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Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique - Les mycétomes à grains noirs sont fongiques et ne peuvent pas être traités par les antifongiques seuls. Nous avons...  相似文献   
As antiretroviral treatment (ART) for HIV/AIDS is scaled up globally, information on per-person costs is critical to improve efficiency in service delivery and to maximize coverage and health impact. The objective of this study was to review studies on unit costs for delivery of adult and paediatric ART per patient-year, and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) interventions per mother-infant pair screened or treated, in low- and middle-income countries. A systematic review was conducted of English, French and Spanish publications from 2001 to 2009, reporting empirical costing that accounted for at least antiretroviral (ARV) medicines, laboratory testing and personnel. Expenditures were analysed by country-income level and cost component. All costs were standardized to $US, year 2009 values. Several sensitivity analyses were conducted. Analyses covered 29 eligible, comprehensive, costing studies. In the base case, in low-income countries (LIC), median ART cost per patient-year was $US792 (mean: 839, range: 682-1089); for lower-middle-income countries (LMIC), the median was $US932 (mean: 1246, range: 156-3904); and, for upper-middle-income countries (UMIC), the median was $US1454 (mean: 2783, range: 1230-5667). ARV drugs were the largest component of overall ART costs in all settings (64%, 50% and 47% in LIC, LMIC and UMIC, respectively). Of 26 ART studies, 14 reported the drug regimes used, and only one study explicitly reported second-line treatment costs. The second cost driver was laboratory cost in LIC and LMIC (14% and 20%), and personnel costs in UMIC (26%). Two ART studies specified the types of laboratory tests costed, and three studies specifically included above facility-level personnel costs. Three studies reported detailed PMTCT costs, and three studies reported on paediatric ART. There is a paucity of data on the full unit costs for delivery of ART and PMTCT, particularly for LIC and middle-income countries. Heterogeneity in activities costed, and insufficient detail regarding components included in the costing, hampers standardization of unit cost measures. Evaluation of programme-level unit costs would benefit from international guidance on standardized costing methods, and expenditure categories and definitions. Future work should help elucidate the sources of the large variations in delivery unit costs across settings with similar income and epidemiological characteristics.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: In Mali, more cataract patients receive sight-restoring surgery using a traditional "couching" procedure (the lens inside the vitreous body) than by modern cataract surgery. In order to evaluate the relative effectiveness and other outcomes of the traditional procedure compared to the modern surgical intervention, we conducted a population-based survey in a rural district of Mali in 1996. METHOD: A total of 99,800 persons from 160 villages were eligible to be included in the sample. All individuals operated for cataract by a modern procedure were checked for visual acuity and questioned regarding their clinical history, the cost of the surgery and their satisfaction with the surgery immediately following the operation and presently. Each patient was paired with one person operated by a traditional cataract surgical procedure. RESULTS: From a total population of 99,800 we found 85 individuals (0.085%) who had been operated by intracapsular extraction (ICCE) without lens implantation and we paired these with 82 individuals operated by the traditional method and by a local healer. In both groups, males were predominant (74.4% in the modern group and 61.3% in the traditional) and the median age was 65 and 68 years, respectively. Men with a higher social status (defined as administrative or religious authority) were slightly more common among those operated by ICCE (18.9%) than among those operated by the traditional healer (4.4%). Nearly half (47.6%) of the patients operated by couching did not know that a modern alternative existed. The mean cost to the patient of the two procedures was similar; with traditional couching costing on average US$ 42.10 and modern surgery (including transport and drugs) costing US$ 52.40. The traditional healer was often paid partially in kind and the price paid varied according to the patient's ability to pay. The clinical results differed greatly between the two methods. After aphakic correction of eyes operated by ICCE, 5.3% had good vision (33/18), 76.8% had low vision (33/60 and <3/18) and 17.9% were still blind (<3/60). Of eyes operated by traditional couching, none had good vision, 29.1% had low vision and 70.9% were blind. The level of satisfaction was high (89.7%) among persons operated in an ophthalmic center by the modern method, and relatively low (22.6%) among persons operated traditionally. DISCUSSION: In Mali, two types of providers offer two different interventions to treat cataract-blind persons. This study suggests that the couching method used by traditional healers is relatively expensive and ineffective. It is also potentially dangerous although this study did not address this question specifically. It is important that health policy makers and medical authorities do what they can to prevent traditional healers from performing the couching procedure, as well as informing the population about the existence of a more-effective and safer alternative. However, while more effective and safer, the results obtained by ICCE are not excellent either. Further, it is important to improve the quality of ophthalmic services in order to provide cataract patients with the best, most accessible and least expensive services possible.  相似文献   
Following peripheral nerve injury, retrograde signals originating from the injury site may activate intrinsic factors in the injured neurons, possibly leading to regenerative growth. Retrograde influences from peripheral injury sites may lead to the activation of glial cells in the vicinity of the centrally located cell bodies of the injured neurons. Few studies have examined changes in the spinal cord intermediolateral cell column (IML), which houses sympathetic preganglionic cell bodies, following injury to distal axons in the cervical sympathetic trunk (CST). The goal of the present study was to determine if transection of the CST results in plasticity in glial cells in the IML. At 1 day following injury, changes in the expression of microglial marker Iba1 were observed and the typical oligodendrocyte-neuronal relationship was altered. By 7 days, astrogliosis, microglial aggregation, and increased numbers of oligodendrocytes, as well as enhanced glial-glial and glial-neuronal relationships were present. The majority of cases were similar to controls at 3 weeks following injury and no changes were observed in any cases at 10 weeks following the injury. These results revealed changes in astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes in the spinal cord following transection of preganglionic axons comprising the CST, indicating their ability to respond to distal axonal injury.  相似文献   
Monocyte dysfunction in filarial infection has been proposed as one mechanism underlying the diminished antigen-specific T-cell response seen in patent lymphatic filariasis. Cytokine/chemokine production and gene expression in monocytes from filaria-infected patients and uninfected healthy donors were assessed unstimulated and in response to stimulation with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I bacteria plus gamma interferon both before and 8 months following treatment. Monocytes from filaria-infected individuals were studded with intracellular microfilarial antigens. Furthermore, monocytes from these individuals were less capable of producing interleukin-8 (IL-8), Exodus II, MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta, and IL-1alpha and preferentially expressed genes involved in apoptosis and adhesion compared with monocytes from uninfected donors. Eight months following treatment with a single dose of ivermectin-albendazole, some of these defects were reversed, with monocyte production of IL-8, IL-1alpha, MIP-1alpha, and IL-10 being comparable to that seen in the uninfected controls. In addition, a marked increase in mRNA expression of genes associated with protein metabolism, particularly heat shock proteins, was seen compared with pretreatment expression. These data suggest that the function and gene expression of monocytes in filaria-infected patients are altered but that this dysfunction is partially reversible following antifilarial treatment.  相似文献   
In areas where polyparasitism is highly prevalent, the impact of multiple parasites on the host response is underestimated. In particular, the presence of helminth infection coincident with malaria profoundly alters the production of malaria-specific IFN-γ, IL-12p70, CXCL9, CXCL10 and CXCL11, cytokines/chemokines known to be critical in mediating malaria-specific immunity. In order to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the suppression of malaria-specific cytokines/chemokines, we assessed the expression of malaria-specific IL-12Rβ1, IL-12Rβ2 and interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-1 in blood obtained from 18 filaria-infected (Fil(+)) and 17 filaria-uninfected (Fil(-)) individuals in a filaria-malaria co-endemic region of Mali. We found that Fil(+) individuals had significantly lower RNA expression of IRF-1 but not IL-12Rβ1 or IL-12Rβ2 in response to malaria antigen stimulation. We also measured the frequency of IL-12-producing DCs from these subjects and found that Fil(+) subjects had lower frequencies of IL-12(+) mDCs after malaria antigen stimulation than did the Fil(-) subjects. Modeling these data in vitro, we found that mDCs pre-exposed to live microfilariae not only produced significantly lower levels of CXCL-9, CXCL-10, IL-12p35, IL-12p40, IL-12p19 and CXCL-11 following stimulation with malaria antigen but also markedly downregulated the expression of IRF-1, IRF-2 and IRF-3 compared with microfilaria-unexposed mDCs. siRNA-inhibition of irf-1 in mDCs downregulated the production of IL-12p70 through repression of IL-12p35. Our data demonstrate that the modulation of IRFs seen in filarial (and presumably other tissue-invasive helminths) infection underlies the suppression of malaria-specific cytokines/chemokines that play a crucial role in immunity to malaria.  相似文献   
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