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Osteoblasts exhibit enhanced differentiation and altered gene profiles when cultured on hydroxyapatite (HA) compared to plastic surfaces. To begin determining mechanisms for this response, we used proteomics to identify proteins predominantly found in osteoblasts on HA but not plastic surfaces. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and Western analyses indicate that fetuin is abundant in extracts from HA, but not plastic surfaces. Incubation of HA and plastic surfaces with cell culture medium (containing 10% serum) under cell-free conditions shows that fetuin is predominantly derived from the culture medium serum and readily adsorbs to the HA surface. However, we did detect low levels of fetuin B mRNA in osteoblasts. Serum albumin, actin-beta, apolipoprotein-AI, and vimentin also adsorbed to HA. To determine the role of fetuin in the HA-induced osteoblast phenotype changes, osteoblasts were seeded onto fetuin-coated or uncoated HA under serum-free conditions. Osteoblast morphology was similar on both HA surfaces, suggesting that HA alone (without adsorbed serum proteins) is sufficient for cell attachment and spreading. Similarly, genes previously reported to be modulated by HA (glvr-1, DMP-1, osteoglycin, and proliferin 3) were modulated even in the absence of fetuin or other serum proteins. These data show that HA surface can be enriched selectively with fetuin from serum; however, neither fetuin or other serum proteins are required to mediate HA-induced osteoblast attachment, spreading, or changes in expression of genes examined. This finding suggests that factors intrinsic to HA are required for the response.  相似文献   
For influenza H1N1 strains, including some of their escape variants, the association of amino acid differences located at their hemagglutinin HA1 domains with their antigenic relationship was examined. The antigenic relationship was recorded in terms of the ratios of hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titers, the concentration of antibody molecules recognized by the virus, and the equilibrium constant of epitope-paratope interaction determined with heterologous virus compared to that found with homologous virus. The HI titers of antisera were found to depend primarily on the concentration of antibody molecules recognized by the virus and much less on the equilibrium constants. The avidity of antibody in sera raised against historically later strains with earlier strains was higher than vice versa. In contrast to the results obtained with antisera, the same concentration of monoclonal antibody directed to the Sb site of A/Brazil virus was recognized by both heterologous and homologous viruses, and the differences in HI titers observed were due to avidity changes only. Some of the amino acid differences located at each of the antigenic sites were found to be associated with a reduction in the HI titers and in the concentration of antibody molecules recognized by heterologous virus, whereas other differences in addition decreased the avidity of epitope-paratope interaction. Further amino acid differences decreased the avidity only. The strains tested differed also in their amino acids located outside the antigenic sites. However, an influence of these differences on the reaction of virus with antibody could not be evidenced. For the strains tested, the antigenic hemagglutinin drift occurred by reduction of the concentration of antibody molecules recognized by the virus and by avidity changes, which, in turn, were caused by exchanges of some key residues located at the antigenic sites.  相似文献   
Aniridia, Wilms tumor, genitourinary abnormalities, growth and mental retardation are the cardinal features of the WAGR 11p13 deletion syndrome. The Potocki-Schaffer syndrome or proximal 11p deletion syndrome (previously DEFECT11 syndrome) is a contiguous gene syndrome associated with deletions in 11p11.2, principal features of which are multiple exostoses and enlarged parietal foramina. Mental handicap, facial dysmorphism and craniosynostosis may also be associated. We report a patient with combined WAGR and Potocki-Shaffer syndromes, and obesity. She presented with aniridia, cataract, nystagmus, corneal ulcers and bilateral congenital ptosis. A left nephroblastoma was detected at 15 months. Other features included moderate developmental delay, growth deficiency, facial dysmorphism, multiple exostoses and cranial lacunae. High-resolution and molecular cytogenetics confirmed a del(11)(p11.2p14.1) deletion with a proximal breakpoint between the cosmid DO8153 and the BAC RP11-104M24 to a distal breakpoint between cosmids CO8160 (D11S151) and F1238 (D11S1446). The deletion therefore includes EXT2, ALX4, WT1 and PAX6. This case appears to be the second patient reported with this combined deletion syndrome and confirms the association of obesity in the WAGR spectrum, a feature previously reported in four cases, and for which the acronym WAGRO has been suggested. Molecular and follow-up data on the original WAGRO case are briefly presented.  相似文献   
Cryptococcus neoformans, an encapsulated yeast, is a common cause of life-threatening meningoencephalitis in immunosuppressed patients. We previously observed that administration of a monoclonal antibody (MAb) to the capsular polysaccharide to mice with pulmonary infection prolonged survival and enhanced granulomatous inflammation without reducing lung CFU. To understand the mechanism of MAb action, we studied leukocyte recruitment and cytokine profiles in lungs of A/JCr mice. B lymphocytes were the predominant cell type in lung infiltrates, comprising 15 to 30% of the leukocytes. Despite alterations in histological appearance, fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis revealed no significant difference in total numbers of lung leukocytes in MAb-treated mice and controls. Differences in the immune response to C. neoformans between MAb-treated mice and controls included (i) an increase in the percentage of granulocytes among lung leukocytes on day 14, (ii) higher macrophage surface expression of CD86 on day 28, (iii) larger amounts of IL-10 in lung homogenates at day 7, (iv) a trend toward smaller amounts of gamma interferon mRNA and protein on day 7, and (v) a smaller increase in the levels of interleukin-4 mRNA and protein on day 7. Hence, the immune responses to C. neoformans infection in the presence and absence of specific antibody were qualitatively similar, and antibody administration was associated with several subtle quantitative differences in immune response parameters that could translate into enhanced survival. MAb may function partly by down-regulating the inflammatory response and reducing host damage. Our findings demonstrate unexpected complexity in the interaction between specific MAb and other components of the host immune response.  相似文献   
The interleukin (IL)-2 receptor γ chain has recently been shown to be a component of the IL-7 and IL-4 receptors. Using a transient transfection assay and the trans-activation of reporter gene constructs which are under the control of cytokine-responsive promoter elements, we have studied signal transduction through the IL-7 receptor (IL-7R). The reporter gene expression was not stimulated by receptors that contained the cytoplasmic domain of the IL-7R, either as intact IL-7R or as part of a chimeric receptor. However, co-expression of the IL-7R with the IL-2 receptor γ chain was able to stimulate gene activation. For maximal stimulation the intact cytoplasmic domains of each chain was required.  相似文献   
The topography and structure of corpuscular mechanoreceptors in the shoulder joint capsule and periarticular connective tissue of a small laboratory marsupial (monodelphis domestica) were studied using light and electron microscopy. This animal is known to use its upper extremities for a wide range of activities like climbing and manipulating food. Thus, the shoulder joint of this animal species has a similar wide range of movement as the human shoulder joint, but is small enough for serial sectioning in its entirety. Silver stained serial paraffin sections were examined under the light microscope and the distribution of the different types of mechanoreceptors was reconstructed using three-dimensional image processing. In addition, selected mechanoreceptors were studied electron microscopically. Approximately 100 small lamellated corpuscles were found in the dense connective tissue of the joint capsule close to the insertion on the scapula and in the thickening of the joint capsule close to the glenoid labrum. Ruffini corpuscles were found in much smaller numbers in the moderately dense connective tissue of the axillary region. Only very few Vater-Pacinian corpuscles were seen in the soft periarticular connective tissue. The large number and localization of mechanoreceptor corpuscles in the shoulder joint capsule especially close to the glenoid labrum suggests, that these specialized nerve endings are likely to play an important role in control of joint movement. They can induce protective reflexes during extreme movements in the shoulder joint preventing shoulder luxation by increasing the tone of muscles pressing the humerus head into the glenoid cavity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von Hydrochlorothiazid auf die Plasma-Renin-Aktivität (PRA) und die Aldosteron-Exkretionsrate (AER) wird bei 10 Normalpersonen untersucht. Gleichzeitig werden Bestimmungen der Serum- und Urinelektrolyte, des Hämatokrits und der Flüssigkeitsbilanz durchgeführt. In derjenigen Gruppe, die während 7 Tagen täglich 50 mg Hydrochlorothiazid (Esidrex®) erhielt, steigen die PRA am 2. und 4. Tag und die AER am 3. Tag nach Beginn der Diuretikagabe signifikant an, während am 6. bzw. am 7. Tag ein Abfall beider Parameter zur Norm einsetzt. Wesentliche Änderungen der Serumelektrolyte und des Hämatokrits werden nicht registriert. Die Stimulation des Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-Systems (RAAS) kann mit einer erhöhten Natriurese und Diurese korreliert werden. Die Kaliurese steigt ebenfalls deutlich an, so daß der Na/K-Quotient im Urin unter 1 abfällt.In derjenigen Gruppe, die während 6 Wochen täglich 50 mg Hydrochlorothiazid erhielt, werden nach 2, 4 und 6 Wochen der Diuretikaverabreichung keine signifikanten Veränderungen der PRA, AER, Serumelektrolyte und des Hämatokrits festgestellt. Es entwickelt sich demnach unter längerdauernden Saluretikagaben kein sekundärer Hyperaldosteronismus.Die Wirkung sowohl einer Natriumrestriktion als auch einer saluretikainduzierten Natriumexkretion auf das RAAS wird besprochen. Schließlich werden die Möglichkeiten diskutiert, die einen Rückgang der Stimulation des RAAS trotz andauernder Diuretikagaben bewirken können.
Summary The effect of hydrochlorothiazide on plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone excretion rate (AER) were examined in 10 normal persons. At the same time, determinations of serum and urine electrolytes, of hematocrit and of fluid balance were carried out. In that group which recieved 50 mg hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrex®) daily for 7 days, the PRA rose significantly on the 2nd and 4th day and the AER on the 3rd day after the beginning of diuretic treatment. A decline to normal in both parameters set in on the 6th and 7th day, respectively. Considerable changes in serum electrolytes and hematocrit were not registered. The stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) could be correlated with elevated natriuresis and diuresis. Kaliuresis rose considerably as well so that the Na/K quotient in urine fell under 1.In that group which recieved 50 mg hydrochlorothiazide daily for a period of 6 weeks, no significant changes were noticed in PRA, AER, serum electrolytes or hematocrit after 2, 4 and 6 weeks of diuretic treatment. There was no development of secondary hyperaldosteronism under extended saluretic treatment.The effect of sodium restriction as well as saluretica-induced sodium excretion on the RAAS is discussed. Finally, the possibilities are discussed which can cause a retreat in stimulation of the RAAS despite extended treatment with diuretics.

Diese Arbeit wurde durch die Hilfe des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung und der Stiftung zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Zürich ermöglicht.  相似文献   
Baumann  G.  Buschauer  A.  Felix  S. 《Inflammation research》1992,36(2):C329-C332

There is considerable evidence that congestive heart failure (CHF) is paralleled by a decrease in the number of sarcolemmal β-receptors due to excessive levels of circulating endogenous catecholamines [1, 2]. In contrast, the myocardial H2-receptor system is not affected. The first clinically available specific H2-receptor agonist impromidine proved to be a potent inotrope in patients with CHF which were insensitive to catecholamine stimulation [3, 4]. Though the overall results of these initial studies were beneficial, the narrow therapeutic range, high costs of synthesis and the arrhythmogenic potential of impromidine limited its broad clinical application in large scale clinical trials. Recently developed phenylpyridylalkylguanidines [5] were investigated underin vitro andin vivo conditions in the guinea pig under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions using impromidine as reference. Compounds tested were arpromidine and the difluorinated analogues BU-E-75 and BU-E-76, all guanidine-type H2-agonists with additional H1-antagonistic properties due to a pheniramine like moiety. In the isolated perfused heart, all three new compounds were more potent in increasing cardiac contractile force and coronary flow but less effective on heart rate and less arrhythmogenic. The same could be established underin vivo conditions where BU-E-76 was more potent than BU-E-75, arpromidine and impromidine, respectively, in augmenting LV dp/dt, LVP, cardiac output and systemic blood pressure, but all compounds were revealed to have less chronotropic and arrhythmogenic potential. In the vasopressin-induced acute heart failure model, BU-E-76 and BU-E-75 normalized within minutes all contractile parameters in contrast to arpromidine and impromidine. It is thus concluded that these new H2-receptor agonists may represent a promising therapeutic improvement for treatments of CHF patients, with a cardiovascular profile superior to impromidine and conventional catecholamines.

d-Serine has been proposed as an endogenous modulator at the co-agonist glycine-binding site of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. There is still some debate as to whether this site is saturated in vivo, but it seems likely that this depends on regional differences in local glycine or d-serine concentrations. In order to identify areas where the co-agonist site was not fully activated in vivo, we studied the effect of intraperitoneal d-serine administration in the rat brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Using contrast agent injection, the variations in the relative cerebral blood volume (CBVrel) in several regions of interest were evaluated. d-Serine (50 mg/kg) elicited a significant statistical increase in the CBVrel in the hippocampus. This effect was inhibited by the specific full antagonist of the co-agonist glycine site L-701,324 indicating that the hippocampal activation occurred through the binding of the agonist d-serine to the glycine-binding site of NMDA receptors. This result demonstrates that in the hippocampus, the co-agonist sites of NMDA receptors are not endogenously saturated under our experimental conditions, suggesting an important role of d-serine in the modulation of receptor function in the hippocampus.  相似文献   
The postfusion oscillation cycle method of electrofused cells was applied to red blood cell membranes to induce repetitive membrane ruptures and test the mechanical membrane resistance against sequential events of membrane strain and rupture. After producing doublets from pairs of electrofused cells, they entered the oscillation cycle, providing a sequence of at least four consecutive colloidosmotic-driven rupture events. Different gradations of colloidosmotic pressure loads between 3230 Pa and 8640 Pa were established with various buffer types. The independence of buffer type and geometrical and mechanical observations has been verified independently for both parts of the oscillation sequence. With decreasing colloidosmotic inducement, caused by repetitive oscillation cycles, an increasing susceptibility of the cell membrane against membrane rupture was measurable. Since side-effects had been eliminated, it could be concluded that the cell membrane resistance against repetitive mechanical ruptures decreases.  相似文献   
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