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Decreases in sex hormone levels with menopause may bring about a number of consequences in women's general health and sexual well-being, especially when levels decline suddenly and prematurely, as in surgical menopause. In addition to the well-established role of estrogens in preserving the biological basis of sexual response, there is emerging evidence that androgens are significant independent determinants affecting sexual desire, activity and satisfaction, as well as mood, energy and other components of women's health. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), a persistent absence of sexual fantasies or thoughts and/or desire for and receptivity to sexual activity that causes personal distress, is experienced by some postmenopausal women. Even though conventional hormone therapy with estrogens or estrogens and progestogens may be effective for vaginal atrophy, increasing vaginal lubrication and reducing dyspareunia, it has not been shown to consistently increase sexual desire or activity and many women with sexual dysfunction remain unresponsive. Several recent, large, phase III studies have shown that the addition of transdermal testosterone to conventional hormone therapy can be helpful in surgically menopausal women presenting with HSDD. After 24 weeks of treatment in these studies, testosterone-treated women experienced significantly greater increases in satisfying sexual activity and sexual desire, and greater decreases in distress, than placebo-treated women. Accurate clinical assessment and individualized management of sexual symptoms are fundamentally important for all menopausal women with HSDD or other sexual problems.  相似文献   
We report a case of a prepubertal girl with juvenile primary hypothyroidism presenting as ovarian cysts and precocious puberty. The 7-year-old female was referred to our clinic because of a pelvic/abdominal mass and vaginal bleeding. Besides these findings, on physical examination we noticed the thyroid gland globally increased and the presence of secondary sexual characteristics. Based upon the clinical profile and investigations, the patient was diagnosed with juvenile primary hypothyroidism due to autoimmune thyroiditis. The cysts and precocious puberty resolved spontaneously after the simple replacement of thyroid hormone. It is important to bear in mind hypothyroidism in cases of girls presenting ovarian cysts and precocious puberty in order to avoid unnecessary surgery on the ovaries.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: Pseudotumour cerebri has been previously recognized as a neurological side effect of combined oral contraceptives but has not been diagnosed with a delay of 3 years after initiation of combined oral contraceptives. CASE REPORT: A 19-year-old obese woman developed visual impairment and headache, 4 months after starting combined oral contraceptives. Three years later symptoms deteriorated and she presented with prominent tendon-jerks and congested optical-discs. Normal CSF drained with high pressure from the spinal tap. Pseudotumour cerebri was diagnosed. Headache and visual impairment resolved within 3 weeks after discontinuation of combined oral contraceptives. CONCLUSIONS: Combined oral contraceptives-induced pseudotumour cerebri may remain undetected for years. Young, obese women with visual impairment and headache under combined oral contraceptives should undergo immediate neurological and ophthalmological investigation.  相似文献   
Abstract: Background: Identification of risk drinking in expectant fathers may be helpful as an important part of efforts to minimize maternal alcohol use, and as an opportunity to inform them about a problematic practice during a critical developmental stage for the couple. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the T‐ACE screening questionnaire, which asks about t olerance to alcohol, being a nnoyed by other's comments about drinking, attempts to c ut down, and having a drink first thing in the morning (“ e ye‐opener”), in the male partners of pregnant women who themselves were T‐ACE positive. Methods: Two hundred fifty‐four male partners were asked to complete the T‐ACE embedded in a health survey, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), and other questions about their alcohol use in the past 30 days when their pregnant partners had a median gestation of 11.5 weeks (T1). After delivery, male partners again completed the T‐ACE and quantity‐frequency questions (T2). The predictive ability of the T‐ACE and AUDIT was compared, using risk drinking (>4 drinks/day or >14 drinks/week) as the criterion standard. Results: A substantial minority of male partners had risk drinking, 31 percent at T1 and 25 percent at T2. Although the AUDIT was better than the T‐ACE as an independent predictor of risk drinking, the latter was most accurate when the tolerance threshold exceeded 2 drinks, the same established for pregnant women. The sensitivity (T1 = 84.6%, T2 = 82.8%) and specificity (T1 = 43.8%, T2 = 51.1%) of the T‐ACE at this threshold compared favorably with those of the AUDIT at the standard cut point of 8. Conclusions: The T‐ACE may be a practical way for clinicians to identify risk drinking in both pregnant women and expectant fathers. (BIRTH 33:2 June 2006)  相似文献   
In einer clusteranalytischen Untersuchung mit 137 Patienten, die einen Parasuizid verübt hatten, wurden 6 Subgruppen unter Berücksichtigung der Klassifikationsvariable “suicide intent” isoliert. Es wurde die Hypothese geprüft, dass sich sowohl die Motivstrukturen als auch die Raten an wiederholten Parasuiziden in Abh?ngigkeit der Clusterl?sung bedeutsam voneinander unterscheiden. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die Annahme einer zunehmenden Ausdifferenzierung der interpersonell orientierten Motivstrukturen mit sinkendem bzw. einer Einengung der Motivstruktur auf den Todeswunsch mit steigendem “suicide intent”. Es wurden folgende Subgruppen differenziert: eine Suizid-Hochrisikogruppe mit ausschlie?licher Todesintention und -motivation, 2 moderate Suizid-Risikogruppen mit hoher Todesintention und leichten Tendenzen zu interpersoneller Motivation, eine Subgruppe, gekennzeichnet durch eine manipulativ/strategisch orientierte Motivstruktur und auff?llig h?ufigen Parasuizidwiederholungen, eine Subgruppe mit vorrangig appellativ orientierten Motiven, Kontrollverlust und vergleichsweise seltenen Parasuizidwiederholungen und eine Subgruppe mit ambivalenter Motivstruktur (interpersonell und todesorientiert).  相似文献   
The prevalence of heavy alcohol consumption is a major problem of increasing proportions throughout the world. Although alcohol sensitizing drugs and more recently serotonin uptake inhibitors are drug interventions with some following, their long term beneficial consequences have yet to be demonstrated. In recent years, we have demonstrated that manipulating activity in the renin-angiotensin system will dramatically alter voluntary alcohol consumption in rats. Based on these findings, the present study evaluated the ability of a class of drugs known as the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors to reduce voluntary alcohol drinking in laboratory animals. These drugs prevent the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. They have been licensed for use in Europe and North America and are indicated in the treatment of hypertension. Our experiments showed that both captopril (Capoten, Squibb) and enalapril (Vasotec, Merck Sharpe & Dohme) can reduce alcohol drinking in both normotensive and hypertensive animals regardless of whether the pattern of intake is in a bout or of a less exaggerated nature. Furthermore, this change in alcohol intake can occur without concomitant changes in blood pressure, plasma renin activity, overall fluid balance, or the distribution and metabolism of alcohol. Taken together these findings suggest that the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors should be evaluated in a clinical setting for they may prove to be a useful new treatment or treatment adjunct for alcohol abuse in humans.  相似文献   
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