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This report describes the response of eighteen Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) patients to recombinant human interleukin-3 (rhIL-3). rhIL-3 was administered subcutaneously once daily on an escalating dose schedule (0.5 to 10 micrograms/kg/d). The rhIL-3 dose was escalated every 21 days until erythroid response was attained, grade III or IV nonhematologic toxicity was observed, or the maximum rhIL-3 dose was reached. Four patients experienced clinically significant erythroid responses. Two of the responders were steroid-dependent and transfusion- independent, while two were steroid-independent and transfusion- dependent. Baseline clinical or laboratory parameters, in particular in vitro bone marrow erythroid progenitor assays, were not useful in predicting rhIL-3 response. rhIL-3 administered at 5 to 10 micrograms/kg/d was associated with an increase in total white blood cell count, secondary to increases in neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes. Patients experienced a dose-dependent elevation in absolute eosinophils across the entire dose range. Two of the responding patients remain on maintenance rhIL-3, without diminution of effect at 244 and 370 + days. rhIL-3 was discontinued in the other two responders, because of the development of deep venous thrombi.  相似文献   
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) comprises a heterogeneous group of inherited conditions characterized biochemically by disordered function of a unique multicomponent enzyme system present in phagocytic cells, the NADPH-oxidase. Clinically, it is characterized by recurrent bacterial and fungal infections that are relatively resistant to treatment by conventional means. Curative bone marrow transplantation has been successfully achieved in a small number of cases, but the wider application of this procedure is limited by availability of suitable donor material. Somatic gene therapy would overcome this problem, and several groups have now shown correction of the biochemical defect in hematopoietic cells by retrovirus-mediated gene transfer. However, the failure of the current generation of retroviral vectors to efficiently transduce quiescent cells greatly restricts their potential for gene transfer to pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells. Given these limitations, we have constructed vectors based on adeno-associated virus and used these to transfer a functional copy of the p47phox gene to immortalized B cells derived from patients with p47phox-deficient autosomal recessive CGD. We show stable expression of protein and restoration of NADPH-oxidase function in these cells in the absence of selection. Adeno-associated virus vectors may overcome some of the limitations of retroviral gene delivery systems and may therefore be a useful vehicle for curative gene therapy of CGD and other primary immunodeficiencies.  相似文献   
Jacobson  RJ; Salo  A; Fialkow  PJ 《Blood》1978,51(2):189-194
The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) types and chromosomes of hematopoietic and other tissues were determined in a woman with agnogenic myeloid metaplasia. The patient was heterozygous at the X- linked G-6-PD locus so that both B and A isoenzymes were found in nonhematopoietic cells. In contrast, only one G-6-PD type was found in granulocytes, red cells, and platelets. She also had a distinctive chromosome abnormality in blood cells but not in other tissues. These results indicate that agnogenic myeloid metaplasia is a disorder of a pluripotent stem cell and provide strong evidence that it is of clonal origin. In contrast to blood cells, the patient's cultured marrow "fibroblasts" had normal chromosomes and both B and A G-6-PD types, suggesting that the marrow fibrosis is a secondary abnormality. Thus, at least in this case of agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, the hematopoietic cell proliferation appears to be clonal, and, by inference, possibly neoplastic, whereas the marrow fibrosis is probably not clonal, and therefore appears to be secondary.  相似文献   
In recent years, the local lymph node assay (LLNA) has emerged as a practical option for assessing the skin sensitization potential of chemicals. In addition to accurate identification of skin sensitizers, the LLNA can also provide a reliable measure of relative sensitization potency; information that is pivotal in successful management of human health risks. However, even with the significant animal welfare benefits provided by the LLNA, there is interest still in the development of non‐animal test methods for skin sensitization. Here, we have collected a large dataset of chemicals that have been tested in the LLNA, and the activity of which correspond with what is known of their potential to cause skin sensitization in humans. It is anticipated that this will be of value to other investigators in the evaluation and calibration of novel approaches to skin sensitization testing, in particular for the development of in silico methods. Prerequisite for the development of in silico models is always the availability of a large high quality data set, suitable for modeling. This dataset encompasses both the chemical and biological diversity of known chemical allergens, and provides also examples of negative controls. The data are a collection of published and non‐proprietary industry data. All materials were tested in standard vehicules following the standard LLNA protocol. It is hoped that this dataset will accelerate the development, evaluation and eventual validation of new approaches to skin sensitization testing.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Interhospital differences in blood transfusion practice during coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery have been noted, but the underlying issues have not been identified. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Records of 3217 consecutive CABG cases in five university teaching hospitals in 1992 and 1993 were stratified by hospital, type of revascularization conduit, patients' sex, and other factors. Statistical methods were used to compare patient characteristics, transfusion outcomes, and hospital outcomes. RESULTS: Forward two-step logistic regression using patient likelihood of red cell transfusion factors in the first step and the specific hospital in the second step revealed a significant effect of hospital on the delta odds ratios for red cell transfusion. This finding was confirmed by analyses of a highly stratified subset of cases, males in diagnosis-related group 107 (primary cases of coronary bypass without coronary catheterization) who underwent revascularization with venous and internal mammary artery grafts, revealing variations among hospitals from 109 to 457 units of red cells transfused per hundred cases. Corresponding variations in transfusions of all blood components were from 324 to 1019 units by hospital. Variation in red cell transfusion practice among surgeons in the same hospital was not responsible for these interhospital differences. CONCLUSION: The effect of the specific hospital on transfusion practice is attributed to institutional differences that, through reasons of training or hierarchy, become ingrained in hospitals.  相似文献   
The mechanism of resistance of gram-negative bacteria to killing by complement was investigated. Complement consumption and uptake of purified, radiolabeled complement components on bacteria was studied using a serum- sensitive and a serum-resistant strain of Salmonella minnesota. Twice as many molecules of (125)I C3 were bound per colony-forming unit (CFU) of the smooth, serum-resistant S. minnesota S218 as were bound per CFU of the rough, serum-sensitive S. minnesota Re595 in 10 percent pooled normal human serum (PNHS), although 75-80 percent of C3 was consumed by both organisms. Hemolytic titrations documented total consumption of C9 by 5 min and more than 95 percent consumption of C5 and C7 by 15 min in the reaction with S218 with 10 percent PNHS. In contrast, negligible C5 depletion, 10 percent C7 consumption, and only a 26 percent decrease in C9 titer occurred with the serum-sensitive Re595. Binding of (125)I C5, (125)I C7, and (125)I C9 to S218 and Re595 was measured in 10 percent PNHS. A total of 6,600 molecules C5/CFU, 5,200 molecules C7/CFU, and 3,100 molecules C9/CFU bound to S218 after 5-10 min of incubation at 37 degrees C, but 50-70 percent of the C5, C7, and C9 bound to S218 was released from the organism during incubation at 37 degrees C for 60 min. Binding of 2,000 molecules C5/CFU, 1,900 molecules C7/CFU, and 9,000 molecules C9/CFU to Re595 was achieved by 20 min and was stable. The ratio of bound C9 molecules to bound C7 molecules, measured using (131)I C9 and (125)I C7, was constant for both organisms after 15 min and was 4.3:1 on Re595 and 0.65:1 on S218 in 10 percent PNHS. With addition of increasing amounts of purified, unlabeled (29 to 10 percent PNHS, there was no change in the C9:C7 ratio on Re595. However, with S218 there was a linear increase of the C9:C7 ratio, which approached the ratio on Re595. There was no (14)C release from S218 incubated in PNHS, nor was there evidence by electron microscopy of outer membrane damage to S218. Therefore, S. minnesota S218 is resistant to killing by PNHS, despite the fact that the organism consumes terminal complement components efficiently and that terminal components are deposited on the surface in significant amounts. The C5b-9 complex is released from the surface of S218 without causing lethal outer membrane damage.  相似文献   
We have identified a new pathogenic mechanism for an inherited muscular dystrophy in which functional haploinsufficiency of the extracellular matrix protein collagen VI causes Bethlem myopathy. The heterozygous COL6A1 mutation results in a single base deletion from the mRNA and a premature stop codon. The mutant mRNA is unstable, subject to nonsense- mediated mRNA decay, and is almost completely absent both from patient fibroblasts and skeletal muscle, resulting in haploinsufficiency of the alpha1(VI) subunit and reduced production of structurally normal collagen VI. This is the first example of a muscular dystrophy caused by haploinsufficiency of a structural protein or member of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, and identifies collagen VI as a critical contributor to cell-matrix adhesion in skeletal muscle.   相似文献   
Two frequent missense mutations in Pendred syndrome   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by early childhood deafness and goiter. A century after its recognition as a syndrome by Vaughan Pendred, the disease gene ( PDS ) was mapped to chromosome 7q22-q31.1 and, recently, found to encode a putative sulfate transporter. We performed mutation analysis of the PDS gene in patients from 14 Pendred families originating from seven countries and identified all mutations. The mutations include three single base deletions, one splice site mutation and 10 missense mutations. One missense mutation (L236P) was found in a homozygous state in two consanguineous families and in a heterozygous state in five additional non-consanguineous families. Another missense mutation (T416P) was found in a homozygous state in one family and in a heterozygous state in four families. Pendred patients in three non-consanguineous families were shown to be compound heterozygotes for L236P and T416P. In total, one or both of these mutations were found in nine of the 14 families analyzed. The identification of two frequent PDS mutations will facilitate the molecular diagnosis of Pendred syndrome.   相似文献   
Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) has been implicated as a targeted self antigen in the immune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. T cell responses to GAD65 peptides have been detected in both patients with type I diabetes and in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse. To establish which GAD65 epitopes are important in the immunopathogenesis of disease we initially compared T cell responses to GAD65 epitopes in conditions of disease susceptibility and protection. T cell responses to GAD65 peptides were measured in monozygotic twin pairs selected on the basis of disease discordance and T cell recognition of immunogenic regions of GAD65. Peptides of interest were then used to immunize susceptible NOD mice and H2-E transgenic NOD mice which are protected from diabetes. A differential response to the epitope GAD65 521-535 discriminated diabetic from non-diabetic human twins as well as susceptible from protected mice. This epitope as well as GAD 505-519 induces T cell responses despite binding the type I diabetes associated HLA- DQA1*0301/DQB1*0302 product with low affinity. Since DQ-restricted T cell responses are difficult to study in humans, HLA-DQ8 transgenic mice were then used: GAD epitopes 521-535 and 505-519 induced responses in DQ8 transgenic mice and T cell lines were established. Long-term T cell lines against GAD 505-519 were HLA-DQ restricted, and responded to peptide with a strong IFN-gamma and IL-10 response. The findings implicate GAD 521-535 as a possible target peptide in pathogenesis and are compatible with a model whereby self-reactive T cells specific for low-affinity peptide-MHC complexes may escape thymic negative selection.   相似文献   
von Willebrand factor (vWF) multimers were examined in fetal, umbilical cord, and neonatal platelet-poor plasma (PPP) specimens. Sixty-five of 65 (100%) fetal PPP samples aged less than 35 weeks and seven of ten (70%) fetal samples aged greater than 35 weeks had unusually large vWF (ULvWF) multimers. Thirty of 46 (65%) cord PPP samples from neonates ranging in gestational age from 34 to 41 weeks had ULvWF. There was no significant relationship between either gestational age at time of delivery or birth weight and likelihood of finding ULvWF multimers in cord PPP samples. No maternal PPP sample contained ULvWF multimers. Serial heelstick samples from 16 preterm and term neonates were analyzed for 8 weeks. ULvWF multimers disappeared from the PPP of ten of the neonates during this time. The PPP of four neonates had vWF patterns similar to those in normal adult PPP throughout the sampling period. The ULvWF multimeric forms of fetal and neonatal PPP samples were similar to those constitutively released from endothelial cells. They were not as slowly migrating in a very porous 0.5% agarose gel system as the ULvWF multimers released from Weibel-Palade bodies in response to the calcium ionophore A23187. A vWF protomer was present in 97% of fetal samples, 83% of cord blood specimens, and 11% of neonatal heelstick samples, but was not found in any maternal sample. These results indicate that control mechanisms operative in older children and adults to prevent circulation of ULvWF multimers and vWF protomeric forms are normally acquired late in uterine life or during the neonatal period. ULvWF multimers, which are normal components of fetal, most cord, and some neonatal plasma samples, may contribute to in utero and postnatal hemostasis.  相似文献   
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