in Japan (ITJ) formulated by modifying the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan (STJ), including factoring in changes in weight and nutrient composition of individual foods due to cooking. Methods With chemical analytical values of 96 meals prepared in two university hospitals in Japan as the “gold standard”, validity of calculated values based on the ITJ was examined for six major components (energy, protein, lipid, carbohydrate, sodium, potassium) by comparison of mean values, correlation, and linear regression analysis. Results Although both the ITJ-based and STJ-based calculated values for all six components were significantly higher than the analytical values, differences from the analytical values were generally less marked for the ITJ-based values than for the STJ-based values. The STJ-based values were significantly higher than the ITJ-based values for protein and potassium. Analytical values showed slightly stronger correlations with the ITJ-based calculated values (r=0.876 for total energy, r=0.789 for lipid, r=0.832 for potassium) than with the STJ-based calculated values, except for carbohydrates. Conclusions The ITJ was considered to have greater validity than the STJ. To obtain more accaurate data in nutritional surveys, food composition tables in which changes in nutrient compositions due to cooking methods are taken into consideration should be used.  相似文献   
The present study evaluates the potential beneficial effect of cotreatment with LHRHagonist in resolving premenopausal tamoxifen's induced supraphysiological serum 17 estradiol levels and persistent ovarian cysts. Ultrasonographic and serum hormonal evaluations were performed before, during, and following three consecutive injections of long acting LHRHagonist administered to 14 premenopausal breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen, who had supraphysiological serum 17 estradiol levels and simultaneous persistent ovarian cysts. Within 3 weeks of the first LHRHagonist injection, all patients had menopausal serum estradiol levels. Ovarian cysts completely disappeared within 2 months following the first injection. Following the discontinuation of LHRHagonist cotreatment, serum estradiol levels remained in physiological levels and the ovaries remained a normal size in 64.3% of the patients for 13.3 ± 11.5 months. 28.6% of the patients had a gradual reappearance of high serum estradiol levels and of ovarian cysts, and were, therefore, treated with a second course of LHRHagonist. Following the second course, serum estradiol levels remained in physiological levels and the ovaries remained a normal size for 8–15 months. It is concluded that short duration of cotreatment with long acting LHRHagonist administered to premenopausal breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen, successfully resolved the tamoxifeninduced supraphysiological serum 17 estradiol levels and the ovarian cysts.affiliated with Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University  相似文献   
Tissue samples from 13 post-Chernobyl childhood thyroid tumours that occurred within a short period of time (4-8 years) after the Chernobyl accident have been investigated by interphase FISH analysis for rearrangements of RET. In all, 77% of cases showed RET/PTC rearrangements and a distinct intratumoural genetic heterogeneity. The data were compared to findings on 32 post-Chernobyl PTCs that occurred after a longer period of time (9-12 years) after the accident. In none of the cases from either group were 100% of cells positive for RET rearrangement. In addition, the pattern of RET-positive cells was different in the two groups (short vs longer latency). A significant clustering of aberrant cells could be detected in the long-latency subgroup, whereas the aberrant cells were more homogeneously distributed among the short-latency tumours. The findings suggest that oligoclonal tumour development occurs in post-Chernobyl PTCs. This pattern of different clones within the tumour appears to become more discrete in cases with longer latencies, suggesting either outgrowth of individual clones or development of later subclones with time.  相似文献   
Patients presenting with unresectable, large, primary or recurrent extremity soft tissue sarcoma or locally advanced extremity tumors may benefit from treatment options in the form of isolated regional perfusion therapy. Hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion (HILP) and isolated limb infusion (ILI) have proved to be efficacious with acceptable systemic and regional toxicity profiles. Both procedures are attractive as options for patients who might otherwise be facing amputation as limb salvage procedures. HILP and ILI can be offered as either definitive treatment or as neoadjuvant therapy followed by surgery and/or radiation treatment. Response rates are encouraging as are limb preservation rates after regional therapy. Ongoing multicenter collaborations and clinical trials are required to gain knowledge on HILP and ILI for unresectable extremity sarcoma and expand the indications for use in the management of advanced extremity soft tissue sarcoma.  相似文献   
Cardiac fibroblasts produce and degrade extracellular matrix and are critical in regulating cardiac remodeling and hypertrophy. Fibroblasts are activated by factors such as transforming growth factor beta and inhibited by agents that elevate 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels. cAMP signal generation and response is known to be compartmentalized in many cell types in part through the colocalization of receptors and specific adenylyl cyclase isoforms in lipid rafts and caveolae. The present study sought to define the localization of key G protein-coupled receptors with adenylyl cyclase type 6 (AC6) in lipid rafts of rat cardiac fibroblasts and to determine if this colocalization was functionally relevant. We found that cardiac fibroblasts produce cAMP in response to agonists for beta-adrenergic (isoproterenol), prostaglandin EP(2) (butaprost), adenosine (adenosine-5'-N-ethylcarboxamide, NECA), and prostacyclin (beraprost) receptors. Overexpression of AC6 increased cAMP production stimulated by isoproterenol and beraprost but not by butaprost or NECA. A key function of fibroblasts is the production of collagen. Isoproterenol- and beraprostmediated inhibition of collagen synthesis was also enhanced by AC6 overexpression, while inhibition by butaprost and NECA were unaltered. Lipid raft fractions from cardiac fibroblasts contain the preponderance of beta-adrenergic receptors and AC6 but exclude EP(2) receptors. While we could not determine the localization of native prostacyclin receptors, we were able to determine that epitope-tagged prostanoid IP receptors (IPR) expressed in COS7 cells did localize, in part, in lipid raft fractions. These findings indicate that IP receptors are expressed in lipid rafts and can activate raft-localized AC isoforms. AC6 is completely compartmentized in lipid raft domains where it is activated solely by coresident G protein-coupled receptors to regulate cardiac fibroblast function.  相似文献   
The proportion of the human gut bacterial community that is recalcitrant to culture remains poorly defined. In this report, we combine high-throughput anaerobic culturing techniques with gnotobiotic animal husbandry and metagenomics to show that the human fecal microbiota consists largely of taxa and predicted functions that are represented in its readily cultured members. When transplanted into gnotobiotic mice, complete and cultured communities exhibit similar colonization dynamics, biogeographical distribution, and responses to dietary perturbations. Moreover, gnotobiotic mice can be used to shape these personalized culture collections to enrich for taxa suited to specific diets. We also demonstrate that thousands of isolates from a single donor can be clonally archived and taxonomically mapped in multiwell format to create personalized microbiota collections. Retrieving components of a microbiota that have coexisted in single donors who have physiologic or disease phenotypes of interest and reuniting them in various combinations in gnotobiotic mice should facilitate preclinical studies designed to determine the degree to which tractable bacterial taxa are able to transmit donor traits or influence host biology.  相似文献   
The Na(+)/Cl(-)-dependent, hemicholinium-3-sensitive choline transporter (CHT) provides choline for acetylcholine biosynthesis. Recent studies show that CHT contains canonical protein kinase C (PKC) serine and threonine residues. We examined the ability of PKC and serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1/2A (PP1/PP2A) to regulate CHT function, surface expression, and phosphorylation. In mouse crude striatal and hippocampal synaptosomes, PKC activators beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (beta-PMA) and beta-phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate produced time- and concentration-dependent reductions in CHT function. PP1/PP2A inhibitors okadaic acid (OKA) and calyculin A (CL-A) produced a time- and concentration-dependent decrease in CHT function. However, tautomycin (PP1 inhibitor) and cyclosporin A (PP2B inhibitor) failed to alter CHT-mediated choline uptake. Choline transport kinetic studies following beta-PMA, OKA, and CL-A treatment revealed a reduction in the maximal choline transport velocity (V(max)) with no change in K(m) for choline. These modulators also produced no change in the total levels of CHT protein in the crude hippocampal and striatal synaptosomes; however, surface biotinylation studies using the membrane-impermeant N-hydroxysuccinimide-biotin in crude synaptosomes following treatment with beta-PMA, OKA, and CL-A indicate significant reductions of CHT levels in biotinylated fractions. Pretreatment with OKA alone, but not beta-PMA, significantly augmented the phosphorylation level of CHT proteins. Our findings suggest that neuronal PKC and PP1/PP2A activity may establish the level of function and surface expression of CHT. These studies also provide the first evidence that CHT is a phosphoprotein and that the basal PP1/PP2A activity may have a dominant role in controlling the levels of CHT phosphorylation.  相似文献   
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