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Exposure to traumatic events is common, particularly among economically disadvantaged, urban African Americans. There is, however, scant data on the psychological consequences of exposure to traumatic events in this group. We assessed experience with traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among 1,306 randomly selected, African American residents of Detroit. Lifetime prevalence of exposure to at least 1 traumatic event was 87.2% (assault = 51.0%). African Americans from Detroit have a relatively high burden of PTSD; 17.1% of those who experienced a traumatic event met criteria for probable lifetime PTSD. Assaultive violence is pervasive and is more likely to be associated with subsequent PTSD than other types of events. Further efforts to prevent violence and increase access to mental health treatment could reduce the mental health burden in economically disadvantaged urban areas.  相似文献   


Concurrent partnerships (CPs) have been suggested as a risk factor for transmitting HIV, but their impact on the epidemic depends upon how prevalent they are in populations, the average number of CPs an individual has and the length of time they overlap. However, estimates of prevalence of CPs in Southern Africa vary widely, and the duration of overlap in these relationships is poorly documented. We aim to characterize concurrency in a more accurate and complete manner, using data from three disadvantaged communities of Cape Town, South Africa.


We conducted a sexual behaviour survey (n=878) from June 2011 to February 2012 in Cape Town, using Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing to collect sexual relationship histories on partners in the past year. Using the beginning and end dates for the partnerships, we calculated the point prevalence, the cumulative prevalence and the incidence rate of CPs, as well as the duration of overlap for relationships begun in the previous year. Linear and binomial regression models were used to quantify race (black vs. coloured) and sex differences in the duration of overlap and relative risk of having CPs in the past year.


The overall point prevalence of CPs six months before the survey was 8.4%: 13.4% for black men, 1.9% for coloured men, 7.8% black women and 5.6% for coloured women. The median duration of overlap in CPs was 7.5 weeks. Women had less risk of CPs in the previous year than men (RR 0.43; 95% CI: 0.32–0.57) and black participants were more at risk than coloured participants (RR 1.86; 95% CI: 1.17–2.97).


Our results indicate that in this population the prevalence of CPs is relatively high and is characterized by overlaps of long duration, implying there may be opportunities for HIV to be transmitted to concurrent partners.  相似文献   


A decreased frequency of unprotected sex during episodes of concurrent relationships may dramatically reduce the role of concurrency in accelerating the spread of HIV. Such a decrease could be the result of coital dilution – the reduction in per-partner coital frequency from additional partners – and/or increased condom use during concurrency. To study the effect of concurrency on the frequency of unprotected sex, we examined sexual behaviour data from three communities with high HIV prevalence around Cape Town, South Africa.


We conducted a cross-sectional survey from June 2011 to February 2012 using audio computer-assisted self-interviewing to reconstruct one-year sexual histories, with a focus on coital frequency and condom use. Participants were randomly sampled from a previous TB and HIV prevalence survey. Mixed effects logistic and Poisson regression models were fitted to data from 527 sexually active adults reporting on 1210 relationship episodes to evaluate the effect of concurrency status on consistent condom use and coital frequency.


The median of the per-partner weekly average coital frequency was 2 (IQR: 1–3), and consistent condom use was reported for 36% of the relationship episodes. Neither per-partner coital frequency nor consistent condom use changed significantly during episodes of concurrency (aIRR=1.05; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.99–1.24 and aOR=1.01; 95% CI: 0.38–2.68, respectively). Being male, coloured, having a tertiary education, and having a relationship between 2 weeks and 9 months were associated with higher coital frequencies. Being coloured, and having a relationship lasting for more than 9 months, was associated with inconsistent condom use.


We found no evidence for coital dilution or for increased condom use during concurrent relationship episodes in three communities around Cape Town with high HIV prevalence. Given the low levels of self-reported consistent condom use, our findings suggest that if the frequency of unprotected sex with each of the sexual partners is sustained during concurrent relationships, HIV-positive individuals with concurrent partners may disproportionately contribute to onward HIV transmission.  相似文献   
A phase I study to evaluate heparinization of tunnelled subclavian catheters (TSC) was conducted in 42 patients who each had a TSC for chemotherapy. They were enrolled in the study from August 1994 to December 1995. The inclusion criteria were: age 18–70, no general anticoagulant treatment, TSC used only for chemotherapy, informed consent. Heparinization was performed at the end of each cycle and then at increasing intervals: 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, and 21 days. A 21-day interval was intended to mimic the suppression of heparinization between cycles. Heparinization was performed with a 250 IU/ml heparin solution. Anti-Xa activity was studied before each heparinization. For each interval, at least 5 patients were followed up for two cycles. If no blockages were present progression to the next step was authorized. If one blockage was observed 5 additional patients were required to have their TSCs heparinized after the same interval. Two blockages (block) after the same interval meant that the previous interval was recorded as the longest tolerable. There were no blocks with the 11-day interval (6 patients), 1 block after 13 days (10 patients), 1 block after 15 days (10 patients), and no blocks after 17 days (5 patients), 19 days (6 patients), or 21 days (5 patients). The median anti-Xa activity (curative rate 0.2–0.6) was, respectively 11 days 6.74; 13 days 5.47; 15 days 4.71; 17 days 3.61; 19 days 3.67; 21 days 5.10 (NS). Heparinization between two cycles of chemotherapy is unnecessary. A high level of heparin activity persisted constantly inside the catheter lumen through the 3-week observation period.  相似文献   
This article summarizes data from a 2004 study of over 300,000 high school students (aged 13-18 years) in nine South American countries. A probabilistic sample targeted urban secondary schools, utilizing a self-administered questionnaire on prevalence and frequency of substance use. Multivariate analysis showed that volatile substances were the first or second most commonly reported substances used after alcohol and cigarettes in all countries (lifetime prevalence range: 2.67% [Paraguay] to 16.55% [Brazil]). Previous studies have highlighted volatile substance misuse among street children, whereas this study demonstrates that it is common among South American high school students.  相似文献   
World Health Organization (WHO) recommends antihypertensive therapy for mild to moderate hypertensive patients after 3 or more visits. We tested the hypothesis that an ambulatory blood pressure recording could also help to decide which patient need therapy. Blood pressure was measured in 89 essential, uncomplicated, hypertensive patients (diastolic (DBP): 90-110 mmHg, mean age: 41 +/- 13 years), with a mercury sphygmomanometer at 3 visits and with an ambulatory blood pressure recorder (Spacelabs) during 12 hours. According to WHO recommendations, patients were classified "WHO+" if they need a treatment (n = 44) and "WHO-" if they did not. The mean ambulatory DBP of each subject was compared to the arbitrary limit defined as the mean +2 standard deviations of the ambulatory DBP of a population of normotensive subjects in the same decade and same sex: patients with ambulatory DBP above this limit were defined "AMB+" (n = 27), the others were "AMB-". Ten patients were "WHO- AMB+" and 24 were "WHO+ AMB-". These discordances were independent of age, body weight, duration of hypertension, variability of ambulatory systolic and diastolic blood pressure defined by the standard deviation. By contrast, the difference between the measurements of the simultaneous blood pressure measurements performed with the two methods (mercury sphyngmomanometer and Spacelabs) 2 times by each patient could explain in part these discrepancies. The Spacelabs underestimates DBP measured with the mercury sphyngmomanometer in patients "AMB-" but not in patient "AMB+".(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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