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目的研究不同碘摄入水平对仔鼠大脑2型脱碘酶(D2)活力、髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP)、突触蛋白Ⅰ表达的影响。方法将 SPA-VAF 级 Wistar 大鼠60只随机分为低碘组(LI 组)、正常碘组(NI 组)、5、10、50、100倍高碘组(HI 组),每组10只,雌、雄各半。经饮水给予碘酸钾,使其每日总碘摄入量分别为1、6.15、30.75、61.5、307.5、615μg。喂养3个月后雌、雄交配,仔鼠在出生后28 d 处死,以竞争结合放射免疫分析(RIA)法测定血清甲状腺激素(TH),以强阳离子交换层析法测定大脑 D2活力,以免疫组化方法检测 MBP 及突触蛋白Ⅰ表达的变化。结果与 NI 组比较,LI 组各血清 TH 水平均显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01);各 HI 组随着碘摄入量的增加各血清 TH 水平均呈降低趋势,其中 TT_4、FT_4在615μg/d 碘组降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。LI 组与各 HI 组的 D2活力较 NI 组有升高的趋势,但均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与 NI 组比较,LI 组和各 HI 组胼胝体 MBP 蛋白表达均减少,海马 CA3区突触蛋白Ⅰ表达均增多。结论碘缺乏和重度碘过量(615μg/d 碘组)仔鼠表现出甲状腺功能减退,碘缺乏引起的甲状腺功能减退程度和对髓鞘与突触发育的影响比碘过量更为严重。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the effect of health education in controlling the iodine deficiency diserders(IDD) in order to provide reference data for the further prevention and control. Methods Each village of 3 towns in Congjiang County was selected in 2007, where the health education lasting for 10 months had been implemented in the school students of 3-6 grade and the villagers. The school students of 3-6 grade and 30 housewives in the villagers were investigated for their IDD control knowledge, the salt consuming conditions as well as the sales of both rough and fine salt at a salt retail site in each village before and after the health education was implemented. Results The awareness rate of the knowledge of IDD control in the students and housewives was 91.4% (581/636) and 78.3% (282/360), respectively after intervention, which significantly increased (χ2= 532.044, 326.117, both P < 0.01) compared with the rate of 28.2% (184/652) and 11.4% (41/360) before intervention. The proportion of consuming fine salt was 91.8%(146/159) and 95.6%(86/90), significantly inereased(χ2= 236.623, 135.350, both P < 0.01) compared with 6.1%(10/163) and 7.8% (7/90) found before intervention. The selling proportion of fine salt at the salt retail site in the village was 60.0%(900/1500), significantly increased(χ2= 824.176, P < 0.01) compared with 10.0%(150/1500) before intervention. Conclusions Health education and promotion is solid foundation for effectively controlling IDD, through which the students and villagers are actively and voluntarily involved in the program and hence have formed good living and hygiene habits, thus expected effect has been obtained.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the effect of health education in controlling the iodine deficiency diserders(IDD) in order to provide reference data for the further prevention and control. Methods Each village of 3 towns in Congjiang County was selected in 2007, where the health education lasting for 10 months had been implemented in the school students of 3-6 grade and the villagers. The school students of 3-6 grade and 30 housewives in the villagers were investigated for their IDD control knowledge, the salt consuming conditions as well as the sales of both rough and fine salt at a salt retail site in each village before and after the health education was implemented. Results The awareness rate of the knowledge of IDD control in the students and housewives was 91.4% (581/636) and 78.3% (282/360), respectively after intervention, which significantly increased (χ2= 532.044, 326.117, both P < 0.01) compared with the rate of 28.2% (184/652) and 11.4% (41/360) before intervention. The proportion of consuming fine salt was 91.8%(146/159) and 95.6%(86/90), significantly inereased(χ2= 236.623, 135.350, both P < 0.01) compared with 6.1%(10/163) and 7.8% (7/90) found before intervention. The selling proportion of fine salt at the salt retail site in the village was 60.0%(900/1500), significantly increased(χ2= 824.176, P < 0.01) compared with 10.0%(150/1500) before intervention. Conclusions Health education and promotion is solid foundation for effectively controlling IDD, through which the students and villagers are actively and voluntarily involved in the program and hence have formed good living and hygiene habits, thus expected effect has been obtained.  相似文献   
目的观察微量元素变化与铁、碘缺乏大鼠甲状腺功能变化之间的关系。方法健康SPF/VAF级初断乳SD大鼠32只,雌雄各半,按体重随机分为碘铁联合缺乏组(IFD)、碘缺乏组(ID)、铁缺乏组(FD)和对照组(N),每组各8只。通过饲料控制4周使各组大鼠铁、碘营养水平达到实验预期。测定尿碘浓度、甲状腺重量、血红蛋白、血清甲状腺激素和促甲状腺激素水平,测量血清中镁(Mg)、钙(Ca)、铬(Cr)、锰(Mn)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)和硒(Se)的含量。结果大鼠碘营养和铁营养各项指标均符合试验设计要求。与对照组相比,铁缺乏组、碘缺乏组、碘铁联合缺乏组均出现甲状腺功能减退(甲减)或甲减趋势;碘铁联合缺乏组大鼠血清Ca、Mn、Zn浓度增加(P0.05,P0.01),其他元素变化无统计学意义;碘缺乏组大鼠血清Cu、Zn、Se浓度增加(均P0.05),其他元素变化无统计学意义;铁缺乏组大鼠血清Ca、Zn浓度增加(P0.05,P0.01),其他元素变化无统计学意义。结论多种微量元素的变化可能协同铁、碘对甲状腺的功能产生影响。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the effect of health education in controlling the iodine deficiency diserders(IDD) in order to provide reference data for the further prevention and control. Methods Each village of 3 towns in Congjiang County was selected in 2007, where the health education lasting for 10 months had been implemented in the school students of 3-6 grade and the villagers. The school students of 3-6 grade and 30 housewives in the villagers were investigated for their IDD control knowledge, the salt consuming conditions as well as the sales of both rough and fine salt at a salt retail site in each village before and after the health education was implemented. Results The awareness rate of the knowledge of IDD control in the students and housewives was 91.4% (581/636) and 78.3% (282/360), respectively after intervention, which significantly increased (χ2= 532.044, 326.117, both P < 0.01) compared with the rate of 28.2% (184/652) and 11.4% (41/360) before intervention. The proportion of consuming fine salt was 91.8%(146/159) and 95.6%(86/90), significantly inereased(χ2= 236.623, 135.350, both P < 0.01) compared with 6.1%(10/163) and 7.8% (7/90) found before intervention. The selling proportion of fine salt at the salt retail site in the village was 60.0%(900/1500), significantly increased(χ2= 824.176, P < 0.01) compared with 10.0%(150/1500) before intervention. Conclusions Health education and promotion is solid foundation for effectively controlling IDD, through which the students and villagers are actively and voluntarily involved in the program and hence have formed good living and hygiene habits, thus expected effect has been obtained.  相似文献   
碘缺乏和碘过量大鼠动物模型的复制及其碘代谢的对比观察   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:18  
目的以适碘动物为对照(NI),复制碘缺乏(LI)与碘过量(HI)大鼠动物模型并观察其碘代谢的变化。方法给予Wistar大鼠低碘饮食和不同剂量的高碘(KI)饮食(分别是正常碘摄入量的5、10、50、100倍),分别于实验3、6和12个月后处死,观察其碘代谢变化。结果LI组表现为以体格发育迟滞、尿碘及甲状腺碘显著降低为主要特征的碘缺乏状态;碘过量的各组(5、10、50、100HI组)尿碘排泄量则明显增加,增加的幅度分别与碘摄入水平相一致,但甲状腺含碘虽然均比NI组增高,但增高的幅度远不及尿碘水平,而且不与碘摄入水平相一致,仅为NI组甲状腺含碘量的2倍左右。结论碘缺乏和碘过量大鼠动物的模型是成功的,大鼠对长期高碘摄入比碘缺乏具有更强的耐受性,甲状腺对高碘环境存在适应机制。  相似文献   
目的通过研究子代大鼠脑组织中神经递质含量及相关酶活性,探讨不同碘摄入量对脑功能的影响。方法断乳后1月的W istar大鼠随机分为4组:低碘组,适碘组,10倍碘组,50倍碘组,分别饮用含不同碘浓度的水,饲养3月后随机交配,仔鼠饲养28 d后,断头取其大脑组织,称重,测定单胺氧化酶(MAO)和胆碱酯酶(ChE)活性。结果与适碘组相比,其它各组大鼠脑重量均明显降低(P<0.05或P<0.01),但低碘组最明显;20%脑组织匀浆中蛋白质含量,低碘组明显降低(P<0.01);低碘组仔鼠脑内MAO活性明显升高(P<0.01),ChE活性明显降低(P<0.01);50倍碘组大鼠MAO活性明显升高(P<0.01)。结论碘缺乏和严重碘过量可影响子代大鼠脑的神经递质及其相关酶活性,但碘缺乏的影响远比碘过量严重。  相似文献   
糖尿病是由多种因素引起的一种全身性代谢异常综合征,I型糖尿病患者中甲状腺功能异常的发生率高于正常人群。两者具有共同的遗传免疫学基础,表现为激素水平、自:身抗体表达等方面的异常,且其表现与年龄、性别、糖尿病病程、血糖控制情况等有关。两者合并发生与细胞毒性T细胞相关抗原-4基因、蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶非受体型22基因、人类白细胞抗原月己A基因及Xp的FOXP3基因等基因多态性关系密切。血清抗体的检测有助于提早发现疾病,尽早治疗。目前两者合并发生的机制尚未完全明了,需开展更多研究。  相似文献   
目的 通过测定碘缺乏大鼠肾脏解耦联蛋白(UCP)2、骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)2的表达,探讨其表达的改变与分布.方法 实验前适应性喂养1周,应用随机数字表法将雌性Wistar大鼠分为3组:轻度低碘组(MIDG组)和重度低碘组(SIDG组),并设适碘组为正常对照组(CL组)(日总碘摄入量分别为5.00,1.24,10.00μg/d),每组10只,通过免疫组化等方法观察实验大鼠离体肾脏UCP2、BMP2的表达,并对结果进行相关统计学分析.结果 与CL组相比,MIDG组血游离T3、总T3、总T4水平下降(t=2.54,1.81,4.41,P<0.05),仅血游离T4下降不明显,差异无统计学意义.SIDG组血游离T3、游离T4、总T3、总T4水平均明显下降(=6.68,20.25,5.38,21.56,P<0.01),与MIDG组相比,SIDG血激素水平下降更明显(t=3.19,15.45,6.93,13.48,P<0.05).免疫组化显示,UCP2与BMP2少量表达于肾小球,主要表达于肾皮质远端肾小管.与CL组相比,MIDG组和SIDG组UCP2、BMP2表达量明显减少(t=5.72,8.79,8.74,18.63,P<0.01),与MIDG组相比,SIDG组下降更明显(t=7.43,11.77,P<0.01).同时相关性分析显示这种下降趋势与血游离T4水平呈明显正相关(r=0.81,0.82).结论 碘缺乏可以导致甲状腺功能减退症(甲减),甲减大鼠肾脏UCP2、BMP2表达降低.  相似文献   
目的 观察碘过量对哺乳期母鼠乳腺钠碘转运体(sodium-iodide symporter,NIS)mRNA及蛋白表达的影响.方法 断乳1个月健康Wistar大鼠60只,雌雄比为2:1.将大鼠按体质量随机分为适碘组(30只)、10倍碘组(15只)、100倍碘组(15只),通过饮食(含碘300μg/ks)和饮水(含碘5、1845、20 295μg/L)摄碘.喂养3个月后交配产仔鼠,在哺乳第10天,采用砷铈催化分光光度法测定母鼠尿碘和乳汁碘.取母鼠乳腺,用反转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)测定NIS mRNA表达;用SABC法进行免疫组化染色观察NIS蛋白表达强度.结果 ①母鼠尿碘:适碘组344.7μg/L、10倍碘组3597.5μg/L、100倍碘组25 404.3μg/L,10倍碘组和100倍碘组分别是适碘组的10.4倍和73.7倍.②母鼠乳汁碘:适碘组6.0×103μg/L、10倍碘组27.1×103μg/L、100倍碘组191.0×103μg/L,10倍碘组和100倍碘组分别是适碘组的4.5倍和31.8倍,母鼠乳汁碘增加倍数低于尿碘.③母鼠乳腺NIS表达:NIS raRNA表达组间比较差异有统计学意义(F=24.19,P<0.01);其中适碘组(1.532±0.044)较10倍碘组(1.250±0.034)、100倍碘组(1.272±0.039)明显增高(P<0.01),而且哺乳期母鼠乳腺N1S mRNA表达(1.532±0.044)高于非哺乳期母鼠(0.879±0.018),二者比较差异有统计学意义(t=19.09,P<0.01);母鼠乳腺NIS蛋白表达强度随碘摄入量增加而减弱.结论 过量碘摄入可抑制乳腺NISmRNA和蛋白表达,限制乳汁中的含碘量随碘摄入量增加的幅度,此机制对下一代有着重要的保护作用.  相似文献   
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