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The political disintegration of former Yugoslavia inaugurated in 1991 resulted in the decentralization of health systems in the federation's successor nation-states. Efforts by the Open Society Institute improved public health planning and management needs consequent to health sector changes. Beginning in Croatia in 2001, the Institute developed ongoing collaborations between Andrija Stampar School of Public Health and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2003 and 2004, it expanded its project to include the republics of Macedonia and of Serbia and Montenegro.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The laboratories of Carmel Medical Centre were located in the main hospital building since its establishment (1977). Due to expansion of the clinical wards, the laboratories were relocated to a nearby building. The project was utilized for reorganization of the laboratories. METHODS: The basic design addressed the existing hospital needs based mainly on the original organization of the laboratories. The project allowed for the prospective organizational changes. The planning, design, and erection were performed by teams of the hospital and by outside parties, headed by the hospital management and the laboratories' director. The laboratories' staff was involved in all phases of the project. RESULTS: The project laid the foundations for future consolidation, i.e., establishment of a central reception station and merging of chemistry, endocrinology, pharmacology, and segments of immunology. The merging involved performance but not validation of tests. Separation between research and routine work was achieved. By-products attained were as follows: simplification of tube handling, reduction in volume of blood needed, improvements in safety, employees' amenities, general atmosphere, and communication within personnel. CONCLUSION: The successful transfer resulted from appropriate design, close cooperation between management and personnel, and the ability to pinpoint problems at early stages with ad hoc solutions.  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to determine the epidemiological relationships in three unrelated cases of neonatal late-onset Group B streptococcal (GBS) disease and maternal breast-milk infection with GBS. All deliveries were by cesarean section; case 1 was at term, and cases 2 and 3 were at 32- and 33-wk gestation, respectively. Case 1 relates to a mother with clinical mastitis and recurrent GBS infection in a 20-day-old male infant. Following antibiotic therapy and cessation of breast-feeding, the infant recovered without sequelae. Case 2 refers to a mother with clinical mastitis and the occurrence of late-onset GBS disease in 5-wk-old male twins. Despite intervention, one infant died and the second became ill. Following antibiotic therapy and cessation of breast-feeding, the surviving infant recovered without sequelae. Case 3 refers to a mother with sub-clinical mastitis and late-onset GBS infection occurring in a 6-day-old female twin. Following intervention, the infant recovered but suffered a bilateral thalamic infarction resulting in developmental delay and a severe seizure disorder. Following recovery of GBS from an inapparent mastitis and cessation of breast-feeding, the second infant remained well. Blood cultures from all affected infants and maternal breast milk were positive for GBS. Epidemiological relationships between neonatal- and maternal-derived GBS isolates were confirmed by a random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction assay (RAPD-PCR). This study is significant in that it has demonstrated that maternal milk (in cases of either clinical or sub-clinical mastitis) can be a potential source of infection resulting in either late-onset or recurrent neonatal GBS disease.  相似文献   
This study related clinical assessments of the severity of mandibular asymmetry with computerized measurements, obtained by digitizing mandibular outlines from standardized facial photographs. Four ratios were calculated: area (size), compactness (shape), perimeter (length of outline), and moment (center of area). When comparing clinical severity with computer assessment, significant correlations were observed; those for area and compactness were the highest. Sixteen patients subsequently underwent corrective surgery, and their ratios were used to relate the degree of improvement to the original severity of the asymmetry. The posttreatment ratios were also used to audit the outcome, comparing the patients' scores as a group with results previously obtained from patients with normal symmetry and mild asymmetry. Posttreatment outcomes were significantly different from the normal outline group but were comparable with outcomes of patients with mild mandibular asymmetry. The system provided a sensitive, noninvasive method of assessing treatment change and could be useful in providing an objective means of quantifying treatment outcomes.  相似文献   
Serosorting (i.e., engaging in unprotected sex with partners known to be of the same serostatus) can be a difficult process for men who have sex with men (MSM) who frequently make assumptions about their partners' serostatus. This process can be further complicated by a partner's dishonesty as well as other individual and contextual factors. The present study specifically examined how assumptions of serostatus made about unknown serostatus partners impact on the sexual behavior of 110 alcohol-abusing HIV-positive MSM. Although previous research has shown that HIV-positive MSM are more likely to serosort with other known HIV-positive men than with known HIV-negative men, our data suggest that unprotected sex behavior may not be specifically driven by whether or not they made assumptions of seroconcordance or serodiscordance. The types of assumptions these HIV-positive MSM made about their unknown status sexual partners and the basis for such assumptions were also examined. Owing to the ambiguities involved in assumptions of a partner's serostatus in sexual encounters, the 'unknown status' partner category is analytically distinct from 'known status' categories, and needs to be more fully explored because of its impact on perceived serosorting, rather than actual serosorting, among HIV-positive men.  相似文献   
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