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Conclusions Brain death (or cerebral death) means definitive cessation of all neural functions above the spinal cord, thus implying the irreversible loss of all cerebral and brain stem functions.Spinal cord activity may persist after brain death-priapism, persistence of myotatic reflexes- for a few minutes and this spinal activity may be responsible for coarse limb movements after life-support machines have been turned off.The preservation of these spinal reflexes reinforces the advice to allow only responsible doctors to assist at the declaration of death of the patient.  相似文献   
Theodor Leber grew up in Heidelberg as the son of a professor of Romance languages. Initially he planned to study natural sciences. Bunsen's advice led him to medicine. During his studies he succeeded in solving a competition problem posed by Helmholtz in the medical department. A short period of practical work in the eye hospital of Knapp was unsatisfactory. In Vienna with the physiologist Carl Ludwig, he was able in 1863/64, at the age of only 24 years, to demonstrate the blood circulation of the eye by color injections into the arteries and veins. Since that time the schematic drawings of his results can be found in every textbook of ophthalmology. On the occasion of the congress of the German Ophthalmological Society in Heidelberg in 1864, Theodor Leber reported on these findings and met with immense approval. In 1864–67 he followed an invitation as coworker of Liebreich to Paris; in 1867 he became A.v. Graefe's coworker in Berlin; in 1871 he moved to Göttingen, which became the first eye clinic with a laboratory for experimental investigations.The second epoch-making discovery accomplished by Leber was the detection of the fluid exchange in the eye. These results have also been confirmed by modern methods. Therefore, Theodor Leber can be called the father of experimental ophthalmology.  相似文献   
A pharmacist consult service was developed to evaluate the appropriateness of enteral feeding through a permanent ostomy in 24 nonambulatory patients with severe developmental disabilities. Several problems with enteral nutrition were identified. Policies to improve them were instituted, and several educational presentations were made. Pharmacists' actions were implemented, including assessment of energy needs by indirect calorimetry and rearrangement of enteral feeding schedules to achieve optimal nutrition support and pharmacotherapy administration. By the fourth month of the consult service, body weight in these patients increased from 101 ± 6% of baseline to 109 ± 7% (p<0.05). Weight continued to increase through the seventh month of the consult service to 116 ± 12% of baseline (p<0.0001). Measured resting energy expenditure for the group was 889 ± 170 kcal/day compared with the predicted 1055 ± 163 kcal/day.  相似文献   
Paclitaxel is an antineoplastic agent derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree that has activity against many tumors including breast and ovarian carcinomas. In the past, its extravasation quality has been considered to be a local irritant; however, recent reports suggest that the agent may be a vesicant. A patient experienced a delayed vesicant reaction to a paclitaxel extravasation that resulted in severe necrosis. No acute symptoms were reported at the time of extravasation from the 24-hour peripheral paclitaxel infusion. However, on day 11 the patient complained of severe and progressive pain at the site of extravasation. The site was erythematous and had areas of central necrosis requiring debridement and closure by a plastic surgeon. Because paclitaxel possesses vesicant characteristics, health care professionals should be aware of its potential extravasation hazard. Prolonged peripheral infusions should be avoided or administered with extreme caution.  相似文献   
Summary The ESR spectra produced in irradiated dentin have been studied over a range of incident radiation energies from 50 kVp to 25 MVp. The behavior of the dentin ESR signal strength is similar to that of enamel as a function of the energy of the incident radiation. The magnitude of the dentin ESR signals are, however, up to 10 times smaller than the signals of dental enamel for a given radiation energy. The possible contributions of radiation interaction coefficients, chemical structure, and crystallite size to the differences in ESR spectra are discussed.  相似文献   
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