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Maternal and Child Health Journal - To ascertain the component of the excess preterm birth (<?37 weeks, PTB) rate among US-born (compared to foreign-born) Black women...  相似文献   

Syphilis among men who have sex with men (MSM) has increased greatly in the past twenty years in the U.S. Geographically explicit ecological momentary assessment (GEMA), in which behaviors are geotagged and contextualized in time and space, may contribute to a greater understanding of transmission risk. The objective was to determine the acceptability and feasibility of GEMA for assessing HIV and syphilis transmission risk behaviors among a sample of MSM. Participants responded to a brief survey five times a day for two weeks. Feasibility was measured by participant recruitment, enrollment, prompts received and answered, geotagged prompts, and technical interference with data collection. Acceptability was measured by ratings of enjoyment and willingness for future participation. Summaries of five behavioral measures from the brief survey were calculated. Among the 83 participants contacted, 67.5% (56) expressed interest, 98% (55) were scheduled, and 81.8% (45) were enrolled. Participants answered 78.3% (2,277) of prompts received and 87.7% (1,998) of answered prompts were geotagged. Overall, 70.5% (31) enjoyed participating and 91.1% (41) were willing to participate in the future. Among prompts answered, missingness was low for five behavioral measures (range 0.2% (4) to 0.7% (16)). Feasibility and acceptability were high and missingness was low on behavioral measures in this MSM study population. Most participants reported that they would participate again. Future work should focus on whether GEMA improves our understanding of syphilis and HIV transmission risk.

Background: The prognostic value of p53 nuclear accumulation in gastric cancer is still unclear, as shown by the discordant results still reported in the literature. In this study, we evaluated the correlation between p53 accumulation and long-term survival of patients resected for intestinal and diffuse-type gastric cancer.Methods: Eighty-three patients with carcinoma of the intestinal type and 53 patients with carcinoma of the diffuse type were included in the study. Immunohistochemical staining of the paraffin sections was performed by using monoclonal antibody DO1; cases were considered positive when nuclear immunostaining was observed in 10% or more of the tumor cells. Prognostic significance of different variables was investigated by univariate and multivariate analysis.Results: p53 positivity was found in 51.8% of intestinal-type and 50.9% of diffuse-type cases. No significant correlation between the rate of p53 overexpression and age, sex, tumor location, tumor size, depth of invasion, lymph node involvement, distant metastases, and surgical radicality was found in the two groups of patients. A statistically significant difference in survival rate was observed between p53-negative and p53-positive cases in the intestinal type (P < .05), confirmed by multivariate analysis (P < .005; relative risk = 3.09). On the contrary, no correlation with survival was found in diffuse-type cases according to p53 overexpression.Conclusions: These results suggest that the immunohistochemical detection of p53 accumulation is a useful indicator of poor prognosis in the intestinal but not in the diffuse type of gastric cancer, and are indicative of distinct molecular pathways and pattern of progression in the two histotypes.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to prepare and test an artificial corneal epithelium (reconstituted rabbit corneal epithelium, RRCE) exhibiting barrier characteristics and paracellular permeability similar to those of native rabbit cornea. The RRCE was obtained from a rabbit corneal epithelium (RCE) cell line grown for 8 days in submerged culture, then for 7 days in air-interface conditions on Snapwell polyester membranes. Permeation studies on the RRCE were carried out in comparison with rabbit excised corneas in vitro, using timolol maleate (TM) as the test drug, alone and in association with the following ocular permeation enhancers: benzalkonium chloride, ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid sodium salt, polyethoxylated castor oil, polyoxyethylene stearyl ether, sodium deoxycholate, and escin. The integrity of the RRCE was assessed by measuring the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) during culture time and after every permeation experiment. When TM was tested alone, the permeation parameters (apparent permeability coefficient, lag time) obtained with the RRCE were similar to those of excised rabbit corneas. The artificial epithelium, however, was less sensitive than native cornea to the effect of permeation enhancers.  相似文献   
Background Abdominal cystic formations in newborns are relatively common and often diagnostic suspicion arises in this regard even before birth as a result of ultrasound scans carried out during pregnancy. The aim of this study is to highlight the problems posed by the prenatal diagnosis of abdominal cysts in order to outline the most appropriate therapeutic approach in case of suspected ovarian cysts. Materials and methods Between January 2003 and January 2007, 57 women were enrolled in this study for a prenatal ultrasound (US) that revealed the presence of an echo-rare or echo-free area in the foetal abdomen. After birth all babies underwent blood tests and abdominal US scans in order to confirm or identify the nature of the cyst. If abdominal US could not show the nature of the cystic formation, magnetic resonance imaging with sedation was performed. When the radiological tests were not useful to identify the nature of the cysts and surgery was then necessary, surgical procedures were performed with laparoscopy. Results Ultrasounds were useful to identify the diameter of the cysts but not all their origins; also MRI confirmed the morphology and volume of the cysts, but could not give further details about their origin. Discussion Abdominal ultrasound and finally laparoscopy used to treat and remove the cysts were useful to monitor all simple abdominal cysts. MRI seemed not to be useful for the treatment of this condition, especially in the pediatric age when mild sedation is required.  相似文献   
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