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Laparoscopic hysterectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Thirty-three patients were selected for laparoscopic hysterectomy and operated on in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine of Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital. Surgical techniques included blunt dissection with scissors and bipolar coagulation to achieve hemostasis. A case was considered successful when all the uterine vessels were treated by laparoscopy. Twenty-four cases were completed laparoscopically (72.7%). None of these patients had postoperative bleeding; 22 had an uneventful postoperative recovery. Nine procedures were converted to laparotomy (27.3%), five because of a difficult or unsatisfactory hemostasis. We conclude that in selected cases, a total hysterectomy can be performed safely by experienced laparoscopists. Further technological progress is necessary to make this procedure more acceptable. Its value as compared to the others will have to be demonstrated.  相似文献   
During the past few decades, management of patients with myocardial infarction has dramatically evolved. High-risk patients are now identified by a variety of noninvasive tests, and aggressive use of reperfusion strategies has improved clinical outcomes. Despite the benefits of reperfusion, only a few patients are eligible to receive thrombolytic therapy. Mortality rates among patients excluded from thrombolytic trials (15% to 20%) have been far greater than those eligible for treatment (3% to 10%). Because most deaths occur within the first few days of infarction, interventions designed to reduce mortality should be performed acutely. Immediate catheterization allows identification of high-risk anatomy that may benefit from surgery and allows coronary angioplasty to be performed as a reperfusion strategy (when appropriate). Furthermore, catheterization allows documentation of ejection fraction, vessel patency, number of diseased vessels, and residual stenosis, all of which have been predictive of prognosis. Conversely, frequently repeated noninvasive diagnostic tests are associated with increased cost, are generally performed in low-risk patients, and 60% to 80% of patients with myocardial infarction ultimately require catheterization anyway. It is possible that early catheterization and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty when indicated may effectively risk stratify patients (eliminating the need for noninvasive testing), may reduce morbidity and mortality, and shorten the length of hospital stay.  相似文献   
Marchiafava-Bignami disease is a rare demyelinating disease involving the corpus callosum and other central white matter tracts. In the patient described here, the disease produced extensive demyelination of the corpus callosum and deep cerebral white matter. This widespread demyelination, confirmed pathologically, was associated with a fulminant fatal course. The magnetic resonance imaging appearance is quite suggestive of Marchiafava-Bignami disease and plays an important role in the premortem diagnosis.  相似文献   
This is a report of a case of bird mite infestation which occurred in Wollongong in mid-December 1996. The individual suffered hundreds of bites, most of which were marked by itchy red papules 3-4 mm in diameter. Tiny mobile parasites (< 1 mm) collected from the skin and adjacent bedroom wall were identified as bird mites from the family Gamasidae, most probably from the genus Ornithonyssus. The source of the infestation was a starling nest under the eaves adjacent to the bedroom. The report summarises the ways bird mite bites can be distinguished from other insect and arachnid bites. If bird mite infestation is not correctly diagnosed, families who attempt to repeatedly treat it as if it were lice or scabies may incur considerable expense until the source of infestation is eliminated.  相似文献   
Acute stroke affects large numbers of people worldwide. It causes significant morbidity and mortality. Data support the hypothesis that the public is not familiar with either the risk factors or the signs of stroke. Educating the public about stroke may result in a lower incidence of the disease as individuals modify their risk factors, and in improved outcomes as a result of reductions in delays to treatment. There is clear and convincing evidence that reducing delays to treatment of patients with acute stroke results in improved outcomes. Public education programs should be broad-based, tailored to individual audiences, and carry a common theme.  相似文献   
Bioethics is the study of moral problems as they relate to health-care delivery. The Hippocratic Oath laid the foundation of medical ethics as we know it today. Advances in medical technology have moved attention away from traditional ethical concepts, which are now either taken for granted or have been accorded the back seat. Contemporary ethical issues that occupy the minds of ethicists include euthanasia, advance directives, in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood and transplantation. Some of these are of less concern in developing countries than in the developed world. In developing countries, the ethics of cross-cultural research, the ethics of scarcity and sacrifice, and the activities and ethics of multinational companies assume far greater importance. This discussion will concentrate on the ethics and conduct of cross-cultural research in developing countries. The other important topics of scarcity, sacrifice and multinational activity will be covered elsewhere. Culture is the integrated patterns of human knowledge, beliefs and behaviour of a given community. Culture provides individuals with their identity. To work effectively with people it is necessary to view the world from their perspective. This is particularly important when dealing with people from cultures different from one's own. The world is functionally shrinking and there is interdependence not only in the traditional areas of communication and information transfer but also in the economic, environmental, demographic and migration areas. The concept of ‘global health village’ has now become a reality. In the past, researchers seem to have been motivated to conduct studies in developing countries for a variety of reasons. Whereas some of these are laudable, others are of more dubious ethical implications. This article focuses on issues related to the structural design, process and outcome of such research. Anyone contemplating conducting research in developing countries, especially cross-cultural research, must keep three main points in mind. In particular, the collective wisdom of both foreign and local investigators should be pooled to determine the appropriate research question(s) relevant to the needs of the target population. If human subjects are required for the study, ethical obligations based on the principle of respect for the person and respect for the autonomy of study subject must prevail. Finally constant checks and balances must be in place to ensure benefit of the research, not only to science and society but to individual subjects as well.  相似文献   
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