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Background Forty to 50 % of hospitalized patients with an acute medical illness have risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE) and it has been shown that VTE prophylaxis reduced the incidence of VTE events in these patients. However, a large multinational survey, the ENDORSE study, showed that only 37 % of medical patients with VTE risk factors actually received VTE prophylaxis. Objective To evaluate the impact over time of pharmacist-driven interventions aiming at increasing the appropriate use of VTE prophylaxis in acutely ill medical hospitalized patients. Setting A Belgian urban academic hospital. Method First, during 1 month, medical and nurse reports of all hospitalized medical patients were reviewed to evaluate the proportion of patients who were on prophylaxis according to clinical practice guidelines. Second, interventions were conducted and included unit-specific physician and nurse education, diffusion of educational tools summarizing VTE prophylaxis guidelines, and reminders. Third, the impact of the interventions on the proportion of patients receiving VTE prophylaxis according to clinical practice guidelines was evaluated after 3 months and 1 year. Main outcome measure Proportion of hospitalized medical patients receiving VTE prophylaxis according to clinical practice guidelines. Results The baseline evaluation showed that 36 % (26/72) of the patients at risk of VTE received VTE prophylaxis according to clinical practice guidelines. Three months and one year after the interventions, 68 % (55/81), and 72 % (58/81) of the patients at risk of VTE received VTE prophylaxis according to clinical practice guidelines. Among patients not at risk of VTE, 15 % (21/141), 8 % (24/290), and 8 % (27/330) respectively at baseline evaluation, 3 months and 1 year after the interventions, received VTE prophylaxis. Conclusion Pharmacist-driven interventions improved the proportion of acutely ill medical patients receiving VTE prophylaxis according to clinical practice guidelines and the benefit of the interventions was maintained after 1 year.  相似文献   
Rhodotorula is an emerging opportunistic fungal pathogen that is rarely reported to cause endocarditis. We describe a case involving a patient who developed endocarditis due to Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Staphylococcus epidermidis, proven by culture and histopathology. The case illustrates the unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenges relevant to Rhodotorula spp.  相似文献   
When arterial blood samples for activated clotting time (ACT) are difficult to obtain from the arterial sheath during coronary intervention, venous ACT serves as a substitute. Data are lacking on whether arterial and venous ACT are identical and whether one can serve as an effective substitute for the other. Forty-eight patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) were prospectively evaluated to answer this question. Simultaneous arterial and venous ACT samples were drawn from femoral artery and vein vascular sheaths before and during each procedure, and ACT values were determined with a Hemochron automated electronic timer. Porcine heparin dosing was guided by arterial ACT in the first 25 patients and by venous ACT in the last 23 patients. The target ACT value used for continued heparin dosing was 400 sec. At baseline and throughout the study up to 60 min, venous ACT was slightly and significantly greater than arterial ACT. Despite this statistical difference in ACT values, there was no difference in complication rate between the two groups, and the amount of heparin used during either guiding regimen was the same. Therefore, although venous ACT values are slightly higher than arterial, the more convenient venous ACT can be safely used to guide heparin dosing during PTCA when using a target ACT value of 400 sec. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We asked the question, is the haplotype found with the sickle hemoglobin gene associated with different hematological characteristics in patients who were combined heterozygotes for sickle hemoglobin and hemoglobin C (Hb SC disease)? In 73 adults with Hb SC disease, a Benin haplotype chromosome was present in 56%, and Bantu (or Central African Republic; CAR), Senegal, and atypical haplotype chromosomes were found in 25%, 6%, and 12%, respectively. No significant differences were found in hematological characteristics or fetal hemoglobin levels of patients with Benin/C, CAR/C, Senegal/C, and atypical/C haplotypes. There were 71%C I, 18% C II, and 11% other βc haplotypes. Fetal hemoglobin levels are lower in Hb SC disease than in sickle-cell anemia. Perhaps because haplotype has no discernible effect on fetal hemoglobin level in Hb SC disease, it does not modulate its hematological features. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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