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Objective To investigate the value of statistical parametric mapping 5 (SPM5) and its parameter settings in analysis of PET imaging for epilepsy patients. Methods Seventeen epilepsy patients and seventeen controls were scanned with PET. The datns were analyzed using PET and SPM5 with qualitative and semiquantitative analysis, statistical analysis of the percentage (numbers of agent distribution decreasing in focus to brain) for different parameters combinations, which were value adjustment to contral-p and voxels-k. Results There was decreasing of agent distribution at temporal lobe in epilepsy patients detecting with PET; the T/NT of focus to cerebellum was 1.07±0.24, the T/NT of normal tissue in opposite side to cerebellum was 1.27±0.18, there was a significant difference (t=1.87, P<0.05). Dealing with SPM5, there was more significant decreasing of agent in regions 19, 21, 39 of temporal lobe, regions 7, 19, 31, 40, 47 of parietal lobe and occipital lobe in epilepsy patients. With different value of k, the percentage was (27±22)%, (29±24)%, (32±23)%, (35±27)%, (39±31)%respectively, there was not significant difference (F=0.59, P>0.05) ; for different value of p, the percentage was (42±30) %, (29±25) %, (26±21) % respectively, with a significant difference (F=3.60, P<0.05); there was linear regression in value adjustment to contral-p and the percentage(b=-18.24, t=2.57, P<0.05). Conclusions Semiquantitative analysis by SPM5, the setting of value adjustment to contral-p would affect the results, the smaller of value adjustment to contral-p, the better of the result. SPM5 would be more objective and accurate to locate the focuses.  相似文献   
Background:Epiduralinjectionisanimportantmethodintreatmentofprotrusionoflumbarintervertebraldisc.Especiallyintherecentdecadesacralinjectionisadoptedmoreandmoreoften.Objecive:Tocomparetheclinicaleffectsofsacralblockingandmassagecombinedwithtraction.Unit:YinheHospitalofBeijing.Subjects:290outpatientswithgradeIIofASAIwereselectedfromMay,1994toJuly,2000.Patientswererandomlydividedintoobservationgroup(n=145)andcontrolgroup(n=145).Sacralblockingwasadoptedinobservationgroupand80malesand65female…  相似文献   
随着分子生物学时代的到来,乳腺外科进入了根据乳腺疾病的生物学特性指导治疗方式的时代。乳腺外科的发展呈现两大趋势,即外科分子生物学的进展和乳腺微创外科概念的普及,这也是当今外科的总体方向。  相似文献   
猪苓多糖致四肢中小关节刺痛1例杨美莲,李晶(包头医学院一附院保健科,包头014010)1临床资料患者男性,57岁,患慢性乙肝5年,自述乏力,无其它不适感,查乙肝五项:HBsAg(+)、HBeAg(+)、抗-HBe(+)。肝功:TTT10u,其余正常,...  相似文献   
对中医辨证施护的体会西宁市第一人民医院李晶,吴艳芳1整体观念是中医护理的指导思想:中医把人体看成一个有机的整体,各脏腑和五官、五体、九窍都是相互联系的,互相制约的。在护理中特别强调病在局部而护在整体。比如病人头晕耳鸣,不能仅限于护理头部,还要观察了解...  相似文献   
糖骨康胶囊治疗糖尿病骨质疏松临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察糖骨康胶囊对糖尿病骨质疏松的治疗作用。方法:将216例患者,遵照随机、盲法、对照原则分为治疗组144例、对照组72例,其中治疗组给予糖骨康胶囊,对照组给予甘露消渴丸,治疗8w后观察疗效。结果:治疗组显效率为40.0%;总有效率为88.6%。对照组显效率为28.9%,总有效率为82.6%。结论:糖骨康胶囊对2型糖尿病骨质疏松有显著的防治作用。  相似文献   
我们采用经颅多普勒超声(TCD)检查了100例头晕患者的脑血流变化,并与正常组对照,现报告如下。  相似文献   
细菌性脑膜炎患儿脑脊液中IGF-Ⅱ及IGFBP-3 水平变化及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌性脑膜炎是常见的小儿中枢神经系统感染性疾病,经合理的药物治疗,其预后已大为改观,但病死率和后遗症发生率仍较高。近年来随着对胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)系统研究的不断深入,发现其与中枢神经系统疾病和感染性疾病关系密切,为此我们检测了24例细菌性脑膜炎患儿脑脊液  相似文献   
胆管癌是胆道常见恶性肿瘤,临床症状出现较晚,有向周围组织、血管、神经浸润的特点,化疗、放疗又不能降低胆管癌患者术后的复发率和提高其生存率,因而预后很差。近年来研究显示:胆管癌的发病率和死亡率逐年上升[1]。因此,通过建立模型这一有效手段,对提高胆管癌的临床诊疗具有重要的意义。现对胆管癌模型的研究现状做如下综述:1肝内胆管癌模型肝内胆管细胞癌属于肝癌的范畴,目前文献中报道较多,早期研究就是从该类模型开始的。1.1诱发肝内胆管癌模型该类模型通常用化学物质、微生物寄生虫感染等诱发手段建成。1.1.13'甲基4二甲氨偶氮苯(3'M…  相似文献   
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