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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the research was to provide a review of the efficacy of the TVT-O technique for the surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and to assess surgical and postsurgical complications related to this technique. STUDY DESIGN: An initial assessment was carried out on 44 women who underwent TVT-O surgery between 16 September 2004 and 1 February 2005. The follow-ups after 3 and 12 months were attended by 37 and 35 patients, respectively. All 44 patients were included for the statistical estimation of intra- and postoperative complications, whereas improvement in the quality of life was assessed only in those patients who came for a follow-up visit. To assess the efficacy of the treatment, the participants were surveyed using the King questionnaire on the day preceding surgery and during a follow-up visit 3 and 12 months after surgery. The participants whose scores from the two questionnaires changed > or =90% were deemed to be cured. A considerable improvement in quality of life was recorded when the score was 89-75%. With scores of 74-50%, there was a reduction in SI symptoms. However, when the score was 50-0%, no improvement in quality of life was reported, and in participants with scores <0% the quality of life deteriorated. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) V. 10.0, with the Spearman correlation and Chi-squared tests. The results were considered statistically significant when P<0.05. RESULTS: After 12 months, total cure was achieved in 15 participants (42.8%), significant improvement was noted in 6 (17.1%), SUI symptoms abated in 4 (11.4%), no improvement was noted in 7 (20%), and quality of life deteriorated in 3 (8.7%). CONCLUSION: TVT-O surgery is an efficient and reasonably safe method of SUI treatment in women. The ease of use, short duration of surgery and hospitalisation, minor postsurgical discomfort and a small proportion of complications make this method acceptable to patients. With regard to the results of treatment, additional patients should be analysed for a longer period of time.  相似文献   
The isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase (E. C. 1. 1. 1. 27.) from the periodontal ligament on the root surface of extracted erupted permanent human teeth have been separated and quantitated by means of cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis.
LDH-3 and LDH-4 were the predominating isoenzymes. and smaller amounts of LDH-2 and LDH-5 were also present. Only traces of LDH-1 could be seen. The results indicate the presence of both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways in the human periodontal ligament.
These pathways bring about an efficient, economical energy production under normal circumstances, and make the survival of this tissue possible under hypoxic conditions, when the blood supply is briefly interrupted. The results further show that determinations of the survival time of the periodontal ligament on a tooth outside its alveolus have to be made by activity measurements of both aerobic and anaerobic enzymes.  相似文献   
The development of simple goiter in rabbits, which results when they are fed on a diet consisting chiefly of cabbage (or other Brassica) can be prevented by the feeding of certain fresh plants. Lawn grass, fresh alfalfa, skunk cabbage and steamed cabbage press juice have been found effective. Washing Brassicae with water improves their goiter-producing action, probably by the removal of goiter-preventing substances. The antigoitrous effect of plant juices was found to vary with the amount of reducing substance other than glutathione present. Skunk cabbage press juice, obtained from growing plants during the spring months, contained a large amount of iodine-absorbing material, and was very effective in involuting hyperplastic glands while juice obtained from mature plants in July when the iodine-absorbing material had nearly all disappeared, was quite ineffective. Certain extracts from cabbage administered parenterally, containing the reducing material, also had a marked involuting action on the thyroid. These extracts were practically iodine-free. The substance or substances believed to be responsible are easily soluble in water, ethyl alcohol, aqueous ethyl alcohol and are precipitable by lead acetate at a pH of 0.68–0.70. They are partially destroyed by exposure to air and by steam at 100°. Hexuronic acid isolated by Szent-Györgyi from cabbage, orange juice and suprarenal glands could be the antigoitrous agent. It cannot be glutathione.  相似文献   


Declining muscle mass and function are hallmarks of the aging process. The preservation of muscle trophism may protect against various negative health outcomes. Age- and sex-specific curves of muscle mass, strength, and function, using data from a large sample of community-dwelling people, are necessary.

Material and methods

Two surveys (Longevity Check-up and Very Important Protein [VIP]), conducted during EXPO 2015 in Milan, consisted of a population assessment aimed at evaluating the prevalence of specific health metrics in subjects outside of a research setting (n = 3206), with a special focus on muscle mass, strength, and function. Muscle mass was estimated by using mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) and calf circumference of the dominant side. Muscle strength and function were assessed through handgrip strength testing and repeated chair stand test, respectively.


The mean age of 3206 participants in the Longevity Check-up and VIP surveys was 51.9 years (SD 15.6, range 18–98 years), and 1694 (52.8%) were women. Cross-sectional inspection suggests that both calf circumference and MAMC decline nonlinearly with age and the rate of decline varies by gender. These measures are stable until 50 years and then begin to decrease slightly with age, with the effect being more evident in men than in women. The main effect of the age category was observed in muscle strength and physical performance parameters. Muscle strength declined significantly after 45 years of age, both in men and women (P < .001). The muscle quality of the upper extremities, defined as handgrip strength divided by MAMC, declined significantly with aging, as well (P < .001). The time to complete the chair stand test was similar from 18 years to 40 to 44 years, and then a linear decline in performing the test across age groups was observed, with an increased time of more than 3 seconds, both in men and women (P < .001).


Muscle mass and strength curves may be used to extract reference values for subsequent use in research as well as in the clinical setting. In particular, the analyses of trajectories of muscle parameters may help identify cutoffs for the estimation of risk of adverse events.  相似文献   
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