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We propose a new algorithm, based on a linear regression model, to statistically estimate the hemodynamic activations in fNIRS data sets. The main concern guiding the algorithm development was the minimization of assumptions and approximations made on the data set for the application of statistical tests. Further, we propose a K-means method to cluster fNIRS data (i.e. channels) as activated or not activated. The methods were validated both on simulated and in vivo fNIRS data. A time domain (TD) fNIRS technique was preferred because of its high performances in discriminating cortical activation and superficial physiological changes. However, the proposed method is also applicable to continuous wave or frequency domain fNIRS data sets.OCIS codes: (000.5490) Probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistics; (170.2655) Functional monitoring and imaging; (170.6920) Time-resolved imaging; (170.1470) Blood or tissue constituent monitoring  相似文献   
The specificity of rabbit cytochrome P-450 involved in the mutagenicactivation of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimid-azo[4, 5-b]pyridine(PhIP) was assessed using control and induced rabbit liver andlung microsomes, and six purified forms of cytochrome P-450.The number of revertants produced/2.5µg PhIP by controlrabbit liver was 260 ± 196/10 µg of microsomalprotein (mean ± SD; n = 3), and this increased to 1265± 248 when 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-inducedliver microsomes were used as the activation source in the Amestest. Microsomes form phenobarbital-, rifampicin-and acetone-pretreatedrabbits showed no increase in activity over controls. Controllung microsomes did not activate PhIP to a mutagen, whereasTCDD-induced lung microsomes produced 1443 ± 136 (mean± SD; n=4) Ames/Salmonella revertants/100 µg protein.In reconstitution experiments cytochrome P450 forms 4 and 6were found to be efficient activators of PhIP to a mutagen.Form 6 was 3.1-fold more active than form 4 and produced 4577revertants/10 pmol with a 20-min preincubation step in the Amestest. Cytochrome form 5 produced 17 revertants/10 pmol and forms2, 3b and 3c were not active in metabolizing PhIP to a mutagen.A highly significant statistical correlation existed betweenthe capacity of control and induced liver microsomes to activatePhIP to a mutagen and their cytochrome P-450 form 4 (r = 0.97,r2 = 0.94) and form 6 (r = 0.95, r2 = 0.90) content. These datastrongly support the involvement of polycyclic hydrocarbon-inducibleforms of cytochrome P450 in the activation of PhIP in the rabbit.Anti-rabbit forms 4 and 6 IgGs recognized proteins in sevenhuman liver microsomes of comparable mol. wt to rabbit cytochromeP-450 forms 4 and 6. However, no correlation existed betweenthe content of these proteins and the capacity of human livermicrosomes to activate PhIP.  相似文献   
In geometrical terms, tumor vascularity is an exemplary anatomical system that irregularly fills a three-dimensional Euclidean space. This physical characteristic, together with the highly variable vessel shapes and surfaces, leads to considerable spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the delivery of oxygen, nutrients and drugs, and the removal of metabolites. Although these biological features have now been well established, quantitative analyses of neovascularity in two-dimensional histological sections still fail to view tumor architecture in non-Euclidean terms, and this leads to errors in visually interpreting the same tumor, and discordant results from different laboratories. A review of the literature concerning the application of microvessel density (MVD) estimates, an Euclidean-based approach used to quantify vascularity in normal and neoplastic pituitary tissues, revealed some disagreements in the results and led us to discuss the limitations of the Euclidean quantification of vascularity. Consequently, we introduced fractal geometry as a better means of quantifying the microvasculature of normal pituitary glands and pituitary adenomas, and found that the use of the surface fractal dimension is more appropriate than MVD for analysing the vascular network of both. We propose extending the application of this model to the analysis of the angiogenesis and angioarchitecture of brain tumors.  相似文献   
Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor of childhood. Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy successfully cure many patients, but survivors can suffer long-term toxicities affecting their neurocognitive and growth potential; furthermore, there is no curative therapy in up to 30% of cases, mainly because of our incomplete understanding of many of the underlying molecular and cellular processes. Angiogenesis is a hallmark of the progression of medulloblastoma and, over the last years, investigators have sought to develop effective and less toxic antiangiogenic strategies, including the inhibition or destruction of abnormal blood vessels using either antiangiogenic or vascular disrupting agents. However, the results are conflicting principally because of the complex biology of tumor vasculature and the irregular geometry of the vascular system in real space. In addition, current targets of antiangiogenic therapy, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), are thought to be critical for both physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis, and clinical side effects of anti-VEGF therapy are beginning to emerge. We here review the state-of-the-art concerning antiangiogenic targets for medulloblastoma treatment, and discuss the complexity of the vascular system that intrinsically limits the efficacy of current strategies.  相似文献   
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