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Objective: To study the relation between CD226 rs763361 gene polymorphism and CD226 serum level and to evaluate their role in susceptibility and disease activity of RA in a cohort of Egyptian individuals.

Methods: The serum level of CD226 was measured using a suitable ELISA kit and the CD226 rs763361 gene polymorphism was typed by PCR-RFLP for 112 RA patients and 100 healthy controls.

Results: Significant association with RA was found with CD226 T allele (OR (95%CI) = 1.6 (1.04–2.4), P = 0.032), and higher CD226 serum level (P = 0.001). Higher CD226 levels were associated with higher ESR values (P = 0.035), positive CRP (0.048), increased number of tender joints (P = 0.045), and higher DAS score (P = 0.035). Serum CD226 is an independent risk factor for the prediction of RA (P = 0.001). No correlations were found between the serum level of CD226 and different CD226 genotypes and also between them and RA activity grades.

Conclusion: The CD226 T allele may be susceptibility risk factors for the development of RA and the higher serum level of CD226 may be involved in the pathogenesis of RA in Egyptian patients. The serum level of CD226 and not CD226 genotypes could be considered as an independent risk factor for the prediction of RA within healthy individuals and also for RA disease activity.  相似文献   

Gene products coded for by the major hisocompatibility complex (MHC) can serve as target antigens for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) (1). A variety of test systems are available which have yielded information consistently reinforcing the importance of this complex of genes in the generation and effector phases of the cytotoxic immune response. Originally, it was shown that allogeneically-induced CTL had specificity primarily for the products of the K and D loci of the mouse H-2 complex (2). More recently this has also been found to be the case for xenogeneic immunizations (3,4). Additional examples of T cell-mediated lysis have been reported involving viral-infected or chemically- modified syngeneic stimulating and target cells in which homology at H-2K or H-2D was required between the responding and target cells for appreciable lysis to occur (5-7). Moreover, CTL specific for minor histocompatability antigens are able to lyse only target cells bearing these membrane antigens and sharing a common H-2K or H2-D gene product with the effector (8,9). Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the requirement for H-2 identity between effector and targets in these systems. CTL may recognize new antigenic determinants created by the interaction of the modifier with syngeneic K and D gene products. Alternately, a dual recognition system my exist, requiring an antigen-specific receptor as well as a second receptor with specificity for homologous H-2K or H-2D determinants (5). Neither model can be excluded at this time. The I region also contains genes coding for histocompatibility loci since animals differing at the I-A or I-C regions of the H-2 complex reject skin grafts (10-12), though less rapidly than mice differing at the H-2K or H-2D regions, Also CTL can be generated to I region determinants but less efficiently than CTL specific for H-2K or H-2D gene products (12-14). The question can therefore be raised, whether the I region minor histocompatibility loci function independently from the H-2K or H-2D loci or whether I region-specific cytolysis requires the participation of H-2K or H-2D gene products of the target cell. This communication illustrates the generation of CTL showing specificity for I region determinants in primary mixed lymphocyte cultures. Further, we demonstrate by genetic analysis and byt eh use of speficit alloantisera that CTL directed to Ia determinants (a) do not see these antigens as modifications of H-2K or H-2D gene products but as independent gene products coded for by the I region, and (b) they do not require interaction with target cells bearing the same H-2K or H-2D gene product as the effect CTL.  相似文献   
The cell-mediated immune reactivity (CMI) of mice to contact chemicals such as picryl chloride (PCI) is influenced by thymus-derived suppressor T lymphocytes (1,2). The development of these suppressor T lymphocytes is stimulated by the intravenous administration of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS). Zembala and Asherson have further demonstrated that a specific suppressor factor(s) can be detected in the supernates of cultured suppressor T cells. This factor suppresses the transfer of contact sensitivity (CS) to PCl (1,2). In experiments reported elsewhere (3), we have shown that the PCl suppressor supernates of Zembala and Asherson can also suppress the development of contact sensitivity to PCl. The immunochemical analysis of suppressor factor (SF) operative in the CS response to PCl has revealed many similar properties (3) to other suppressive moieties functioning to limit the plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to dinitrophenylated-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (DNP-KLH) as well as the strict antigen specificity of each respective suppressive factor, suggested that there might be a common origin of these substances. Indeed, in each case these respective factors were found to bear determinants controlled by the H-2 gene complex (4,5). Recently, in selected systems, the I-J subregion has been found to code for the Ia determinants present on suppressor cells (6) and suppressor factors (4,5). In accord with these findings, we report that antigen-specific SF which limit the CS response to PCl bear I-J determinants, implying that analogous suppressive regulatory mechanisms in CMI as well as antibody responses may be determined by genes of one subregion of the H-2 complex.  相似文献   
Previous reports from our laboratory have demonstrated the stimulation of specific suppressor T cells in genetic nonresponder mice after immunization with the terpolymer of L- glutamic acid, L-alanine, and L-tyrosine (GAT) (1,2) and with the copolymer of L-glutamic acid and L-tyrosine (GT) (3-5). These findings raise two important questions: (a) do the specific suppressor T cells inhibit an antibody response which would otherwise develop in nonresponder mice; and, (b) can specific helper T cells inhibit an antibody response which would otherwise develop in nonresponder mice; and, (b) can specific helper T-cell activity be detected in these animals. Responsiveness appears to be completely dominant over suppression in (responder x suppressor)F(1) hybrids, therefore, we have been unable to detect suppressor cells in these hybrids after conventional immunization with GAT (2). However , using special conditions of antigen administration, GAT helper activity could be demonstrated in nonresponder DBA/1 (“suppressor”) mice. Thus, GAT-specific helper activity was not detected in these nonresponder animals after immunization with GAT irrespective of the adjuvant used, but could be stimulated by macrophage-bound GAT or by GAT complexed with methylated bovine serum albumin GAT-MBSA (6). In the current report we have taken advantage of the fact that suppressor T-cell activity is more sensitive to cyclophosphamide treatment than T-cell helper activity (7) to demonstrate the presence of GT-specific helper activity in “nonresponder” BALB/c mice. We describe: (a) the dose of cyclophosphamide and conditions of treatment which inhibits the well-documented stimulation of specific suppressor T cells in BALB/c mice injected with GT previous to immunization with GT-MBSA, and (b) the ability of cyclophosphamide to permit the development of primary PFC responses to GT in these “nonresponder” mice. These cyclophosphamide-induced responses are not characterized by the high levels of antibody detected in genetic responder animals.  相似文献   
In a patient with Richter's syndrome, the chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) expressed lambda, mu, and delta immunoglobulin (lg) chains and the non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) kappa, mu, and delta lg chains. The difference in lg light chain expression suggests that the CLL and NHL are independent malignancies, or that the oncogenic event occurred in a B cell differentiation stage after the heavy chain gene rearrangements but before the selection of the light chain. Analysis of DNA by Southern blotting revealed that the lg heavy chain genes of the two malignancies were rearranged in a different way. We therefore conclude that in this patient the NHL cannot be regarded as a progression of the CLL but should most likely be considered as an independent B cell malignancy, which arose in a susceptible host.  相似文献   
目的评价具有促进TNF-αmRNA降解的免疫调节剂沙利度胺在预防ERCP术后胰腺炎中的作用。方法建立ERCP术后胰腺炎模型,治疗组术前8天起沙利度胺灌胃,并设立假手术组、无治疗组和赋形物对照组。24h后比较血清淀粉酶水平、胰腺水肿程度以及组织学炎症评分,并比较胰腺组织TNF-αmRNA表达情况。结果沙利度胺显著降低血清淀粉酶、减轻胰腺水肿及组织学炎症评分,并显著降低胰腺组织中TNF-αmRNA的表达。结论TNF-α可能在ERCP术后胰腺炎的发生发展中起着重要作用.预防性使用沙利度胺能有效减轻ERCP术后胰腺炎的严重程度。  相似文献   
A culture system has been developed that promotes growth of clonogenic lymphoma cells of some patients with intermediate and high-grade malignant lymphoma. The formation of colonies in bone marrow, lymph nodes, and peripheral blood samples is best supported by human plasma. Colony formation of some patients was dependent upon growth factors, which in this study were added in the form of medium conditioned by phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated leukocytes (PHA-LCM). Some gave rise to lymphoma colonies without PHA-LCM but improved their frequency with PHA-LCM; others were completely independent of PHA-LCM. Colonies grown in primary cultures were routinely recloned and propagated as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-negative cell lines with stable B cell phenotype. The cell lines showed the same immunoglobulin rearrangement pattern as that observed in the primary lymphoma sample. In addition, a significant clinical correlation was observed between culture data and clinical outcome. Survival of patients who formed lymphoma colonies at any time during their clinical course was significantly shorter than survival of patients who did not give rise to colonies (P = 0.0009). The same observation was made when the survival assessment was performed for the subset of patients studied at diagnosis (P = 0.0014).  相似文献   
Studies on baboons and preliminary observations in three patients with sickle cell anemia (SS) suggested that high doses of pulse administered recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) stimulate F-reticulocyte production. We now report on the administration of rHuEPO in a double- blind format to ascertain frequency of response and potential precipitation of side effects. Ten patients were enrolled, but one was discontinued due to the indication of a blood transfusion. Of the other nine, five received rHuEPO in escalating doses (from 400 to 1,500 U per kg twice daily [BID] per week), alternating with a placebo, in blinded fashion. The second group, consisting of four patients, followed an identical protocol (except starting dose was 1,000 U/Kg, BID per week) and were iron supplemented during treatment. The criterion of response was a transient doubling (as a minimum) of the steady-state F- reticulocyte level. We found that none of the five patients in the first group responded to rHuEPO, and two of them became iron deficient, as judged by a significant decrease in ferritin. Of the second group, four patients responded with F-reticulocyte increases. In three patients, open label administration of rHuEPO confirmed the effect. We observed seven painful episodes during this study, two during the EPO administration and five during the placebo arm. Three patients were phlebotomized because the hemoglobin level increased 1.5 g/dL more than steady-state levels. Of the six patients followed-up by percent dense cell determinations, one exhibited increased levels during periods of the treatment, whereas the other five showed no change. No anti-rHuEPO antibodies were detected. We conclude that rHuEPO can stimulate F- reticulocyte response in some patients with sickle cell anemia, without apparent negative clinical side effects. The state of iron stores may be critical. Whether higher doses of rHuEPO and/or a different regimen might induce sustained F cells and fetal hemoglobin increases remains to be determined.  相似文献   
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