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Summary The pharmacokinetics of a new high ceiling diuretic, muzolimine (Bay g 2821), were investigated after a single oral dose of 40 mg in 7 patients with cardiac failure (Stages I–IV, New York Heart Association classification), and in 2 healthy subjects. Plasma concentrations peaked 1–3 h after administration and declined according to a two-compartment model. The -phase (distribution phase) lasted until 12–16 h after administration and the mean t1/2 was 3.6 h (range 2.3–4.7) in patients, and 2.6 h (range 2.3–2.9) in healthy subjects. The mean t1/2 was 13.5 h (range 7.4–22.4) in the patients and 14.0 h (range 12.4–14.6) in healthy subjects. T1/2 was not correlated with the degree of heart failure or with the area beneath the plasma concentration curve, which varied three-fold. The renal clearance of muzolimine was in the range 2.7–15.3 ml · min–1 in 5 subjects in whom it was investigated. The pharmacokinetics of muzolimine appear not to be significantly altered by cardiac failure. The prolonged half-lives of the drug are probably responsible for the longer duration of diuretic action reported for muzolimine than for furosemide and bumetamide.  相似文献   
A retrospective epidemiologic study examining the relationship of the time of onset of neurologic disorders with the time of pertussis immunization in two cohorts of children who received pertussis immunization at different ages is reported. Before April 1970, children in Denmark were vaccinated with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids with pertussis vaccine at 5, 6, 7, and 15 months of age. Since 1970, children were given monovalent pertussis vaccine at 5 and 9 weeks and at 10 months of age. A total of 554 cases of epilepsy with onset between 28 days and 24 months of age were reviewed, 286 from the 1967-1968 period and 268 from the 1972-1973 period. There was no relationship between the age of onset of epilepsy and the scheduled age of administration of pertussis vaccine. A total of 2199 children with febrile seizures were reviewed, 830 from the 1967-1968 period and 1369 from the 1972-1973 period. There was a statistical association between first febrile seizures and the scheduled age of administration of pertussis vaccine (p = 0.004). No relationship between pertussis immunization and the occurrence of central nervous system infections was noted.  相似文献   
Accidental or intentional falls from a height are a form of blunt trauma and occur frequently in forensic medicine. Reports describing elevator accidents as a small subcategory of falls from heights are rare in the medical literature and no report on injury patterns or scene reconstruction of such an accident was found. A case of an accident in a hydraulic elevator with a man falling 3m was examined using post-mortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and autopsy. The man suffered an unusually extensive trauma and died at the scene. Post-mortem MSCT examination showed a comminute fracture of the skull, the right femur and the first lumbar vertebra. Severe lacerations of the brain with epidural, subdural and subarachnoidal haemorrhages over both hemispheres were diagnosed. Autopsy confirmed these findings. To reconstruct the accident we used radiological and autopsy results as well as findings at the scene.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We describe a community based study to estimate the prevalence of prostatitis-like symptoms using questions similar to the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Study subjects were a randomly selected sample of Olmsted County, Minnesota white men 40 to 79 years old in January 1990 who participated in a longitudinal study of lower urinary tract symptoms. Subjects were evaluated biennially using self-administered questionnaires. In 2000 questions similar to the NIH-CPSI were incorporated into the questionnaire and questionnaire responses were used to categorize men as having prostatitis-like symptoms. RESULTS: Of 1,541 men 182 (12%) had at least 1 urogenital pain symptom. Pubic (76 men, 4.9%) and testicular (73, 4.7%) pain were the most frequent pain symptoms. A total of 34 men with prostatitis-like symptoms (2.2%) had higher mean pain (6.7 versus 0.5), urinary symptom (3.5 versus 2.1) and quality of life impact (3.7 versus 1.9) scores compared to men who did not (all p <0.001). Pain frequency (OR 39.2, 95% CI 18.8, 81.9) and pain intensity (OR 21.5, 95% CI 8.7, 52.9) were more strongly associated with prostatitis-like symptoms than urinary symptom score (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.4, 5.6) or quality of life impact score (OR 4.5, 95% CI 1.9, 10.7). CONCLUSIONS: Although urogenital pain is common among community dwelling men, prostatitis-like symptoms based on the modified questions from the NIH-CPSI are less common. While pain measures may be useful in distinguishing between men with and without prostatitis-like symptoms, the urinary symptom and quality of life impact scores could partly reflect benign prostatic hyperplasia.  相似文献   


In this open population-based study from Northern Norway, there was no increase in hip fracture incidence in women and men from 1994 to 2008. Age-adjusted hip fracture rates was lower compared to reported rates from the Norwegian capital Oslo, indicating regional differences within the country.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We examined the association of diabetes and domains of sexual dysfunction in a population based sample of men residing in Olmsted County, Minnesota. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cohort of 2,115 white men 40 to 79 years old as of January 1, 1990 was randomly selected from the Olmsted County population. Men who had a history of prostate or bladder surgery, urethral surgery or stricture, or medical or other neurological condition that could affect normal urinary function were excluded from analysis. Diabetes itself was not used as an exclusionary criterion, although those with end stage organ failure as a result of diabetes were excluded. A previously validated male sexual function index was included in the questionnaires administrated to the cohort in 1996, which consisted of 11 questions on the 5 sexual function domains of sexual drive, erectile function, ejaculatory function, sexual problem assessment and sexual satisfaction. The baseline questionnaire also included whether they had ever been diagnosed by a physician as having diabetes. Only men with regular sexual partners were included. RESULTS: Individuals with diabetes at baseline had significantly greater dysfunction in all 5 sexual function domains. In multivariate adjusted analyses diabetes was significantly associated with all sexual dysfunction domains. The associations remained significant after adjusting for numerous predictors of sexual dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of diabetes at baseline was significantly associated not only with erectile dysfunction but with all aspects of sexual dysfunction, including sexual drive, ejaculatory function, sexual problems and sexual satisfaction in this population based sample of men residing in Olmsted County.  相似文献   
The treatment of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) has improved dramatically in recent years. The new endoluminal treatments may bring a relatively simple, minimally invasive therapy that can be simultaneously applied in patients with GERD undergoing diagnostic upper endoscopy. Although the initial results are promising, these new techniques are generating some controversy and require further evaluation with randomized studies and longer follow-ups to define their precise role in the long-term management of the gastroesophageal reflux disease.  相似文献   
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