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BACKGROUND: We report a case of non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma of the cervicofacial region revealed by unilateral exophthalmos and blindness, an unusual mode of expression. CASE REPORT: A 40-year-old man with a 4-month history of diabetes mellitus had suffered from exophthalmos and blindness of the right eye for 20 years. Physical examination showed a homolateral hemifacial tumefaction and ophthalmoplegia. The right ocular fundus showed papillar edema and non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The left eye was normal. The otolaryngology explorations revealed a voluminous tumor in the anterior nasal cavity and in the cavum. Two biopsies were performed. Histology reported non-Hodgkin's T-cell lymphoma. Orbitocerebral and cervicofacial computed tomography visualized the aggressive ethmoidomaxillary extension with intraorbital and intracranial involvement. Chemotherapy (CHOP) combined with radiotherapy led to tumor regression and involution of the exophthalmos. Diagnostic difficulties, management and prognosis are discussed.  相似文献   
Two cases of pseudo-tumoral osteomyelitis are reported. The first concerns a 12 year-old boy who presented with pain of the left knee during 8 months and, later on, with swelling of the upper extremity of the left leg, without fever or local inflammatory signs. The radiological aspect of condensation with a filling defect and "chimney" crossing the cartilage led to osteotomy. Local bacteriological samplings were normal. The second case concerns a 11 year-old boy who, after having complained from pain of the right wrist during 2 weeks, presented with swelling and on X-ray films a picture of metaphyso-epiphyseal lysis and an aspect of sequestrum in its center. There was no biological sign of inflammation. Evolution was favorable after antibiotic treatment and immobilization. In both cases, an immunological study showed an activation syndrome of the immune system with increased serum IL-1, IL-2 receptors and class II antigen receptors on the surface of T cells, suggesting a previous immunization of both children towards staphylococcus and, thereby, the subacute nature of evolution.  相似文献   
The technique of enbloc double lung transplantation described by the Toronto team, with cardiopulmonary bypass, cardioplegia, and tracheal suture is complicated by problems of tracheal anastomosis for its authors. Single lung transplantation has a more straight forward postoperative course and bronchial complications are moderate. We present a new technique of lung transplantation, the "bilateral single lung transplantation". It consists, via a single anterior horizontal incision, of successively performing two single lung transplantations without bypass. This operation has been performed ten times since November 1989. As expected, bronchial healing has been excellent.  相似文献   
This study has two aims. First, it assesses the implication of husbands' post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and post-concussion syndrome (PC) on their wives' sense of burden and emotional distress. The second aim was to examine the implication of the women's separation-individuation on their adjustment. Sixty women participated in study: 20 women married to war veterans diagnosed as suffering to PTSD, 20 women married to war veterans suffering from PC, and 20 women married to healthy controls. Data was collected using self report questionnaires assessing psychiatric symptomatology, caregiver burden and psychological separation-individuation. Results indicate that women from both research groups suffer from higher levels of burden and distress than controls. The level of separation-individuation was found to be correlated to levels of burden and distress. The complex implications of living with a traumatized spouse are discussed.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: With limited response rates and potential toxicity of chemotherapeutic treatment in patients with recurrent glioma, reliable response assessment is essential. Currently, the assessment of treatment response in glioma patients is based on the combination of radiologic and clinical findings. However, response monitoring with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is hampered by several pitfalls and is prone to interobserver variability. The aim of this study was to establish the value of thallium-201 single-photon emission computed tomography (201Tl-SPECT) as a predictor of overall survival and response to chemotherapy in recurrent glioma, and to compare the value of 201Tl-SPECT with that of CT and MRI. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We studied patients who underwent CT or MRI and 201Tl-SPECT before chemotherapy (n = 57), and patients who also had undergone CT or MRI and 201Tl-SPECT after two courses of chemotherapy (n = 44). The value of the radiologic variables (CT-MRI tumor size, 201Tl-SPECT tumor size, and maximal tumor intensity) at baseline and at follow-up in predicting overall survival, and the percentage of patients alive and progression-free at 6 months (APF6) were examined using Cox regression and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Both at baseline and at follow-up, 201Tl-SPECT maximal tumor intensity was the strongest predictive variable and was inversely related to overall survival and APF6. In particular, progression of maximal tumor intensity after two courses of chemotherapy was a powerful predictor of poor outcome. CONCLUSION: 201Tl-SPECT is superior to conventional CT-MRI in the early prediction of overall survival and response to chemotherapy in patients with recurrent glioma.  相似文献   
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