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Background contextAlthough the incidence of pyogenic spinal infections is increasing, the ideal treatment of spondylodiscitis is still a controversially discussed issue. Furthermore, the proportion of multiresistant bacteria in spondylodiscitis is increasing, and treatment recommendations or reported results are missing for this especially difficult subset of patients.PurposeThe aim of this study is to evaluate the surgical outcome and the postoperative antibacterial treatment regime.Study designRetrospective case series.Patient samplePatients treated for a spondylodiscitis from multiresistant bacteria at our department between 2006 and 2011.MethodsData were gathered through review of patients' case notes, relevant imaging, and electronic records. Magnetic resonance imaging of the whole spine including gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced T1 sequences and computed tomography scans of the affected regions were obtained in all cases.Outcome measuresC-reactive protein (CRP) and complete blood cell count were analyzed in all cases using routine laboratory techniques. Neurologic deficits were classified according to the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) impairment scale.ResultsTwenty-five patients were identified (15 gram-positive and 10 gram-negative drug-multiresistant bacteria). The mean age at presentation was 66 years, and 14 patients were male (56%). All patients presented with pain, and a neurologic deficit was present in 11 (44%) cases. An epidural abscess was found in 11 (44%) cases. At admission, CRP was elevated in all cases with a mean of 13±9.2 mg/dL. The main source of infection was previous spine surgery (36%). All patients in this series underwent surgical debridement of the infection and instrumentation of the spine. Postoperative intravenous antibiotics were administered for 19±8.6 days followed by 3±0.3 months of oral antibiotic therapy. Eradication of the infection was achieved ultimately in all surviving patients. Out of 11 patients with neurologic deficits, 4 had a full recovery, 4 improved incompletely, and 3 remained unchanged after surgery.ConclusionsStaged surgical immobilization and instrumentation and optimal debridement at the interdiscal space and spinal canal is a reliable approach to achieve complete healing of spinal infection with multiresistant bacteria. A period of intravenous antibiotic therapy of 2 to 3 weeks followed by a 3-month oral antibiotic therapy seems appropriate for most cases.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo examine the burden of mental health issues (MHI), namely anxiety, depressive disorders, and suicide, in a population-based cohort of older men with localized prostate cancer and to evaluate associations with primary treatment modality.Patients and methodsA total of 50,856 men, who were 65 years of age or older with clinically localized prostate cancer diagnosed between 1992 and 2005 and without a diagnosis of mental illness at baseline, were abstracted from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results–Medicare database. The primary outcome of interest was the development of MHI (anxiety, major depressive disorder, depressive disorder not elsewhere classified, neurotic depression, adjustment disorder with depressed mood, and suicide) after the diagnosis of prostate cancer.ResultsA total of 10,389 men (20.4%) developed MHI during the study period. Independent risk factors for MHI included age≥75 years (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.29); higher comorbidity (Charlson comorbidity index≥3, HR = 1.63); rural hospital location (HR = 1.14); being single, divorced, or widowed (HR = 1.12); later year of diagnosis (HR = 1.05); and urinary incontinence (HR = 1.47). Black race (HR = 0.79), very high-income status (HR = 0.87), and definitive treatment (radical prostatectomy [RP], HR = 0.79; radiotherapy [RT], HR= 0.85, all P<0.001) predicted a lower risk of MHI. The rates of MHI at 10 years were 29.7%, 29.0%, and 22.6% in men undergoing watchful waiting (WW), RT, and RP, respectively.ConclusionOlder men with localized prostate cancer had a significant burden of MHI. Men treated with RP or RT were at a lower risk of developing MHI, compared with those undergoing WW, with median time to development of MHI being significantly greater in those undergoing RP compared with those undergoing RT or WW.  相似文献   


Sacroiliac (SI) screws are used for osteosynthesis in unstable posterior pelvic ring injuries. In the cases of “sacral dysplasia”, in which the elevated upper sacrum does not allow a secure SI screw insertion into the S1 level, the S2 segment must be used to achieve stable fixation. The bone quality of the S2 segment is thinner compared to that of the S1 vertebra and may cause biomechanical weakness. An additional SI screw insertion into the S3 level may improve stability. With respect to the anatomical conditions of the posterior pelvic ring, there have been no anatomical investigations to date regarding SI screw placement into the third sacral segment.

Materials and methods

CT raw datasets from 125 patients (ø59 years, ø172 cm, ø76 kg) were post-processed using Amira 5.2 software to generate 3D pelvic models. A program code implemented in C++ computed a transverse bone corridor for the first, second and third sacral segments for a typical SI screw diameter of 7.3 mm. Volume, sagittal cross-section, iliac entrance area and length of the determined screw corridors were measured. A confidence interval of 95 % was assumed (p < 0.05).


The fully automatic computation revealed a possible transverse insertion for one 7.3-mm screw in the third sacral segment in 30 cases (24 %). The rate (60 %) of feasible S3 screw placements in the cases of sacral dysplasia (n = 25) is significantly higher compared to that (15 %) of “normal” sacra (n = 100). With regard to the existence of transverse iliosacroiliac corridors as a function of sacral position in between the adjacent iliac bone bilaterally, a new classification of three different shape conditions can be made: caudad, intermediate minor, intermediate major, and cephalad sacrum. Gender, age, body height and body weight had no statistically significant influence on either possible screw insertion or on the calculated data of the corridors (p > 0.05).


SI screw insertion into the third sacral level deserves discussion in the cases of sacral dysplasia. Biomechanical and practical utility must be verified.  相似文献   
Salvage of a failed Keller resection arthroplasty   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: A number of typical complications have been associated with Keller resection arthroplasty. Recurrent valgus deformity, cock-up deformity, and a flail toe may be difficult problems for the treating surgeon because options for salvage are limited. In this study, we evaluated arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint as a salvage technique following a failed Keller procedure. In addition, the outcomes of motion-preserving procedures were reviewed in a separate series. METHODS: Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint was performed in twenty-eight patients (twenty-nine feet, group A), and either a repeat Keller procedure or an isolated soft-tissue release was performed in eighteen patients (twenty-one feet, group B). The patients were evaluated at least twenty-four months postoperatively, with a personal interview and a clinical examination with use of a modification of the hallux metatarsal-interphalangeal scale. Radiographs were also made for the group treated with the arthrodesis. RESULTS: In group A, the average duration of follow-up was thirty-six months and fusion was achieved in twenty-six of the twenty-nine feet. Satisfaction was excellent or good in twenty-three cases, and the postoperative score according to the modified hallux metatarsal-interphalangeal scale averaged 76 points (maximum, 90 points). A repeat arthrodesis was necessary in five feet because of malposition or pseudarthrosis. In group B, the average duration of follow-up was seventy-four months. Satisfaction was excellent or good in only six cases, and the patient was dissatisfied in eleven cases. The score according to the modified hallux metatarsal-interphalangeal scale averaged 48 points. Valgus deviation and cock-up deformity had recurred in the majority of the feet at the time of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Although it is more technically demanding, we recommend arthrodesis for salvage following a failed Keller procedure since it may be associated with a higher rate of patient satisfaction and better clinical results.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare mangafodipir trisodium-enhanced MR imaging performed with a phased array coil and contrast-enhanced single-detector helical CT for accuracy in the detection and local staging of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and in the differentiation between cancer and focal pancreatitis. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Forty-two patients with suspected pancreatic masses underwent contrast-enhanced helical CT and mangafodipir trisodium-enhanced MR imaging at 1.5 T. The images were assessed for the presence or absence of tumors; characterization of masses; and presence of vascular invasion, lymph node metastases, or liver metastases. Imaging findings were correlated with findings at laparotomy, laparoscopy, biopsy, or follow-up. RESULTS: Focal masses were present in 36 patients (cancer, n = 26; focal pancreatitis, n = 7; other, n = 3). The sensitivity for lesion detection of MR imaging was 100% and of CT, 94%. Two small malignant lesions were missed on CT. For the diagnosis of tumor nonresectability, the sensitivity of MR imaging and CT was 90% and 80%, respectively. Liver metastases were missed on MR imaging in one of the eight patients and on CT in four. For differentiation between adenocarcinoma and nonadenocarcinoma, the sensitivity of MR imaging was 100% (positive predictive value, 90%; negative predictive value, 100%), and the sensitivity of CT was 92% (positive predictive value, 80%; negative predictive value, 67%). Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed that the mean area under the curve for MR imaging was 0.920 and for CT, 0.832 (not significant). CONCLUSION: Mangafodipir trisodium-enhanced MR imaging is as accurate as contrast-enhanced helical CT for the detection and staging of pancreatic cancer but offers improved detection of small pancreatic metastases and of liver metastases compared with CT.  相似文献   
There is some controversy over the treatment of acromioclavicular injuries. The use of the Rockwood classification as the basis for decisions on whether operative or nonoperative treatment is indicated is discussed critically, and the authors' preferred operative technique is described and illustrated by examples. We treat injuries classified according to the Rockwood classification as types I and II with conservative methods. In type III injuries the patient's age, job and free time activities determine whether or not surgery is indicated. In the case of type IV or type VI injuries we always perform temporary internal fixation of the acromioclavicular joint, using transarticular K-wire fixation or hookplate osteosynthesis. Satisfactory results of both operative and nonoperative treatment are reported in the literature. The authors' own results are presented.  相似文献   


Excellent long-term results have been reported for implantation of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA). In many patients the desire for improvement in function often includes an aspiration to return to sports. The purpose of our study was to evaluate physical activities after medial Oxford-III (Biomet) UKA surgery.


Patients’ physical activity before and after the surgery was assessed using a self reporting questionnaire. We used the Oxford knee scoring system (OKS), the WOMAC-, the Knee society- (KSS) and the UCLA-score to assess postoperative knee function. The mean follow-up was 4.2 years. The female-to-male ratio was 1.3:1. The mean age at surgery was 65.3 years.


Of the 131 patients studied 78 participated in some kind of sports before surgery (mean age 64.4 years), while 53 patients did not perform any sports (mean age 66.5 years) (p > 0.05). At follow-up the patients in the active group were significantly younger than the patients in the inactive group (p < 0.05). The majority of patients (80.1 %) returned to their level of sports activity after UKA surgery. Six patients took up sports after surgery while 15 patients stopped their sports. Among the active patients we found a shift from high- towards low-impact sports. The active patients had significantly higher scores for the OKS, KSS, WOMAC and UCLA score. The complication rate was comparable in both groups.


Our study demonstrates that a high degree of patient satisfaction in terms of sports activity can be achieved using the Oxford-III UKA for medial osteoarthritis.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Outcome measurement in shoulder surgery is essential to evaluate the patient safety and treatment efficiency. Currently this is jeopardized by the fact that most patient-reported selfassessment instruments are not comparable. Hence, the aim was to develop a reliable selfassessment questionnaire which allows an easy follow-up of patients. The questionnaire also allows the calculation of 3 well established scoring systems, i.e. the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), the Constant-Murley Score (CMS), and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Score. The subjective and objective items of these three systems were condensed into a single 30-questions form and validated against the original questionnaires. METHODS: A representative collective of patients of our shoulder clinic was asked to fill in the newly designed self-assessment Munich Shoulder Questionnaire (MSQ). At the same time, the established questionnaires for self-assessment of CONSTANT, SPADI and DASH scores were handed out. The obtained results were compared by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Fifty one patients completed all questionnaires. The correlation coefficients of the results were r = 0.91 for the SPADI, r = -0.93 for the DASH and r = 0.94 for the CMS scoring system, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We developed an instrument which allows a quantitative self-assessment of shoulder function. It provides compatible data sets for the three most popular shoulder function scoring systems by one single, short 30-item. This instrument can be used by shoulder surgeons to effectively monitor the outcome, safety and quality of their treatment and also compare the results to published data in the literature.  相似文献   
Surgery is still a main therapeutic option in breast cancer treatment. Nowadays, methods of resection and reconstruction vary according to different tumors and patients. This review presents and discusses standards of care and arising questions on how radical primary breast cancer surgery should be according to different clinical situations. In most early breast cancer patients, breast conservation is the method of choice. The discussion on resection margins is still controversial as different studies show conflicting results. Modified radical mastectomy is the standard in locally advanced breast cancer patients, although there are different promising approaches to spare skin or even the nipple-areola complex. A sentinel node biopsy is the standard of care in clinically node-negative invasive breast cancer patients, whereas the significance of axillary lymphonodectomy seems to be questioned through a number of different findings. Although there are interesting findings to modify surgical approaches in very young or elderly breast cancer patients, it will always be an individualized approach if we do not adhere to current guidelines. Up to date, there are no special surgical procedures in BRCA mutation carriers or patients of high-risk families.  相似文献   


The use of a mesh with good biocompatibility properties is of decisive importance for the avoidance of recurrences and chronic pain in endoscopic hernia repair surgery. As we know from numerous experiments and clinical experience, large-pore, lightweight polypropylene meshes possess the best biocompatibility. However, large-pore meshes of different polymers may be used as well and might be an alternative solution.  相似文献   
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