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大鼠切牙牙髓血管构筑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用树脂铸型方法,在解剖显微镜及扫描电镜下,观测了大鼠上、下切牙的牙髓血管构筑。其特征为,牙髓中轴血管束由10~20支微动脉和8~12支微静脉构成;中轴血管束中的微动脉和微静脉呈长距离的逆流配置;成牙本质细胞区的毛细血管丛,由分节段且互相独立的微动脉供应。  相似文献   
应用发育商、发育差异和发育偏离的概念可避免许多发育障碍的误诊。儿科神经发育病变既注重发育诊断,又不可忽视其后所关联的各种功能障碍,因此发育障碍儿童的随访是重要的。轻度发育障碍儿童常继发行为和精神问题,故医疗和心理社会干预是必需的。  相似文献   
An investigation on psychosocial problems was carried out in 2 groups of children in Shanghai. Group l was composed of 643 children of 3 and 5 years old selected randomly from two districts of Shanghai, and Group 2 0f 413 children aged 3 and 5 years from an area in a district. Symptoms of the two age groups were identified separately. Symp- toms of 5 year olds which upset the parents or might hamper the child's future personality develop ment including disobedience, shouting, quarrelsome- ness, difficulty in separating from the mother, fears and ovcrdependence occurred in more than 10To. Three-year-old symptoms included hitting others, shouting, aggressiveness, destructiveness, difficulty in separating from mother, quarrelsomeness and dis- obedience. There was a tendency for aggressive symptoms and developmental immaturity to cluster. While the symptoms listed for 3-year olds persisted to the age of 5, there were significant decreases in occurrence of aggressive symptoms, and significant increases in nail-biting, tooth grinding and nose picking at 5. When an excessive number of symp toms is used as a criterion of abnormality, the frequeney was 6.4% and 6% in 3-years olds and 51 year olds.  相似文献   
中西医结合治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成已取得显著成绩。为了探求本病中医辨证分型的客观指标,我们采用反应血液凝固性的体外血栓试验对77例本病患者进行检测,分析如下。临床资料健康人组35人,男25人,女10人;平均31岁。经查未发现心、脑、肝,肾等疾病。患者组77例,男49例,女28例;根据1984年中国中西医结合研究会周围血管病专业委员会制定的诊断标准,诊为下肢深静脉血栓形成;年龄22~79岁,平均38岁;病程24小时~20年,平均1年。其中35例经中西医结合  相似文献   
患者男性,21岁。诉于10个月前右肩、右膝关节持续性针刺样疼痛,治疗未见改善,近两个月来病情加重,右上肢不能提重物,右腿跛行并见肿胀,活动受限。  相似文献   
金星 《当代医学》2021,(6):193-194
冠心病心绞痛在中医学中属于胸痹范畴,枳实薤白桂枝汤是冠心病心绞痛的常用中医药治疗方剂,具有通阳散结之功效,本研究主要阐述冠心病心绞痛的中医学认识、枳实薤白桂枝汤的药理作用及枳实薤白桂枝汤在冠心病心绞痛中的应用效果.  相似文献   
毛全  许川  金星  梅宏 《贵州医药》2021,45(5):748-750
探讨胆管-支气管瘘的临床诊断及治疗方式.胆管-支气管瘘是胆管系统与支气管树之间,穿破膈肌形成病理性交通.发生胆管支气管瘘的病因较多,且发病机制尚不明确.临床表现常常是以呼吸道症状就诊,临床发病率较低.通过影像学、临床表现、手术探查等方式,可明确诊断.现将我院收治的罕见的胆管-支气管瘘1例作病例报告,并作相关文献复习.  相似文献   
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