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BACKGROUND: To verify the criteria for human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) seropositivity in Western blot (WB) proposed by the Retrovirus Study Group of the French Society of Blood Transfusion, 186 blood donations that were repeatedly reactive in HTLV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, selected according to their WB pattern, were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA). STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In two commercially available WBs, 12 samples were confirmed as positive (rgp21+p19+p24) and 174 were interpreted as indeterminate (one or two reactivities to these proteins). The primer pairs used for the PCR allowed the amplification of type I (HTLV-I) or type II (HTLV-II) (or both) sequences. The RIPA was performed with two 35S-labeled cell lines: HTLV-I infected HUT 102/B2 and HTLV-II-infected MoT. RESULTS: Of the 12 positive samples, 11 were classified as HTLV-I-positive and one as HTLV-II-positive. Among the 174 indeterminate samples, three (WB pattern: rgp21+, p19+, p24-) were HTLV-I positive in PCR (one of them was positive in RIPA also); the other 171 were HTLV negative. CONCLUSION: In the study of a population in which 97 percent of HTLV infections are due to HTLV-I, these data support the three-protein criteria (rgp21, p19, and p24) for a positive blot reading. No HTLV infection was observed when rgp21 did not react. Consequently, p19 and/or p24 band patterns represent false reactivity and do not require PCR or RIPA confirmation. To discriminate between false- and true-positive results in the absence of MTA-1 or K55 reactivity, PCR and/or RIPA is required only when rgp21 reactivity is associated with one gag band (p19 or p24).  相似文献   
目的:糖尿病肾病及其引起的终末期肾病近年来在全球的发病情况逐年提高,该病预后差、治疗费用高,成为世界范围内严重危害人类健康的公共卫生问题。糖尿病肾病发病机制错综复杂,氧化应激被认为是重要的共同的机制之一。本文探讨氧化应激对糖尿病肾病的影响。资料来源:应用计算机检索MEDLINE,CBM,CNKI数据库及手工检索1997-01/2006-11期间的相关文献。包括临床研究(不限研究对象的年龄、性别、种族。)和基础研究,不限体内或体外研究。中文检索词包括“氧化应激”,“活性氧类”,“糖尿病肾病”和“发病机制”;英文检索词有“diabetic nephropathies”,“oxidative stress”,“reactive oxygen species”,“PKC”和“TGF-β”。资料选择:共收集到相关文献991篇,阅读全部文章的文题和大部分文章的摘要。选择文献所述内容与糖尿病肾病时氧化应激作用相关的文献。排除重复性研究和Meta分析类文章。资料提炼:共得到符合纳入条件的文献142篇,排除849篇。选择其中30篇进行分析,其中英文25篇,中文5篇,英文有1篇为手工检索的增刊。资料综合:糖尿病肾病的发病机制错综复杂,肾脏的结构和功能变化包括高滤过、肾脏和肾小球的肥大、细胞外基质的堆积、肾小球基底膜的增厚和肾小球滤过屏障功能的异常。这些变化是多因素共同作用的结果,在众多发病机制中,氧化应激被认为是共同机制之一。在正常情况下,活性氧的产生和抗活性氧水平二者处于平衡状态,当活性氧蓄积过多就会攻击机体,即氧化应激。氧化应激的产生主要是活性氧类产生过多和清除减少以及糖尿病肾病患者体内氧化应激水平增加导致的。氧化应激对糖尿病肾病的影响包括活性氧类可以增加细胞膜的通透性;使肾细胞内的谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶等抗氧化酶发生糖化或氧化,肾组织抗氧化能力降低,细胞内关键酶和转运蛋白Na-K-ATP酶失活等。结论:氧化应激作用可以增加细胞膜的通透性,使肾组织抗氧化能力降低,是糖尿病肾病的重要发病机制之一。  相似文献   
目的:对锻炼心理学中的自我决定理论进行简要概述与分析。资料来源:检索中国期刊网、EBSCO和UMI资料库1997-01/2006-10有关自我决定理论的文献,检索词(限制为标题)为“self-determination theory,sport and exercise”,限定语言种类为英文。资料选择:对所获得的文献进行仔细研读,从中选择有关自我决定理论在锻炼心理学中实证研究的文章,排除重复研究类文章。资料提炼:在53篇文献中,删除7篇内容重复的文献;对46篇文献进行分类整理,其中30篇选为参考文献。资料综合:自我决定论是新近发展起来的一种认知动机理论,代表着当下动机理论研究的趋向。它把人类的动机看成是一个从外在调节到内在动机之间的动态的连续体,并依据自主的程度对动机的类型进行了详细的划分,同时从满足人们基本心理需要的角度对促进外在动机内化的条件进行了探讨。结论:自我决定理论还有许多待以完善的地方,关于自我决定理论的一些假设还有待于进一步的验证。  相似文献   
Summary— Recent clinical studies have reported a beneficial effect of fluoxetine, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in patients with severe refractory orthostatic hypotension. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of fluoxetine in orthostatic hypotension occurring during Parkinson's disease on both blood pressure values and number of clinical symptoms during orthostatic procedure evaluated using a validated clinical rating scale. In a pilot study performed in fourteen patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease plus orthostatic hypotension, fluoxetine hydrochloride (20 mg orally daily during one month) significantly reduced the fall in systolic blood pressure [-33 ± 21 (SD) mmHg before fluoxetine vs -22 ± 19 mmHg after fluoxetine, P = 0.03] elicited by standing without modifying heart rate. The drug also significantly reduced the number of postural symptoms occurring during the orthostatic procedure [2.9 ± 1.5 (SD) before fluoxetine vs 1.2 ± 1.3 after fluoxetine, P = 0.006]. A similar pattern of response was obtained in an experimental model of neurogenic orthostatic hypotension obtained in chronically sino-aortic denervated dogs submitted to an 80° head-up tilt test procedure under chloralose anaesthesia. Fluoxetine did not change plasma noradrenaline levels. This pilot study suggests a slight but clinically significant effect of fluoxetine on both hemodynamic parameters and clinical symptoms in parkinsonian patients suffering from orthostatic hypotension.  相似文献   
Background Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) have been feeding on sleeping human beings since prehistory. In Europe, bed bugs were common and endemic until World War II when improved body and home hygiene, and widespread use of insecticides led to almost complete eradication. Current evidence indicates that bedbugs are making a comeback in Europe, USA, Canada and Australia. In our practice in Southern France, we observed several cases within a period of only 1 year. Objectives Based on this experience, we conducted an epidemiological study to evaluate the status of bedbugs in France. Methods During summer 2009, we mailed a short questionnaire to all hospital professors in the CEDEF (Collège des Enseignants de Dermatologie de France) asking four questions: number of suspected diagnosis of bedbugs in the year 2009, and number of certain positive diagnosis, difficulties in treatment, use of a pest control professional for treatment, and finally personal opinion on actual incidence of bedbugs, compared with past years. Results Of the 84 questionnaires sent, there were only 26 responses despite two reminders. The responses were predominantly southern France, probably as a result of intensive immigration and increased travel and trade. Difficulties encountered during diagnosis and treatment are also mentioned. Utilizing the services of entomological experts and pest control professionals is essential. Conclusions France has the same experience regarding the resurgence of bedbugs as several European countries, USA, Canada and Australia, especially the southern regions. This emerging health problem has to be known by dermatologists. A national programme has been launched in France to assess actual incidence and study C. lectularius‐ related diseases.  相似文献   
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