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[目的]了解产科护士工作压力源和常用的应对方式,以期帮助护士采取积极的应对方式缓解工作压力,维护身心健康。[方法]采用问卷调查法对58名产科护士工作压力源和应对方式进行调查。[结果]产科护士工作压力来源依次为:病人护理方面的问题、护理专业及工作方面的问题、管理及人际方面的问题、时间分配及工作量问题、工作环境及仪器设备问题。其中主要压力源子条目分别为担心工作中出现差错事故、经常倒班、工作量太大等。产科护士常采用的应对方式为积极应对,其中主要为尽量看到事物好的一面,与人交谈、倾诉内心烦恼等。[结论]护理管理者应了解产科护士的主要工作压力源,帮助护士积极应对。  相似文献   
The evolution of intra-host human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) quasispecies prior and after treating active tuberculosis (TB) with chemotherapy in HIV-1/TB patients was assessed. Two time points HIV-1 quasispecies were evaluated by comparing HIV-1-infected patients with active tuberculosis (HIV-1/TB) and HIV-1-infected patients without tuberculosis (HIV-1/non-TB). Plasma samples were obtained from the Frankfurt HIV cohort, and HIV-1 RNA was isolated. C2V5 env was amplified by PCR and molecular cloning was performed. Eight to twenty-five clones were sequenced from each patient. Various phylogenetic analyses were performed. We found a significant increase in diversity and divergence in HIV-1/TB compared to the HIV-1/non-TB. For HIV-1/TB, the average rate of evolution of C2V5 env was higher than previous reports (2.4 × 10−4 substitution/site/day). Two groups of HIV-1/TB were observed based on the rate of HIV-1 evolution and coreceptor usage: A fast evolving R5-tropic dominating group and a relatively slowly evolving X4 group. The results demonstrated that active TB has an impact on HIV-1 viral diversity and divergence over time. The influence of active TB on longitudinal evolution of HIV-1 may be predominant for R5 viruses.  相似文献   
Two malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDT), Parascreen Pan/Pf® and Paracheck Pf®, were tested in rural health centres in Ethiopia against independent expert microscopy (the gold standard). Participants (n =1997) presented with presumptive malaria to ten health centers in Amhara Regional State during the 2007 peak malaria season (October to December). By microscopy, 475 (23.8%) suspected malaria cases were positive, of which 57.7% were P. falciparum; 24.6% P. vivax and 17.7% mixed infections. Parascreen and Paracheck were positive for 442 (22.1%) and 277 (13.9%) febrile patients, respectively. For Parascreen, P. falciparum sensitivity was 79.6%, specificity 97.4%, positive predictive value (PPV) 86.9%, and negative predictive value (NPV) 95.6%. For Parascreen, P. vivax sensitivity was 74.4%, specificity 98.6%, PPV 76.3% and NPV 98.4%. For Paracheck, P. falciparum sensitivity was 73.7%, specificity 99.2%, PPV 95.3%, NPV 94.5%. Sensitivity was significantly higher for both tests (P < 0.05) when parasite density was >100/μl of blood; in these cases Parascreen was 90.7% and 91.5% sensitive for P. falciparum and P. vivax, respectively, while Paracheck was 87.9% sensitive for P. falciparum. Parascreen thus performed adequately for both P. falciparum and P. vivax compared to expert microscopy and is more useful than Paracheck where microscopy is unavailable.  相似文献   
李源  周宗蓉  罗碧如 《护理学杂志》2020,35(18):107-110
随着精准理念向临床医学各个专业迅速渗透,精准护理应运而生。通过溯源精准护理的内涵、理清其概念范畴,从护理评估、症状管理、用药督导和健康教育4个方面分析精准医学视域下护理理念的革新和实践进展,展望精准护理的未来前景,以期为精准护理研究和实践的深入推进提供参考。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: CYP46, the gene encoding cholesterol 24-hydroxylase, plays a key role in the hydroxylation of cholesterol and thereby mediates its removal from brain. OBJECTIVE: To study the association of polymorphic sites on CYP46 with Alzheimer disease (AD) traits and with the risk of the development of AD. DESIGN: Alzheimer disease traits (beta-amyloid load, beta-amyloid peptides, hyperphosphorylated tau protein) were assessed in brain tissues and in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with AD and control subjects. Genetic associations were studied in 2 independent populations. SETTING: Specialized centers for memory disorders in Switzerland, Greece, and Italy. PARTICIPANTS: Fifty-five brain tissues from nondemented elderly patients for the histopathological studies; 38 patients with AD and 25 control subjects for the cerebrospinal fluid studies; 201 patients with AD and 248 control subjects for the genetic association studies. RESULTS: A polymorphism of CYP46 was associated with increased beta-amyloid load in brain tissues as well as with increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of beta-amyloid peptides and phosphorylated tau protein. Moreover, this CYP46 polymorphism was associated with higher risk of late-onset sporadic AD in 2 independent populations (odds ratio, 2.16; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.41-3.32; P<.001). The additional presence of 1 or 2 apolipoprotein E epsilon4 alleles synergistically increased the risk of AD to an odds ratio of 9.6 (95% CI, 4.9-18.9; P<.001) as compared with 4.4 for apolipoprotein E epsilon4 alone (95% CI, 2.8-6.8; P<.001). CONCLUSION: CYP46 influences brain beta-amyloid load, cerebrospinal fluid levels of beta-amyloid peptides and phosphorylated tau, and the genetic risk of late-onset sporadic AD.  相似文献   
目的了解妊娠不同时期孕妇对运动的认知程度及运动方式,为进一步有针对性地指导孕妇合理运动提供依据。方法采用便利抽样的方法,选取成都市某妇女儿童专科医院门诊进行产前检查的妊娠早期、中期、晚期孕妇各396例,采用自行设计的问卷进行运动认知及运动方式调查。结果 55.30%孕妇能认识到孕期不合理运动的危害,82.36%能认识到孕期合理运动的好处,55.73%有信心进行孕期运动,但同时也面临着不同程度的障碍,如个人习惯、工作太忙、对运动知识不了解等;散步和爬楼梯是孕妇最主要的运动方式;不同妊娠时间孕妇散步、慢跑、游泳参与率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论大多数孕妇能认识到孕期合理运动的好处以及不合理运动的危害,且有信心进行运动,但仍受多种因素的影响;同时,孕妇的运动方式过于单一,存在安全顾虑。医护人员应加大孕期运动安全的指导,结合孕妇的实际情况,指导其选择安全、有效的孕期运动方式。  相似文献   


Laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) has become a safe and feasible procedure for cases involving spleens of normal size. Only a few publications report on the outcome of LS with preoperative splenic artery embolization (SAE) for massive splenomegaly. The authors present their experience in patients with massive splenomegaly who underwent laparoscopic-assisted splenectomy (LAS) or hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy (HALS) following SAE.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To ascertain whether case-finding through community outreach in a rural setting has an effect on case-notification rate, symptom duration, and treatment outcome of smear-positive tuberculosis (TB). METHODS: We randomly allocated 32 rural communities to intervention or control groups. In intervention communities, health workers from seven health centres held monthly diagnostic outreach clinics at which they obtained sputum samples for sputum microscopy from symptomatic TB suspects. In addition, trained community promoters distributed leaflets and discussed symptoms of TB during house visits and at popular gatherings. Symptomatic individuals were encouraged to visit the outreach team or a nearby health facility. In control communities, cases were detected through passive case-finding among symptomatic suspects reporting to health facilities. Smear-positive TB patients from the intervention and control communities diagnosed during the study period were prospectively enrolled. FINDINGS: In the 1-year study period, 159 and 221 cases of smear-positive TB were detected in the intervention and control groups, respectively. Case-notification rates in all age groups were 124.6/10(5) and 98.1/10(5) person-years, respectively (P = 0.12). The corresponding rates in adults older than 14 years were 207/10(5) and 158/10(5) person-years, respectively (P = 0.09). The proportion of patients with >3 months' symptom duration was 41% in the intervention group compared with 63% in the control group (P<0.001). Pre-treatment symptom duration in the intervention group fell by 55-60% compared with 3-20% in the control group. In the intervention and control groups, 81% and 75%, respectively of patients successfully completed treatment (P = 0.12). CONCLUSION: The intervention was effective in improving the speed but not the extent of case finding for smear-positive TB in this setting. Both groups had comparable treatment outcomes.  相似文献   
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