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Postural effects on muscle nerve sympathetic activity in man   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
1. Pulse-synchronous bursts of multi-unit sympathetic activity (MSA) were recorded in peroneal muscle nerve fascicles in eight healthy subjects when lying, sitting and standing. The sympathetic activity was quantitated by counting the number of bursts in the mean voltage neurogram/min. Postural changes were analysed by considering the total activity to be a product of the number of bursts in relation to the number of heart beats (burst incidence) and the heart rate.2. In lying there were large interindividual differences in total activity, but for all subjects the activity increased when going from lying to sitting and from sitting to standing. With a few exceptions the increase between the lying and sitting postures was associated with an increase in both burst incidence and heart rate whereas between the sitting and standing postures there was an increase in heart rate but on the average no change in burst incidence.3. When going from lying to sitting or from sitting to standing the magnitude of the change in burst incidence was inversely related to the initial burst incidence so that subjects with low initial values usually showed greater increases in burst incidence than subjects with high initial values. Some subjects with high initial values decreased their burst incidence.4. With changes in postures there was an inverse linear relationship between the fraction of the change in MSA associated with a change in burst incidence and the fraction associated with a change in heart rate. An increase in total activity could be obtained by changing only burst incidence, by increasing heart rate without changing burst incidence, or by appropriate changes in both parameters. The slope of the regression line was -0.53 indicating that for adequate postural compensation fewer additional bursts were required when the compensatory response involved an increase in heart rate rather than an increase in only burst incidence.5. It is suggested that an impairment of the ability to regulate heart rate will make subjects with high burst incidence in the lying position orthostatically more vulnerable than those with low burst incidence.6. Shortly after standing up one subject developed bradycardia and subsequently fainted. The nerve recording was maintained until the subject collapsed. During the initial bradycardia no sympathetic bursts occurred suggesting that the syncope was associated with an interruption of normal baroreflex feedback between blood pressure and sympathetic outflow.  相似文献   
The "Quit. For Life" campaign was a media-based programme that was aimed at reducing the prevalence of smoking in Sydney. The programme committee set four intermediate goals which it felt had to be met for such a change in prevalence to occur. From households selected at random in Sydney and Melbourne, 5713 people were interviewed to assess whether the campaign attained these goals. The television commercials that were designed for the campaign, their frequency and the timing of their screening produced a higher recall of the commercial's message and the use of campaign back-up services than were specified originally in the goals. During the campaign there was a progressive increase in the number of smokers in Sydney who reported that they were likely to quit; this was significantly different from Melbourne data by the end of the campaign and thus fulfilled another campaign goal. However, shortly after the campaign ended, the proportion of smokers who intended to quit smoking was the same in the two cities. A cohort study of 949 people from the baseline study showed that, during the 12-month period of follow-up, 66% of Sydney smokers tried to stop or to reduce their smoking. In the control city, Melbourne, 60% of smokers reported making such attempts. Of the original smokers, 23% in Sydney and 9% in Melbourne quit during the follow-up period--a statistically significant difference. As well, 10% of the original ex-smokers in Sydney and 11% in Melbourne relapsed, while 4% of nonsmokers in both cities began smoking by the end of the second survey.  相似文献   
The diagnostic criteria of the third edition of the DSM-III often state that one diagnosis cannot be made if it is "due to" another disorder. Using data from the National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule, with a sample of 11,519 subjects from a community population, we found that if two disorders were related to each other according to the DSM-III exclusion criteria, then the presence of a dominant disorder greatly increased the odds of having the excluded disorder. We also found that disorders, which DSM-III says are related to each other, were more strongly associated than disorders, which DSM-III says are unrelated. However, we also found there was a general tendency toward co-occurrence, so that the presence of any disorder increased the odds of having almost any other disorder, even if DSM-III does not list it as a related disorder. We concluded that empirical studies are needed to study the assumptions underlying the use of a diagnostic hierarchy.  相似文献   
The two subtypes of mammalian muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) are generated by the substitution of the epsilon (adult) subunit for the gamma (fetal) subunit within the AChR pentamer. Null mutations of the adult AChR epsilon-subunit gene are the most common cause of the AChR deficiency syndrome. This is a disorder of neuromuscular transmission characterized by non-progressive fatigable muscle weakness present throughout life. In contrast with the human disorder, mice with AChR epsilon-subunit null mutations die between 10 and 14 weeks of age. We generated transgenic mice that constitutively express the human AChR gamma-subunit in an AChR epsilon-subunit 'knock-out' background. These mice, in which neuromuscular transmission is mediated by fetal AChR, live well into adult life but show striking similarities to human AChR deficiency syndrome. They display fatigable muscle weakness, reduced miniature endplate potentials and endplate potentials, reduced motor endplate AChR number and altered endplate morphology. Our results illustrate how species differences in the control of ion-channel gene expression may affect disease phenotype, demonstrate that expression of adult AChR subtype is not essential for long-term survival, and suggest that in patients with AChR deficiency syndrome, up-regulation of the gamma-subunit could be a beneficial therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   
The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the diagnostic and therapeutic usefulness of gut angiography in patients with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding from a nonvariceal source. All patients (n = 64) in this category who underwent a gut angiogram between 1980 and 1986 were studied. Pre-angiogram endoscopy was attempted in all patients and was nondiagnostic in 14 (22%). Contrast extravasation at angiography was seen in 25 of 64 patients (39%), and in over half of these patients endoscopy was nondiagnostic (n = 11) or wrong (n = 3). Attempts to control bleeding in this group by selective arterial embolization (n = 14) or intra-arterial vasopressin (n = 11) successfully averted operation in 13 of 25 patients (52%) and was associated with a 50% reduction in mortality (83% versus 38%). Selective embolization of vessels thought to be bleeding on clinical grounds without evidence of contrast extravasation (i.e., "blind" embolization) was not helpful in controlling hemorrhage. Urgent gut angiography in patients with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding of arteriocapillary source is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic maneuver and warrants continued application in this group of poor-risk patients.  相似文献   
This report describes transoesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) monitoring in a one-year-old boy undergoing patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) interruption. After application of a first vascular clip, echocardiographic monitoring detected incomplete interruption of ductal flow, prompting the surgeon to add a second clip to the ductus. The procedure was performed via a new surgical technique: video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). This innovative approach offers many advantages to patient care including reduced postoperative pain and better preservation of pulmonary function. We conclude that the use of TEE monitoring during PDA interruption via the VATS procedure may improve the surgical result, and eliminate reintervention and the complications associated with residual ductal flow.  相似文献   
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