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Acute stroke affects large numbers of people worldwide. It causes significant morbidity and mortality. Data support the hypothesis that the public is not familiar with either the risk factors or the signs of stroke. Educating the public about stroke may result in a lower incidence of the disease as individuals modify their risk factors, and in improved outcomes as a result of reductions in delays to treatment. There is clear and convincing evidence that reducing delays to treatment of patients with acute stroke results in improved outcomes. Public education programs should be broad-based, tailored to individual audiences, and carry a common theme.  相似文献   
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is an important health problem and often a major clinical challenge, not only because of the low specificity of its clinical manifestations but also because of the increasing number of medical circumstances that are risk factors for this illness and the importance of early identification, since prompt and appropriate treatment can decrease mortality from this disease by about 25%. In recent years research on PE has been extensive, directed mainly at trying to determine and characterize its risk factors, establish new clinical probability algorithms, develop new diagnostic methods and put existing ones into perspective, seek new therapeutic approaches (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), and above all establish protocols that can guide the clinician from the stage of clinical suspicion to measures to prevent recurrence. It was the authors' aim to review the most significant literature on this subject, in order to produce a text that reflects the state of the art concerning PE and that can be used as a guide in the clinical approach to this pathology.  相似文献   
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