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H Kitamura  M Tsuboi  K Nagaki 《Immunology》1986,59(1):147-151
The isolated active complex of C5 and C6, C56, was found to bind to EAC142 in the absence of C3 or C7, and to form a unique intermediate, EAC14256, which is susceptible to lysis by the addition of C7, C8 and C9. Further studies revealed that C56 alone could bind to EAC142 but not to E, EA, EAC1 or EAC4, nor to EAC14 in the absence of C7, that the C56 binding to EAC142 was highly dependent on temperature and on the ionic strength of the buffer, and that the degree of EAC14256 formation from EAC142 and C56 depended on the amount of C2 on EAC142 and on the amount of added C56. These findings suggest that C2 or C42 on EAC142 may be an acceptor for C56. In addition, C56 appears to bind to EAC142 much more efficiently than to unsensitized erythrocytes, even in the presence of C7. Thus, binding of C56 to EAC142 is likely to be an initial step of membrane attack complex formation in C3-independent immune haemolysis.  相似文献   
Skp1 is a central component of the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCF (Skp1-Cullin-1-F-box). It forms an adapter bridge between Cullin-1 and the substrate-determining component, the F-box protein. In order to establish the role of Skp1, a temperature sensitive (ts) screen was carried out using mutagenic PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and 9 independent ts mutants were isolated. Mapping the mutated residues on the 3-D structure of human Skp1 suggested that the mutants would be compromised in binding to F-box proteins but not Cullin-1 (Pcu1). In order to assess the binding properties of ts Skp1, 12 F-box proteins and Pcu1 were epitope-tagged, and co-immunoprecipitation performed. This systematic analysis showed that ts Skp1 retains binding to Pcu1. However, binding to three specific F-box proteins, essential Pof1, Pof3 involved in maintaining genome integrity, and nonessential Pof10, was reduced. skp1ts cells exhibit a G2 cell cycle delay, which is attributable to activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. Intriguingly, contrary to pof3 mutants, in which this checkpoint is required for survival, checkpoint abrogation in skp1(ts) suppresses a G2 delay and furthermore almost rescues the ts phenotype. The activation mechanism of the DNA damage checkpoint therefore differs between pof3Delta and skp1(ts), implicating a novel role for Skp1 in the checkpoint-signalling cascade.  相似文献   
Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2), and cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMRglc) in patients with Alzheimer's disease. In the patients, values for CBF, CMRO2, and CMRglc have been shown to drop by 30-50% in comparison to age-matched normal controls. In the early stage (stage I), reductions in CBF and CMRO2 are prominent in the temporal and the temporoparietal cortices. In stage II, reduction in the parietal cortex also become quite prominent, and in the late stage (stage III) reduction begins prominently in the frontal cortex as well. These PET findings in Alzheimer's disease differ from those in vascular dementia, Pick's disease, and Huntington's disease. In the interrelationship among CBF, CMRO2 and higher brain function, CBF and CMRO2 decrease especially in the left frontal, the left temporal and the left parietal cortices in patients with marked language disability. On the contrary, CBF and CMRO2 decrease in the right temporal and the right parietal cortices in patients with marked apraxia and visuospatial deficits. Cerebral blood flow and metabolism are closely related to the functioning of nerve cells. Therefore we can isolate the region responsible for higher brain dysfunction and similarly evaluate the effects of treatment using cerebral blood flow and metabolism measurements.  相似文献   
Chronic effects of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4 NQO) on the lungs of Syrian golden hamsters were studied. 4 NQO was subcutaneously injected weekly for 3 weeks at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight. The animals were sacrificed at the 65th and 80th experimental weeks. Two cases of pulmonary adenomas were demonstrated in the 10 4 NQO-treated animals at the 80th week, and the tumor cells contained cytoplasmic lamellar inclusion bodies. In a previous study, we reported 4 NQO- induced pulmonary endocrine cell hyperplasias in the 4 NQO-treated hamster after the 20th experimental week (Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 77, 1986). In the present study, 12 pulmonary endocrine cell hyperplasias were recognized in serial sections of the 24 treated animals. The hyperplastic lesions showed positive immunoreactivity to calcitonin. The hyperplastic lesion did not develop to pulmonary endocrine cell neoplasm.  相似文献   
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