In this study, two-dimensional and pulsed Doppler echocardiography were used to measure cardiovascular changes before and
after IV atropine in 31 infants and small children during halothane (n = 15) or isoflurane (n = 16) anaesthesia. Prior to
induction of anaesthesia heart rate (HR), mean blood pressure (MBP), and two0dimensional echocardiographic dimensions of the
left ventricle and pulmonary artery bloodflow velocity were measured by pulsed Doppler echocardiography. Cardiovascular measurements
were repeated while anaesthesia was maintained at 1.5 MAC halothane (n = 15) or isoflurane (n = 16). Atropine 0.02 mg·kg−1 IV was then administered and two minutes later, a third set of cardiovascular data was obtained. Heart rate decreased during
halothane anaesthesia but did not change significantly during isoflurane anaesthesia. Mean blood pressure, cardiac output
(CO) and stroke volume (SV) decreased similarly during 1.5 MAC halothane or isoflurane anaesthesia. Ejection fraction (EF)
decreased and left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) increased significantly in bothgroups, but decreases in EF (32
± 5 percentvs18 ± 5 per cent) and increases in LVEDV (18 ± 7 per cent vs7 ± 5 per cent) were significantly greater during
halothane than during isoflurane anaesthesia. Following atropine, HR increased more in the patients maintained with halothane
(31 ± 6 per cent), than during isoflurane anaesthesia (18 ± 5 per cent). Atropine increased CO in both groups of patients,
but SV and EF remained unchanged. When compared with awake values, HR increased similarly and significantly (18 ± 4 per cent)
following atropine in both groups, and CO returned to control levels. Halothane decreased EF and increased LVEDV more than
isoflurane at 1.5 MAC end— expired anaesthetic levels. Atropine did not diminish the myocardial depression produced by halothane
or isoflurane. The increase in CO following atropine during halothane and isoflurane anaesthesia in infants and small children
is the result of increases in HR alone.
Nous avons utilisé un appareil à échocardiographie bi-dimensionnelle couplé à un Doppler pulsé chez des bébés et de jeunes
enfants pour évaluer l’impact hémodynamique de l’halothane (n = 15) et de l’isoflurane (n = 16) et la modification possible
de ces effets par l’atropine. Nous avons mesure la frequence cardiaque (FC), la pression artérielle moyenne (PAM), la dimension
de la cavité ventriculaire gauche (par écho bi-dimensionnelle) et la vélocité du flot sanguin pulmonaire (par Doppler) et
ce, en trois occasions soit avant l’induction, après l’instauration de 1.5 MAC d’halothane ou d’isoflurane et finalement,
deux minutes après l’injection IV de 0.02 mg·kg−1 d’atropine. On ne nota une baisse de la frequence cardiaque qu’avec l’halothane tandis que la PAM, le débit cardiaque (DC)
et le volume d’éjection (VE) diminuaient autant avec l’un ou l’autre anesthésique. La diminution de la fraction d’éjection
(FE) et l’augmentation du volume télédiastolique du ventricule gauche (VTDVG) significatives pour les deux groupes, étaienl
plus marqué avec l’halothane qu’avec l’isoflurane: FE 32 ± 5 pour cent vs18 ±5 pour cent; VTDVG 18 ± 7 pour cent vs 7 ± 5
pour cent. Avec l’atropine, la FC monta plus dans le groupe halothane (31 ± 6 pour cent) que dans le groupe isoflurane (18
± 5 pour cent), le DC augmentant dans les deux groupes, alors que le VE et la FE demeuraient inchangés. Comparée aux mesures
pré-induction, l’atropine amenait une hausse significative de la FC, semblable dans les deux groupes (18 ± 4 pour cent) et
restaurait le DC. Donc, chez les bebes et les jeunes enfants, a 1.5 MAC, l’halothane diminue la FE et augmente le VTDVG plus
que ne le fait l’isoflurane. L’atropine ne modifie pas la depression myocardique et elle ne restaure le DC que par une hausse
de la FC.
Supported by PHS Grant No. 8507300 from the College of Medicine, University of Iowa Hospital, Iowa City, IA. 相似文献
Total ascertainment revealed 28 families with haemophilia B in the west of Scotland (prevalence 1/26 870 males). In 12 of these families more than one person was affected and 26 living obligate carriers were identified and tested. Of these, 42% were heterozygous for a DNA polymorphism recognised by a factor IX genomic probe. No recombination was observed in 11 phase known and four phase unknown informative meioses. Definitive genetic counselling was possible for 14 of 42 females at risk, 11 could not be traced, in 10 the probe was not informative, and in seven paternal absence prevented interpretation. Linkage disequilibrium was apparent for this restriction fragment length polymorphism and haemophilia B in the west of Scotland. 相似文献
The occurrence of mitotic and chromosomal aberrations was examined in cultured lymphocytes from 25 African children suffering from acute measles at an early stage (0-5 days after onset of rash).
In eight cases the mitotic response to phytohaemagglutinin was impaired. In two cases extensive changes were observed, involving the formation of giant polykaryotic syncytia with chromosome pulverization. It is suggested that the development of giant cells in vivo and the damage to epithelial membranes characteristic of severe measles in the tropics are to be correlated with these changes.
A varying incidence of minor chromosome aberrations, mostly small gaps, was found in 15 cases of measles as well as in controls. The specific relationship of this type of aberration to the virus is questionable.
Mitotic activity was induced in two replicate lymphocyte cultures in the absence of phytohaemagglutinin.
The possible oncogenic potential of the measles virus is discussed in connection with the fusion-pulverization phenomenon.
Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal system known as the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Recently, Stoll and colleagues reported a novel finding of genetic variation in the DLG5 gene that is associated with IBD (CD and UC combined). We present here a study of the genetic variation described in that report in two well-powered, independent case-control cohorts and one family-based collection, and confirm the proposed association between IBD and the R30Q variant of DLG5 in two of the three studies. We are, however, unable to replicate the other proposed association to the common haplotype described in Stoll et al and suggest that this other finding could conceivably have been partially a statistical fluctuation and partially a result of LD with the replicated R30Q association. This study provides support for the hypothesis that DLG5 constitutes a true IBD risk factor of modest effect. 相似文献
There is concern that current procedures for the heat inactivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis may not be adequate. This raises serious safety issues for laboratory staff performing molecular investigations such as IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism typing. This paper confirms that the protocol of van Embden et al, as performed routinely in this laboratory, is safe and effective for the heat inactivation of M tuberculosis. This procedure involves complete immersion of a tube containing a suspension of one loopfull of growth in a water bath at 80 degrees C for 20 minutes. Seventy four isolates were included in this investigation. Despite prolonged incubation for 20 weeks, none of the heat killed M tuberculosis suspensions produced visible colonies or gave a positive growth signal from liquid culture. This method did not affect the integrity of the DNA for subsequent molecular investigations. 相似文献
1998 saw the publication of two papers describing the growth in vitro of human embryonic stem (ES) cells derived either from the inner cell mass (ICM) of the early blastocyst or the primitive gonadal regions of early aborted fetuses. Work on murine ES cells over many years had already established the amazing flexibility of ES cells, essentially able to differentiate into almost all cells that arise from the three germ layers. The realization of such pluripotentiality (see below) has, of course, resulted in the field of stem cell research going into overdrive, the establishment of many new biotechnology companies (, and a genuine belief that stem cell research will deliver a revolution in terms of how we treat cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, diabetes, and the like. However, many people believe that early human embryos should be accorded the same status as any sentient being and thus their 'harvesting' for stem cells is morally unjustifiable. With this in mind, other sources of malleable stem cells have been sought. In the adult, organ formation and regeneration was thought to occur through the action of organ- or tissue-restricted stem cells (i.e. haematopoietic stem cells giving rise to all the cells of the blood, neural stem cells making neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes). However, it is now believed that stem cells from one organ system, for example the haematopoietic compartment can develop into the differentiated cells within another organ system, such as the liver, brain or kidney. Thus, certain adult stem cells may turn out be as malleable as ES cells and so also be useful in regenerative medicine. This brief overview summarizes the important attributes of tissue-based stem cells and clarifies the terms used. 相似文献
Endocardial mononuclear cell infiltrates were studied in 2,350 consecutive biopsies from 172 patients over a period ranging from 4 to 16 months post cardiac transplantation. The patients, otherwise unselected, were equally subdivided into four groups based upon the specific type of maintenance immunosuppression used. This was to allow for comparison of the effects of four separate commonly used recipient immunosuppression protocols, which could potentially influence the characteristics of the infiltrates. With azathiaprine-corticosteroid immunosuppression, endocardial infiltrates in otherwise normal biopsies were exceedingly rare, very minor, and invariably unifocal. Mild and moderate rejection were associated with a highly significant stepwise increase in incidence, prominence, and multifocality of endocardial infiltrates. In contrast, with each of the three cyclosporine-based recipient immunosuppression protocols which were evaluated, approximately 15% of biopsies with no evidence of rejection were associated with endocardial infiltrates. There was a wide range of variation in the prominence of the endocardial infiltrates present. Multifocal infiltrates were frequently encountered, the incidence of which was exclusively dependent upon the specific cyclosporine-based immunosuppression protocol used. With mild and with moderate rejection there was a significant stepwise increase in overall biopsy incidence of all endocardial infiltrates in each of the three groups, although there was no variation in relative prominence of the infiltrates, or in incidence of multifocality when biopsies without rejection were compared. The presence of conspicuous vascular spaces within endocardial infiltrates and significant extension of the infiltrates into the adjacent myocardium, with or without associated myofiber necrosis, were characteristic features of the most prominent endocardial infiltrates in all three cyclosporine-based immunosuppression groups. This constellation of changes has sometimes been referred to as "Quilty" effect. The relative incidence with which these particular features were encountered in association with endocardial infiltrates did not vary with rejection category of the biopsies. This study has shown that the presence of all forms of endocardial infiltrates, in the absence of concomitant rejection, is a characteristic manifestation of cyclosporine-based recipient immunosuppression, regardless of the specific protocol and cyclosporine dosage schedule. Under azathiaprine-based immunosuppression, endocardial infiltrates are almost invariably associated with rejection. It is postulated that cyclosporine-related endocardial mononuclear cell infiltration, in the absence of overt rejection, may result from a low level alloimmune response secondary to fluctuations in cyclosporine drug levels or related factors, and that the incidence with these infiltrates occur can be augmented during acute rejection episodes when the strength of the recipient immune response is magnified. 相似文献