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在卫生细菌学检验中,可以作为理想粪便污染指示菌的有3类细菌,即大肠菌群、粪链球菌和产气荚膜梭菌.其中,最常应用于粪便污染指示菌的是大肠菌群.它是指一群能在36℃,24h内发酵乳糖产酸产气,需氧兼性厌氧的革兰阴性无芽胞杆菌.主要包括肠杆菌科的大肠埃希氏菌、枸橼酸杆菌、克雷伯氏菌和阴沟肠杆菌.卫生检验对各类食品、天然矿泉水、生活饮用水等都必须进行大肠菌群MPN值的检测.实验前要配制大量的初发酵、复发酵及选择性培养基,试验时间均为3d,费时费力,并且方法各异(表1).  相似文献   
一起美容院伪劣化妆品引起消费者皮肤损害的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]对美容院伪劣化妆品引起消费者损害责任事故的认定进行探讨。[方法]通过卫生监督的现场检查,依据《化妆品卫生监督条例》及《化妆品卫生监督条例实施细则》(以下简称《条例》《细则》)。[结果]对美容院伪劣化妆品引起消费者损害责任事故的认定等产生了较大的争议,但美容院对此事件负有不可推卸的责任。[结论]《条例》《细则》本身存在着缺陷。现行的监督,监测水平滞后。旅店、美容院等成为化妆品卫生监督的死角,应加强此方面的监督力度以保护消费者的利益。  相似文献   
单位自建设施自来水二次供水污染的报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对闽西自建设施供应自来水的126个单位二次供水污染的126对水样进行对比分析后指出:管网水的合格率比供水前的合格率有显著性下降的有6项:细菌总数(P<0.01)、总大肠菌数(P<0.01)、亚硝酸盐氮(P<0.01)、游离性余氯(P<0.01)、氨态氮(P<0.05);色度、浑浊度、总硬度、pH值等15项合格率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。为保障饮用者的健康,应像治理由市政公共水厂供水的二次供水污染一样,治理好单位自建设施自来水的二次供水污染,尤其应注意做好水箱或蓄水池或水塔的定期清洗和消毒;并做好水源水净化和氯化消毒工作。贯彻《生活饮用水卫生监督管理办法》是单位自建设施自来水改水的业务之急。  相似文献   
目的提高生活饮用水总硬度检测质量。方法对龙岩市20年来监测的生活饮用水总硬度值及干扰离子进行统计分析,并探讨所用试剂、测定条件及干扰物对总硬度测定的影响。结果3045份生活饮用水检测统计结果表明,当水样中多价阳离子含量符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准时,对水样硬度测定无干扰;当发生指示剂褪色或封闭等现象时,主要为较高量的Mn2+,Fe3q~je在造成的,此干扰消除可不用KCN,依法加盐酸羟胺和Na:s即可消除。结论只要注意严格控制条件,重视各种因素的影响,选择低毒掩蔽剂,带入标准物质,就能有效提高Na:EDTA滴定法测定总硬度的准确性。  相似文献   
Objective To understand the current situation of iodine deficiency diserders(IDD) in Longyan City and to evaluate the effect of prevention and control measures of IDD in order to provide evidence for formulating prevention and control tactics. Methods During the year of 2006 and 2007, the 30 primary schools were screened by population proportion survey(PPS) from the 7 counties of Longyan City. Forty children aged 8-10 years in each school were randomly selected as a group to examine thyroid, and 7 children in each group were selected to measure the urine iodine and the salt iodine at the same time. The goiter rote, the median urinary iodine, the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt, the iodine salt coverage rate, the rate of qualified iodized salt and the non-iodized rate were detected. Results The goiter rate of children aged 8-10 years old in Longyan City was 0.94%(79/8438). The median urinary iodine was 259.12 μg/L. The consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 97.86% (1462/1494). The iodine salt coverage rate was 99.46%(1486/1494). The rate of qualified iodized salt was 98.38 (1462/1486), and the non-iodized rate was 0.54% (8/1494). Conclusions All indicators have reached the national standard of eliminating IDD in Longyan City.  相似文献   
Objective To understand the current situation of iodine deficiency diserders(IDD) in Longyan City and to evaluate the effect of prevention and control measures of IDD in order to provide evidence for formulating prevention and control tactics. Methods During the year of 2006 and 2007, the 30 primary schools were screened by population proportion survey(PPS) from the 7 counties of Longyan City. Forty children aged 8-10 years in each school were randomly selected as a group to examine thyroid, and 7 children in each group were selected to measure the urine iodine and the salt iodine at the same time. The goiter rote, the median urinary iodine, the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt, the iodine salt coverage rate, the rate of qualified iodized salt and the non-iodized rate were detected. Results The goiter rate of children aged 8-10 years old in Longyan City was 0.94%(79/8438). The median urinary iodine was 259.12 μg/L. The consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 97.86% (1462/1494). The iodine salt coverage rate was 99.46%(1486/1494). The rate of qualified iodized salt was 98.38 (1462/1486), and the non-iodized rate was 0.54% (8/1494). Conclusions All indicators have reached the national standard of eliminating IDD in Longyan City.  相似文献   
目的研究黄皮Clausenalansium种子中的化学成分及其生物活性。方法采用多种色谱技术如硅胶、Sephadex LH-20凝胶和半制备高效液相色谱法等对黄皮种子中的化合物进行分离纯化,并根据理化常数、核磁和质谱数据进行结构鉴定;以及通过PNPG法和贝曼漏斗法对化合物进行体外降血糖活性和全齿复活线虫致死活性测试。结果从黄皮种子中共分离到11个化合物,分别鉴定为(4R*,6R*)-6-羟基胡椒酮(1)、(4S*,6R*)-6-羟基胡椒酮(2)、(1S*,2S*,4R*)-1-methyl-4-(prop-l-en-2-yl) cyclohexane-1,2-diol(3)、subamone(4)、methyl (1R*,2R*,2′Z)-2-(5′-hydroxy-pent-2′-enyl)-3-oxo-cyclopentane acetate(5)、5-hydroxy-4-phenyl-5H-furan-2-one(6)、黑麦草内酯(7)、xylogranatinin(8)、2,6-dihydroxyhumula-3(12),7(13),9(E)-triene(9)、xanthoxol(10)和ligballinol(11)。结论化合物1~8均为首次从该属植物中分离得到,化合物9为首次从该植物中分离得到。其中化合物8具有较强的体外α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性,化合物5具有较强的全齿复活线虫致死活性。  相似文献   
海南血竭的化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究海南血竭 (Dragon’s blood from Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnep) 的化学成分。方法 采用硅胶柱色谱、凝胶柱色谱和半制备HPLC等方法进行分离纯化,根据理化常数和波谱数据鉴定结构。结果 从海南血竭中提取分离得到5个化合物,分别鉴定为cambodianin C (1)、cinnabarone (2)、7,4′-二羟基黄酮 (3)、3,4-二羟基烯丙基苯 (4)和紫檀芪 (5)。结论 化合物1为新天然产物,化合物2 ~ 5为首次从海南血竭中分离得到。抗菌活性测试结果表明:4和5对于金黄色葡萄球菌 (SA) 和耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 (MRSA) 有较弱的抑制作用。  相似文献   
龙岩地区地处福建省西南部,是典型的丘陵山区,居民居住分散,经济不发达,全区7个县(市)中,贫困县有4个。全区人口268269万人,其中农村人口230016万人,占85.74%。在改革开放中,由于农村经济的发展和生活水平的提高,各级政府将农村改水列为民办实事的举措,10年中,国家、集体、个人共投资779.8万元进行农村改水,投资77.892万元进行高氟病区的改水降氟工程,至1992年止,全区农村人口的80.64%用上了安全水,本文将改水工程控制介水传染病的成效报告如下:  相似文献   
病例摘要患者女,16岁,因发热6天、少尿3天于1986年12月23日入院。患者于6天前始畏寒、发热,体温达39℃,伴头痛及全身痛,近3天来恶心、呕吐,持续性腹痛,尿量少,曾在某医院给予补  相似文献   
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