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Endorectal ultrasonography was evaluated in the diagnosis of prostatic cancer, using a high frequency (7,5 MHz) mechanical sectorial endocavitary probe developed by the authors. In a first study, sonograms from a series of 213 patients were interpreted retrospectively without any knowledge of the clinical or pathological findings. Specificity for the diagnosis of cancer (true non-malignant/total non-malignant) reached 79%, whereas sensitivity (true malignant/total malignant) was only 48%. Pathology was available for 132 patients. In a second study, 72 ultrasonically guided biopsies were performed in patients presenting either with a suspicious induration without nodule (47 cases) or a palpable nodule (25 cases). Good quality biopsy specimens, and absence of complication were remarkable. However, the 10 cancer cases (5 diagnosed in each group) did not show sonographically clearly different from the remaining adenoma, prostatitis and normal cases.  相似文献   
Fifty-four patients with 65 superficial malignant lesions were treated by local hyperthermia combined with radiation therapy at the National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo. Hyperthermia was delivered with an Aloka Model HMS-020 (2450 MHz) or with a horn-type applicator of BSD-1000 (80-90 MHz). Relatively small tumours, those less than 4 cm in thickness, were treated by using 2450 MHz while 80-90 MHz delivered through the horn-type applicator was used for tumours exceeding 5 cm in thickness. The radiation dose was 4 Gy twice a week or 2 Gy five times a week, the total dose being 40-60 Gy. A total of six to 10 hyperthermia treatments ranging from 40 to 60 min each, with the tumour heated to more than 42.5 degrees C, were given twice a week within 1 h following radiation therapy. Complete response was achieved in 16 of the 30 patients (55 per cent) treated with the 2450 MHz microwave, and partial response in seven others (23 per cent). Tumours treated with the BSD-1000 achieved complete response in 10 out of 33 patients (30 per cent) and partial response in nine others (27 per cent). In five out of nine patients classified as partial responders, however, complete disappearance of tumour cells was noted by post-treatment histological examination. Complete plus partial response rates were thus essentially the same with the Aloka HMS-020 and the BSD-1000, though the rate of complete response was apparently higher with the Aloka unit, probably because it was used on smaller tumours.  相似文献   
The growth of Plasmodium falciparum in erythrocytes from individuals with beta zero-thalassaemia or haemoglobin (Hb) E, or both, was assessed in vitro. A significant inhibitory effect on the growth of the parasite was found only with erythrocytes from individuals doubly heterozygous for beta zeros-thalassaemia and HbE. The inhibitory effect was particularly marked with erythrocytes from splenectomized beta zeros-thalassaemia/HbE patients. The protective effect was related to HbF, Hb levels and shape abnormalities of the variant erythrocytes.  相似文献   
There have only been a few studies on the role of mineral intake in tooth loss. We investigated the association between mineral intake and the prevalence of tooth loss in Japan. We used the baseline data on 1002 pregnant women who were enrolled in the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study between November 2001 and March 2003. Tooth loss was defined as the previous extraction of one or more teeth. Nutrient intake was assessed by a validated diet history questionnaire. Prevalence odds ratios and confidence intervals were estimated by applying a multiple logistic regression model. The adjusted odds ratio upon comparison of the highest quartile with the lowest quartile of magnesium intake was 0.64 (95% confidence interval, 0.42-0.99), showing a tendency for an inverse dose-response relationship (p for linear trend = 0.05). There were no associations between the level of consumption of calcium, phosphate, iron, zinc, or copper and tooth loss. The present findings suggest that intake of magnesium is related to reduced prevalence of tooth loss among young Japanese women.  相似文献   
We report a 24-year-old woman with an intramedullary conus ependymoma associated with holocord syringohydromyelia and syringobulbia. The tumor was removed and surgery for decompression of the syringohydromyelia was not considered at the first operation. In the follow-up examinations, MRI showed significant and steady improvement of syringohydromyelia. Symptoms associated with syringohydromyelia also disappeared. The cause of syringohydromyelia accompanying intradural spinal cord tumors appears to be either direct blockade of the central canal or secondary interruption of the central canal flow by compression of the perimedullary cerebrospinal fluid flow. As removal of the mass often corrects both these likely causes of the syringohydromyelia, no additional treatment for the drainage of the hydromyelia cavity syrinx is usually necessary.  相似文献   
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