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BackgroundPsychological distress is a state of emotional suffering and also characterized by somatic symptoms. Health care workers more prone psychological distress than general population. However, little attention was paid on psychological distress among nurses particularly in Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing the prevalence of psychological distress and its'' associated factors among nurses in public hospitals, Southwest Ethiopia.MethodAn institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted from February 1st, 2018 to April 1st, 2018. All 282 eligible nurses in the selected public hospitals were enrolled. Data was collected using the predesigned tool like Self-Reporting Questionnaire version 20. Data were entered using EPI INFO version 7 and was exported to statistical packages for social science (SPSS) version 21.0 for analysis. Logistic regression analysis was employed and variables with a P-value of < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant.ResultA total of 282 eligible nurses were enrolled in the study with mean age of 28.71 [SD ±7.047]. The prevalence of psychological distress among nurses was 78(27.7%). Predictor variables like; nurses with job title of staff nurse, less working experience, poor interaction with staffs, fatigue, poor social support, perfectionism, and insomnia were more prone to develop the psychological distress.ConclusionThe study revealed that a considerable proportion of nurses had psychological distress. Therefore, it needs to develop psychological support strategies to improve the mental health resilience of nurses.  相似文献   
Introduction : Little is known about the impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) guideline changes on the durability of second‐line ART and continuity of care. This study examines predictors of early drug substitutions and treatment interruptions using a cohort analysis of HIV positive adults switched to second‐line ART between January 2004 and September 2013 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Methods : The main outcomes were having a drug substitution or treatment interruption in the first 24 months on second‐line ART. Kaplan Meiers analyses and Cox proportional hazards regression were used to identify predictors of drug substitutions and treatment interruptions. Results : Of 3028 patients on second‐line ART, 353 (11.7%) had a drug substitution (8.6 per 100PY, 95% CI: 7.8–9.6) and 260 (8.6%) had a treatment interruption (6.3 per 100PY, 95% CI: 5.6–7.1). While treatment interruptions decreased from 32.5 per 100PY for the 2004 cohort to 2.3 per 100PY for the 2013 cohort, the rates of drug substitutions steadily increased, peaking at an incidence of 26.7 per 100PY for the 2009 cohort and then decreased to 4.2 per 100PY in the 2011 cohort. Compared to the 2004 to 2008 cohorts, the hazard of early drug substitutions was highest among patients switched to AZT + ddI + LPVr in 2009 to 2010 (aHR 5.1, 95% CI: 3.4–7.1) but remained low over time among patients switched to TDF + 3TC/FTC + LPVr or AZT/ABC + 3TC + LPVr. The main common predictor of both treatment interruption and drug substitution was drug toxicity. Conclusions : Our results show a rapid transition between 2004 and 2010 ART guidelines and concurrent improvements in continuity of care among second‐line ART patients. Drug toxicity reporting and monitoring systems need improvements to inform timely regimen changes and ensure that patients remain in care. However, reasons for drug substitutions should be closely monitored to ensure that patients do not run out of treatment options in the future.  相似文献   
BackgroundHypercoagulability in lung cancer patients is associated with a high incidence of mortality and morbidity in the world. Therefore, this meta‐analysis aimed to explore the correlation of the basic coagulation abnormalities in lung cancer patients compared with the control.MethodPubMed, Scopus, and other sources were employed to identify eligible studies. The outcome variable was expressed using mean ± standard deviation (SD). Heterogeneity among studies and publication bias were evaluated. The quality of included studies was also assessed based on Newcastle–Ottawa Scale checklist.ResultFinally, through a total of eight studies, prolonged prothrombin time (PT; standard mean difference [SMD]: 1.29; 95% CI: 0.47–2.11), plasma D‐dimer value (SMD 3.10; 95% CI 2.08–4.12), fibrinogen (SMD 2.18; 95% CI:1.30–3.06), and platelet (PLT) count (SMD 1.00; 95% CI 0.84–1.16) were significantly higher in lung cancer patients when compared with the control group. The single‐arm meta‐analysis also showed that compared with control, lung cancer patients had high pooled PT 13.7 (95% CI:12.2–15.58) versus 11.79 (95% CI = 10.56–13.02), high D‐dimer 275.99 (95% CI:172.9–11735.9) versus 0.2 (95% CI:0.20–0.37), high plasma fibrinogen 5.50 (95% CI:4.21–6.79) versus 2.5 (95% CI:2.04–2.91), and high PLT count 342.3 (95% CI:236.1–448.5) versus 206.6 (95% CI:176.4–236.7).ConclusionIn conclusion, almost all the coagulation abnormalities were closely associated with lung cancer, and hence coagulation indexes provide an urgent clue for early diagnosis and timely management.  相似文献   
The Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome is a rare cause of duodenal obstruction. We present two young Ethiopian female patients who were diagnosed with this rare condition. After a duodeno-jejunostomy, the patients showed significant improvement and were discharged in a very good condition. This is the first report of this rare case from Ethiopia and a brief literature review is also presented.  相似文献   


While efficacy data exist, there are limited data on the outcomes of patients on third-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa in actual practice. Being able to identify predictors of switch to third-line ART will be essential for planning for future need. We identify predictors of switch to third-line ART among patients with significant viraemia on a protease inhibitor (PI)-based second-line ART regimen. Additionally, we describe characteristics of all patients on third-line at a large public sector HIV clinic and present their early outcomes.


Retrospective analysis of adults (≥?18 years) on a PI-based second-line ART regimen at Themba Lethu Clinic, Johannesburg, South Africa as of 01 August 2012, when third-line treatment became available in South Africa, with significant viraemia on second-line ART (defined as at least one viral load ≥?1000 copies/mL on second-line ART after 01 August 2012) to identify predictors of switch to third-line (determined by genotype resistance testing). Third-line ART was defined as a regimen containing etravirine, raltegravir or ritonavir boosted darunavir, between August 2012 and January 2016. To assess predictors of switch to third-line ART we used Cox proportional hazards regression among those with significant viraemia on second-line ART after 01 August 2012. Then among all patients on third-line ART we describe viral load suppression, defined as a viral load <?400 copies/mL, after starting third-line ART.


Among 719 patients in care and on second-line ART as of August 2012 (with at least one viral load ≥?1000 copies/mL after 01 August 2012), 36 (5.0% over a median time of 54 months) switched to third-line. Time on second-line therapy (≥?96 vs.?<?96 weeks) (adjusted Hazard Ratio (aHR): 2.53 95% CI 1.03–6.22) and never reaching virologic suppression while on second-line ART (aHR: 3.37 95% CI 1.47–7.73) were identified as predictors of switch. In a separate cohort of patients on third-line ART, 78.3% (47/60) and 83.3% (35/42) of those in care and with a viral load suppressed their viral load at 6 and 12 months, respectively.


Our results show that the need for third-line is low (5%), but that patients’ who switch to third-line ART have good early treatment outcomes and are able to suppress their viral load. Adherence counselling and resistance testing should be prioritized for patients that are at risk of failure, in particular those who never suppress on second-line and those who have been on PI-based regimen for extended periods.
This is a case report of a 7 years old female patient diagnosed to have secretory carcinoma of the breast and secondary axillary lymph nodes metastasis after she presented with compliant of left breast swelling that lasted for about 6 months. It is a rare (< 1%) type of breast carcinoma with distinct histologic features. Diagnosis of this carcinoma at fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is quite difficult and it is not a particularly aggressive tumor with excellent prognosis even in the presence of metastasis. Axillary locoregional lymph node metastases are uncommon. Several authors, therefore, recommend a conservative and non-aggressive treatment as much as possible. In her case, modified radical mastectomy with level II axillary dissection was done without hormonal or chemotherapy. So far, the therapeutic approach tends to be fairly flexible.  相似文献   
Several recent studies have supported relations between infant behaviour (alertness and responsiveness) and nutrition in addition to investigating infant behaviour within the context of changes in iron status over time. Existing research is typically limited to the investigation of the effects of a single vitamin or mineral, and no studies have been found that examined the influence that early alertness and responsiveness have on growth in early infancy, despite the fact that relations between behaviour and nutritional status may be bidirectional. The current study used a sample of Ethiopian infants and investigated anthropometrics, haemoglobin, the frequency of alertness and the frequency of responsiveness at 6 and 9 months of age. Six‐month weight‐for‐age predicted 9‐month frequency of alertness, while 6‐month haemoglobin predicted 9‐month frequency of responsiveness. Compared with responsive infants, non‐responsive infants at 6 months remained more non‐responsive at 9 months, although weight‐for‐age for both groups converged at 9 months. Results support relations between nutrition and behaviour (alertness and responsiveness) and provide evidence of a potentially useful tool (the Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery) that was adapted to evaluate these relations in Ethiopia.  相似文献   
This retrospective cohort study compared real‐world clinical and healthcare‐resource utilization (HCRU) data in patients with type 2 diabetes using basal insulin (BI) who switched to insulin glargine 300 units/mL (Gla‐300) or another BI. Data from the Predictive Health Intelligence Environment database 12 months before (baseline) and 6 months after (follow‐up) the switch date (index date, March 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016) included glycated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), hypoglycaemia, HCRU and associated costs. Baseline characteristics were balanced using propensity score matching. Change in HbA1c from baseline was similar in both matched cohorts (n = 1819 in each). Hypoglycaemia incidence and adjusted event rate were significantly lower with Gla‐300. Patients switching to Gla‐300 had a significantly lower incidence of HCRU related to hypoglycaemia. All‐cause and diabetes‐related hospitalization and emergency‐department HCRU were also favourable for Gla‐300. Lower HCRU translated to lower costs in patients using Gla‐300. In this real‐world study, switching to Gla‐300 reduced the risk of hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes when compared with those switching to another BI, resulting in less HCRU and potential savings of associated costs.  相似文献   
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