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This research aimed to investigate the time course of the cortical activity level preceding spontaneous awakening as a function of age and state. Two groups of infants (1-4 and 9-14 weeks of age) were continuously monitored by polygraphic recording and behavioural observation during the night. The electroencephalographic (EEG) activity recorded by the C3-O1 lead was analysed through an automatic analysis method which provides, for each 30-s epoch, a single measure, time domain based, of the EEG synchronization. The EEG parameter values were computed in the 6 min preceding each awakening out of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and out of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The EEG background activity level did not change in the minutes preceding awakening out of REM sleep. Awakening out of NREM sleep was preceded by a change of EEG activity level in the direction of higher activation with different time course according to the age. Both REM and NREM sleep results suggest that a high level of EEG activity is a prerequisite for the occurrence of a spontaneous awakening.  相似文献   
Localized lymphatic sporotrichosis generally develops after the fungus Sporothrix schenckii is traumatically introduced into skin or mucosa by contaminated plant material. An 18-year-old male fisherman was injured by spines of the dorsal fin of a fish on the left third finger. The lesion became ulcerated, edematous and suppurative and did not respond to tetracycline and cephalexin. Fifteen days after the accident, a nodular lymphangitic pattern of swelling was observed. Histopathological findings and an intradermal test were suggestive of sporotrichosis and mycological cultures confirmed the diagnosis. The lesions resolved after oral treatment with potassium iodide. Sporotrichosis is a common subcutaneous mycosis in Brazil, and there is a previous report in the literature of this disease being acquired via trauma involving fish spines.  相似文献   
Minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags) HA-1 and HA-2 are encoded by biallelic loci, with immunogenic variants, HA-1H and HA-2V, which induce strong HLA-A2-restricted alloreactive T-cell responses, and nonimmunogenic counterparts, HA-1R and HA-2M, which represent functional null alleles that are poorly presented by HLA class I molecules. HA-1 and HA-2 are potential targets of selective graft-versus-leukemia and graft-versus-tumor reactivity after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT); however, these applications are restricted to a limited number of patients. Here, we show that a far more frequent application of HA-1 and HA-2 disparity relies on their use as markers for the state of host chimerism after allogeneic HSCT. We have determined allelic frequencies of 29.3% and 70.7% for HA-1H and HA-1R, respectively, and of 83.7% and 16.3% for HA-2V and HA-2M, respectively, in >200 healthy individuals from northern Italy. Similar frequencies were observed in nearly 100 patients affected by hematologic malignancies or solid tumors, thus showing that HA-1 and HA-2 variability are not associated with the presence of cancer. On the basis of these data, we predict that HA-1 and HA-2 can be used in 32.8% and 23.5% of Italian transplant patients, respectively, as markers for the state of host chimerism, whereas exploitation of disparity for these mHags for targeted immunotherapy will be possible in 10.7% and 1.1% of Italian patients, respectively. Retrospective HA-2 typing of bone marrow aspirates obtained from a patient during complete remission or recurrence of acute myeloid leukemia after haploidentical HSCT showed the feasibility of using HA-2 as a surrogate marker for disease monitoring. Because of an apparent north-south gradient for HA-1 allelic frequencies, with higher frequencies for the HA-1H variant reported in white populations from Southern Europe as compared with Northern Europe and North America, the diagnostic applicability of HA-1 disparity will be slightly more frequent in transplant patients from the north. Taken together, our data show that determination of HA-1 and HA-2 variability can be an important parameter for the selection of allogeneic stem cell donors, in particular for patients affected by hematologic malignancies without a tumor-specific molecular marker.  相似文献   
A total of 202 Sardinian male subjects were examined for 13 biallelic stable markers, the complex 49a,f/TaqI system and three microsatellites of the Y chromosome in order to investigate, through surname analysis, on a possible territorial heterogeneity inside the island. The study of geographical distribution and linguistic derivation of Sardinian surnames allow us to discover their 'probable place of origin' and reconstruct ancient genetic isolates which borders are, today, no more recognizable. The molecular analysis revealed that about 90% of the Sardinian Y chromosomes fell into haplogroups E-M35, G-M201, I-M26, J-12f2 and R-M269. In contrast with the territorial homogeneity of these haplogroups, when the individuals were distributed according to their birthplace, a significant difference between the three historically and culturally distinct geographical areas into which Sardinia can be subdivided was observed when the individuals were distributed according to the ancestral location of surnames. In particular, the major contribution to this heterogeneity is due to the 'Sardinian-specific' haplogroup I-M26 (almost completely associated with the 49a,f-Ht12/12f2-10Kb/YCAIIa-21/YCAIIb-11 compound haplotype), which shows both a significantly higher incidence in the central-eastern (archaic) area and a significantly lower frequency in the northern area. The results of this study agree with the hypothesis that the ancestral homeland of this specific subset of haplogroup I is the mountainous central-eastern area of Sardinia, where the population underwent a long history of isolation since ancient times, and highlight the informative power of the surname analysis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Subjective quality of life has gained a crucial role as a global measure of outcome in mental health care. This study aimed to investigate the impact of meeting needs for care, as assessed by both patients and mental health professionals, to improve the subjective quality of life in a sample of patients receiving community-based psychiatric care. METHOD: The study was conducted using a 4-year prospective longitudinal design. A cohort of patients from the South-Verona Community-based Mental Health Service (CMHS) was assessed at baseline and follow-up using, among other social and clinical measures, the Camberwell Assessment of Need (both staff and patient versions) and the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile. Predictors of changes of subjective quality of life were explored using block-stratified multiple regression procedures. RESULTS: Improvement in patients' clinical conditions as well as the reduction in patient-rated unmet needs in the social domain predicted an increase in subjective quality of life over 4 years; changes in staff-rated needs did not show any association with changes in subjective quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: Meeting self-perceived social needs, beyond symptoms reduction, seems to be of particular importance for ensuring a better quality of life for people with mental disorders. If the main goal of mental health care is to improve the quality of life of users, a policy of actively addressing patient-rated needs should be implemented.  相似文献   
A questionnaire-based retrospective clinical and immunological survey was conducted in 73 males with a definite diagnosis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia based on BTK sequence analysis. Forty-four were sporadic and 29 familial cases. At December 2000, the patients' ages ranged from 2 to 33 years; mean age at diagnosis and mean duration of follow-up were 3.5 and 10 years respectively. After the mid-1980s all but 2 were on intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) substitution therapy, with residual IgG >500 mg/dl in 94% of the patients at the time of enrollment. Respiratory infections were the most frequent manifestation both prior to diagnosis and over follow-up. Chronic lung disease (CLD) was present in 24 patients, in 15 already at diagnosis and in 9 more by 2000. The cumulative risk to present at diagnosis with CLD increased from 0.17 to 0.40 and 0.78 when the diagnosis was made at the ages of 5, 10, and 15 years respectively. For the 9 patients who developed CLD during follow-up, the duration of follow-up, rather than age at diagnosis; previous administration of intramuscular immunoglobulin; and residual IgG levels had a significant effect on the development of CLD. Chronic sinusitis was present in 35 patients (48%), in 15 already at diagnosis and in 20 by 2000. Sistemic infections such as sepsis and meningitis/meningoencephalitis decreased over follow-up, probably due to optimal protection provided by high circulating IgG levels reached with IVIG.  相似文献   
Non-specific mental retardation (NSMR) is a common human disorder characterized by mental handicap as the only clinical symptom. Among the recently identified MR genes is GDI1, which encodes alpha Gdi, one of the proteins controlling the activity of the small GTPases of the Rab family in vesicle fusion and intracellular trafficking. We report the cognitive and behavioral characterization of mice carrying a deletion of Gdi1. The Gdi1-deficient mice are fertile and anatomically normal. They appear normal also in many tasks to assess spatial and episodic memory and emotional behavior. Gdi1-deficient mice are impaired in tasks requiring formation of short-term temporal associations, suggesting a defect in short-term memory. In addition, they show lowered aggression and altered social behavior. In mice, as in humans, lack of Gdi1 spares most central nervous system functions and preferentially impairs only a few forebrain functions required to form temporal associations. The general similarity to human mental retardation is striking, and suggests that the Gdi1 mutants may provide insights into the human defect and into the molecular mechanisms important for development of cognitive functions.  相似文献   
AIMS: Three cases with features of so-called 'Warthin-like tumour' of the thyroid (WaLTT) are described, in order to evaluate its relationship with papillary carcinoma (PC). METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed an histological and immunohistochemical study with emphasis on RET/PTC expression. The most striking features are represented by marked lymphocytic infiltration in the stalks of papillae and by oxyphilic metaplasia of epithelium, resembling Warthin tumour of the salivary gland. In all cases, we found nuclear features reminiscent of PC. The neoplastic cells were strongly positive for Leu M1 and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), less for thyroglobulin and negative for calcitonin. The lymphocytic infiltrate was composed of a mixed population of B and T-cells with sparse S100-positive Langerhans cells. An interesting finding was the strong positivity with the antibody against RET/PTC. CONCLUSION: All clinicopathological data along with the presence of the extensive lymphocytic infiltrate could imply a more favourable prognosis. The expression of RET/PTC fusion gene adds support to the hypothesis that this tumour is a variant of PC, probably related to the oncocytic variant of PC.  相似文献   
Journal of Public Health - This study aimed at assessing emergency medical service (EMS) use by patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), factors associated with EMS use, and outcomes in the...  相似文献   
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