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The HIV-1 subtype F1 is exceptionally prevalent in Angola, Brazil and Romania. The epidemiological context in which the spread of HIV occurred was highly variable from one country to another, mainly due to the existence of a long-term civil war in Angola and the contamination of a large number of children in Romania. Here we apply phylogenetic and Bayesian coalescent-based methods to reconstruct the phylodynamic patterns of HIV-1 subtype F1 in such different epidemiological settings. The phylogenetic analyses of HIV-1 subtype F1 pol sequences sampled worldwide confirmed that most sequences from Angola, Brazil and Romania segregated in country-specific monophyletic groups, while most subtype F1 sequences from Romanian children branched as a monophyletic sub-cluster (Romania-CH) nested within sequences from adults. The inferred time of the most recent common ancestor of the different subtype F1 clades were as follow: Angola=1983 (1978-1989), Brazil=1977 (1972-1981), Romania adults=1980 (1973-1987), and Romania-CH=1985 (1978-1989). All subtype F1 clades showed a demographic history best explained by a model of logistic population growth. Although the expansion phase of subtype F1 epidemic in Angola (mid 1980s to early 2000s) overlaps with the civil war period (1975-2002), the mean estimated growth rate of the Angolan F1 clade (0.49 year(-1)) was not exceptionally high, but quite similar to that estimated for the Brazilian (0.69 year(-1)) and Romanian adult (0.36 year(-1)) subtype F1 clades. The Romania-CH subtype F1 lineage, by contrast, displayed a short and explosive dissemination phase, with a median growth rate (2.47 year(-1)) much higher than that estimated for adult populations. This result supports the idea that the AIDS epidemic that affected the Romanian children was mainly caused by the spread of the HIV through highly efficient parenteral transmission networks, unlike adult populations where HIV is predominantly transmitted through sexual route.  相似文献   
The present paper summarizes the outcome of the discussions at the First International Scientific Workshop on Harmonization of Strategies to Measure and Analyze Exposure to (Manufactured) Nano-objects in Workplace Air that was organized and hosted by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) (Zeist, The Netherlands, December 2010). It reflects the discussions by 25 international participants in the area of occupational (nano) exposure assessment from Europe, USA, Japan, and Korea on nano-specific issues related to the three identified topics: (i) measurement strategies; (ii) analyzing, evaluating, and reporting of exposure data; and (iii) core information for (exposure) data storage. Preliminary recommendations were achieved with respect to (i) a multimetric approach to exposure assessment, a minimal set of data to be collected, and basic data analysis and reporting as well as (ii) a minimum set of contextual information to be collected and reported. Other issues that have been identified and are of great interest include (i) the need for guidance on statistical approaches to analyze time-series data and on electron microscopy analysis and its reporting and (ii) the need for and possible structure of a (joint) database to store and merge data. To make progress in the process of harmonization, it was concluded that achieving agreement among researchers on the preliminary recommendations of the workshop is urgent.  相似文献   
An important aspect of eye health in humans and animal models of human diseases is intraocular pressure (IOP). IOP is typically measured by hand with a tonometer, so data are sparse and sporadic and round-the-clock variations are not well characterized. Here we present a novel system for continuous wireless IOP and temperature measurement in small animals. The system consists of a cannula implanted in the anterior chamber of the eye connected to pressure sensing electronics that can be worn by rats or implanted in larger mammals. The system can record IOP with 0.3 mmHg accuracy and negligible drift at a rate of 0.25 Hz for 1–2 months on a regulated battery or indefinitely at rates up to 250 Hz via RF energy harvesting. Chronic recordings from conscious rats showed that IOP follows a diurnal rhythm, averaging 16.5 mmHg during the day and 21.7 mmHg at night, and that the IOP rhythm lags a diurnal rhythm in body temperature by 2.1 h. IOP and body temperature fluctuations were positively correlated from moment-to-moment as well. This technology allows researchers to monitor for the first time the precise IOP history of rat eyes, a popular model for glaucoma studies.  相似文献   
Objective: To assess the viewing rate and reproducibility of areas of the papillary muscles (PMs) of foetal atrioventricular valves using spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC) in the rendering mode in congenital heart disease (CHD).

Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 40 4D-STIC volume datasets from different foetal CHD cases at a gestational age of 18w6d–35w6d. The following papillary muscles (PMs) were assessed: antero-lateral (MPAL) and postero-medial (MPPM) to the mitral valve and antero-superior (MPAS), inferior (MPI) and septal (MPS) to the tricuspid valve. To assess the valve viewing rate, percentages (%) were used. The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was used to assess inter-observer reliability.

Results: Two independent observers concluded that a complete examination of the PMs was impossible in 11 cases, yielding a viewing rate of 72.5%. The complete examination of the PMs of the tricuspid and mitral valves was possible by both examiners in 33/40 (82.5%) and 32/40 (80.0%) cases, respectively. We observed moderate to good inter-observer reliability with CCCs of 0.95, 0.92, 0.97, 0.96 and 0.97 for MPS, MPI, MPAS, MPAL and MPPM, respectively.

Conclusion: The viewing rate of PM areas in different CHDs using STIC in the rendering mode was moderate. The inter-observer reproducibility was moderate to good for all PM areas.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have shown the presence of ras gene mutations and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in prostate carcinomas. In the present study, secondary adult human prostatic epithelial cells, upon transfection with a plasmid containing the entire HPV-18 genome, acquired an indefinite life-span in culture but did not undergo malignant conversion. Subsequent infection of these immortalized cells with the Kirsten murine sarcoma virus, which contains an activated Ki-ras oncogene, induced morphological transformation that led to the acquisition of neoplastic properties. These findings demonstrate the malignant transformation of adult human prostate epithelial cells in culture by a combination of viral oncogenes and the successive roles of HPV infection and Ki-ras activation in a multistep process responsible for prostate carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship of albuminuria and microalbuminuria (overnight urine albumin > or = 15 micro g/min) with insulin resistance and related metabolic abnormalities in patients with essential hypertension. DESIGN: Cross-sectional evaluation of 271 (age range, 19-77 years) never-treated, non-diabetic, uncomplicated hypertensive men. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Triplicate overnight urine albumin determination and homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) of insulin resistance as a surrogate measure of insulin sensitivity. Additional parameters were fasting and post-load circulating glucose and insulin, lipids, body mass index, blood pressure and echocardiographic left ventricular mass. RESULTS: HOMA, fasting and post-challenge glucose and insulin, percentages of glucose-intolerant patients, triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels did not differ across ascending urine albumin quartiles. Body mass index, blood pressure and ventricular mass were significantly greater in the upper quartiles, and the prevalence of obesity fivefold more frequent in the top as compared with the bottom urine albumin fourth. The statistical trend was unchanged after adjustment for HOMA, while accounting for systolic blood pressure and left ventricular mass by co-variance analysis abolished it. Eighty-eight patients bearing the phenotypic traits of the metabolic syndrome and a striking degree of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia showed urine albumin rates and prevalence of microalbuminuria comparable with the 183 patients who were not affected by that syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Albuminuria is independent of insulin resistance and other phenotypic components of the metabolic syndrome in never-treated, non-diabetic essential hypertensive men. Microalbuminuria is more frequent in obese hypertensives but this association is explained by higher blood pressure more than insulin resistance.  相似文献   
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are compounds which may function as agonists or antagonists depending upon the target tissue. This study compares the actions of different SERMs on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, and on gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) self-priming in the rat. To do this, 4-day cyclic rats were injected twice, on day 2 (metestrus) and day 3 of the estrous cycle, with one of the following SERMs: 0.25 mg ICI 182,780, 3 mg tamoxifen (TX), LY139481-HCl or LY117018-HCl, or 0.5 mg RU58668. Control rats were given subcutaneous injections of 0.2 ml oil. On the morning of day 4 (proestrus in controls), rats from each group were either injected intraperitoneally with pentobarbital (40 mg/kg) for in vivo study or decapitated and their pituitaries collected for incubation (in vitro study). Additionally, pituitaries taken on each day of the estrous cycle from control rats as well as on day 4 from SERM-treated rats were processed for immunohistochemical determination of the estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) gonadotrope. The plasma concentration or accumulation of LH in the medium was determined after 1 h (basal secretion). Thereafter, an intravenous bolus of GnRH (50 ng/0.5 ml/100 g BW) or 10(-8) M GnRH was injected or added to the medium, respectively. After 1 h of GnRH exposure, blood or medium were taken, and another challenge of GnRH was made. At the end of the 3rd h of the experiment, blood or medium samples were taken again and the LH plasma concentration or accumulation in the medium were determined. All SERM treatments reduced uterus weight and decreased basal and stimulated LH secretion. Also, on day 4, rats treated with any SERM other than TX showed vaginal smears infiltrated by leukocytes and a reduction in GnRH self-priming. TX-treated rats exhibited cornified vaginal smears and an estrogenic effect on GnRH self-priming. Moreover, 15-min exposure to two consecutive GnRH (10(-8) M) challenges 1 h apart in incubated pituitaries with estradiol (E(2), 10(-8) M), TX (10(-7) M), E(2) + TX, or medium alone form ovariectomized rats injected for 3 days with estradiol benzoate (25 microg), TX (3 mg), estradiol benzoate + TX, or 0.2 ml oil, respectively, showed that TX increased GnRH self-priming, as did E(2), whereas it reduced the E(2)-sensitizing effect on GnRH-stimulated LH secretion and cancelled the E(2)-dependent GnRH self-priming. All SERMs prevented the physiological nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of ERalpha exhibited during proestrus in control rats, and TX, in addition, induced a significantly larger number of gonadotropes displaying strong cytosolic immunosignals corresponding to ERalpha than the rest of the experimental groups. Overall, data from this study indicated that, in contrast to the general antagonistic effect of the tested SERMs, TX seemed to display both selective agonist and antagonist activity at the gonadotrope level and on GnRH self-priming of LH secretion respectively.  相似文献   
Introduction: This study explores burden and social and professional support in families of young patients with muscular dystrophies (MDs) in Italy. Methods: The study was carried out on 502 key relatives of 4‐ to 25‐year‐old patients suffering from Duchenne, Becker, or Limb‐Girdle MD who were living with at least 1 adult relative. Results: A total of 77.1% of relatives reported feelings of loss, 74.0% had feelings of sadness, and 59.1% had constraints in leisure activities. Burden was higher among relatives of patients with higher disability and who spent more daily hours in caregiving. Practical difficulties were higher among relatives who perceived lower help in patient emergencies and less practical support by their social network. Psychological burden was higher in those relatives who were unemployed, those with poorer support in emergencies, and those with lower social contacts. Conclusions: Caring for patients with MDs may be demanding for relatives even in the early stages of these disorders, especially when social support is poor and the patient's disability increases. Muscle Nerve 52 : 13–21, 2015  相似文献   
The ability to understand competitive games is closely connected to the mirror neuron system (MNS). This network is activated not only when an action is performed, but also when it is observed. Apart from allowing the understanding of actions performed by others, the MNS has been implicated in predicting subsequent actions. However, the results concerning the modulation of this network by the final outcome of these predictions are contradictory. These contradictions may be related to the use of complex experimental conditions. The aim of this research is to identify changes in the activity of the MNS when the predictions are or are not satisfied in a simple intransitive action‐based game. An event‐related functional magnetic resonance imaging study was conducted. It consisted of the observation of videos with two actors playing the well‐known rock–paper–scissors game. The participants were asked to predict the response of the second actor when the first actor performed one of the three possible actions. In some videos (congruents) the prediction was satisfied, but in the rest of the videos (incongruents) the prediction was not satisfied. When the result was shown, higher activity in the MNS was observed in the congruent videos than in the incongruent ones. Therefore, the observation of a simple manual game leads to a significant activation of the MNS, and this activity seems to be modulated by the final outcome of a prediction, and when predictions are satisfied the activity is higher.  相似文献   
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