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Neural-network classifiers were used to detect immunological differences in groups of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients that heretofore had not shown significant differences from controls. In the past linear methods were unable to detect differences between CFS groups and non-CFS control groups in the nonveteran population. An examination of the cluster structure for 29 immunological factors revealed a complex, nonlinear decision surface. Multilayer neural networks showed an over 16% improvement in an n-fold resampling generalization test on unseen data. A sensitivity analysis of the network found differences between groups that are consistent with the hypothesis that CFS symptoms are a consequence of immune system dysregulation. Corresponding decreases in the CD19(+) B-cell compartment and the CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitor subpopulation were also detected by the neural network, consistent with the T-cell expansion. Of significant interest was the fact that, of all the cytokines evaluated, the only one to be in the final model was interleukin-4 (IL-4). Seeing an increase in IL-4 suggests a shift to a type 2 cytokine pattern. Such a shift has been hypothesized, but until now convincing evidence to support that hypothesis has been lacking.  相似文献   
Eradication of established tumors by CD8+ T cell adoptive immunotherapy   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We generated the DUC18 T cell receptor transgenic mouse expressing an H-2Kd -restricted transgenic T cell receptor specific for the syngeneic CMS5 fibrosarcoma rejection antigen mutated ERK2(136-144). DUC18 mice were capable of specifically eliminating lethal CMS5 tumor challenges, and transfer of DUC18 splenocytes to naive nontransgenic recipients conferred protection from subsequent and established CMS5 tumor burdens. Eradication of established tumor burdens by adoptive transfer of DUC18 splenocytes was dose and time dependent. Transferred tumor-specific T cells remained functional in vivo and capable of rejecting small tumors even in the presence of large, established tumor burdens. These findings highlight the kinetic battle between tumor growth and the production of a tumor-specific response and have critical implications for effective adoptive immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Four families are described with a t(13q14q) segregating. Two of them were identified through index cases with Down's syndrome; their karotypes revealed the unusual 46,XY, -13, -14, +t(13q14q), +21. The other two families were identified through a chromosomal study of parents with repeated spontaneous abortions. Analysis of data on 3 of these 4 families and on 7 other from the published reports showed no evidence of increased fetal wastage among 13/14 carriers. However, the risk of producing offspring with various types of aneuploidy may be greater among carriers than among persons with a normal chromosome pattern. Qualitative and quantitative differences in D/D translocations may account for the observed variation in clinical findings. These differences add to the problem of determining genetic risks from an analysis of grouped data.  相似文献   
B?rjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome: further delineation in five cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have studied five males with B?rjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome (BFLS) from two unrelated families. They had a characteristic facial appearance with prominent supraorbital ridges, deep-set eyes, ptosis, and large ears, as well as obesity, severe mental retardation, hypotonia, and hypogonadism. Ophthalmologic, EEG, and skeletal abnormalities were also present. The findings in several presumed or possible heterozygous women were evaluated and suggested a wide range of phenotypic effects varying between apparent normality to mild or moderately evident BFLS manifestations. The observed pattern of occurrence of the BFLS in our two families provides strong support for X-linked inheritance. In clinically normal female relatives at risk for being carriers of BFLS, we have been unsuccessful in identifying a reliable screening test. The condition in our and previously reported patients was contrasted with other malformation syndromes and our findings support the conclusion that BFLS is a distinct and clinically identifiable disorder.  相似文献   
Blood compatibility of surfaces modified by plasma polymerization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tubular blood-contacting polymeric materials were modified by plasma polymerization and evaluated in the baboon with respect to their capacity to induce both acute and chronic arterial thrombosis. Polymer surface composition was determined by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis. Steady-state arterial thromboembolism was initiated by introducing tubular segments into chronic arteriovenous shunts. Rates of platelet destruction induced by the test materials were calculated from 111In-platelet survival measurements. Nine plasma polymers based on tetrafluoroethylene, hexafluoroethane, hexafluoroethane/H2, and methane, when deposited on silicone rubber, consumed platelets at rates ranging from 1.1-5.6 x 10(8) platelets/cm2-day. Since these values were near the lower detection limit for this test system, the plasma polymers were considered relatively nonthrombogenic. Acute thrombus formation was initiated by inserting expanded Teflon (Gore-Tex PTFE) vascular grafts into the shunt system. 111In-platelet deposition was measured by scintillation camera imaging over a 1-h exposure period. Standard PTFE grafts (10 cm x 4 mm i.d.) accumulated approximately 1 x 10(10) platelets over this interval. While modification of PTFE grafts with a plasma polymer based on hexafluoroethane/H2 did not alter graft surface morphology, platelet deposition was reduced by 87% as compared to the controls (p less than 0.001). We conclude that both the surface chemistry and texture of prosthetic materials influence thrombogenesis. The method of plasma polymerization may be useful for assessing the importance of these variables independently and, perhaps, for minimizing certain adverse blood-material interactions.  相似文献   
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