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一、病例报告例1:曹××,男,54岁.门诊号:70-115070.患者以进食后呕吐,大便隐血持续阳性,于1970年10月20日在××医院胃肠摄片,报告为:"胃及十二指肠球腔内息肉样癌,在胃腔内者,大如鸡蛋,在球腔内者,大如乒乓球,二者表面均有溃疡.前者有蒂能移动,但均未发生梗阻,相反钡剂排空尚正常.胃大弯近幽门部见一小三角形壁龛.摄片证实透视所见."患者于10月24日来我院治疗.主诉胃疼剧烈,进食后呕吐,大便秘结.中医药治疗五月后,临床症状全部消失,治疗6个半月后,于1971年5月7日我院胃肠钡片示:"慢性胃炎,十二指肠球部轻度畸形,1970年10月20日××医院所见片之充盈缺损,不复  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the expression and significance of local Th1 and Th2 cytokines in the grafts of pig simultaneous pancreas-kidney with portal versus systemic venous drainage. Methods Fifty-eight non-related and first hybrid landraces were divided into Sham (n = 10), PE (portal-enteric drainage) (n =24) and SE ( systemic-enteric drainage) (n =24) groups. Type 1 diabetic mellitus was induced by whole pancreatectomy ,and right-side nephrectomy was also performed in the recipients. The pigs in sham group were only subjected to ]aparotomy. The portal vein was anastomosed to superior mesenteric vein of the recipient in PE group or to the inferior hepatic cava of the recipients in SE group. The tissues of the graft pancreas and kidney were obtained by surgery for detecting the expression of mRNA and protein of IFN-γand IL4 by RT-PCR and ELISA on the day 3,and 7 after transplantation. Results Compared with sham group,the local expression of mRNA and protein of IFN in the graft pancreas and kidney of both SE and PE groups was significantly up-regulated ( P < 0. 05 ) ( On the day 7, protein expression in sham, SE, and PE groups :in the graft pancreas, [ (3.36±0.25 ), (7.72±0.67 ), and ( 6.52±0.34 ) pg/mg protein ];in the graft kidney, [ ( 3.66±0.28 ), ( 10.83±1.48 ), and (7.79±0.60) pg/mg protein ]. The local expression of mRNA and protein of IL-4 was significantly up-regulated in PE group (P < 0.05 ), but down-regulated or no expression was detected in group SE (on the day 7, protein expression in sham, SE, and PE groups:in the graft pancreas, [ (7.18±0.16), (6.10±0.16) ,and (20.66±1.47) pg/mg protein];in the graft kidney, [ (5.74±0.48) ,(10.38±0.92) ,and ( 19.66±1.57) pg/mg protein]. Conclusion That the blood flow of graft pancreas passes by liver in SPK with PVD can induce a Th1 to Th2 inmaune shift. This may be one of mechanisms of immunologic benefits of PVD.  相似文献   
经卫生部批准,由中国学生营养促进会主办,于1999年5月20日至22日在北京举办了中国学生营养促进会成立十周年纪念活动暨’99中国学生营养日系列宣传活动。  5月20日在人民大会堂举行了纪念会暨宣传活动开幕式。全国人大副委员长程思远,全国政协副主席钱正英,中国学生营养促进会创始人、名誉会长于若木,高级顾问、卫生部副部长殷大奎,教育部体卫司杨力副司长,会长何界生,副会长邹时炎,优生优育协会会长林隹楣,中国关心下一代工作委员会副主任闵振环,预防医学会副会长王贺祥,以及促进会在京常务理事、理事、专家,…  相似文献   
目的 探讨腹主动脉瘤(AAA)腔内修复术封闭单侧髂内动脉(IIA)后发生相关并发症的危险因素.方法 收集2012年3月至2018年10月遂宁中心医院及川北医学院附属医院收治的73例肾下型AAA患者的临床资料,所有患者均行AAA腔内修复术封闭单侧IIA,按照是否发生并发症将患者分为并发症组(n=28)和无并发症组(n=4...  相似文献   
根治性手术治疗消化性溃疡急性穿孔86例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨消化性溃疡急性穿孔的治疗方法,旨在提高Ⅰ期手术治愈的成功率.方法 回顾性总结分析手术治疗消化性溃疡急性穿孔208例,其中86例(41.35%)采用胃大部连同病灶切除Ⅰ期治愈,胃肠重建采用Billroth Ⅰ式吻合18例(20.93%),Billroth Ⅱ式吻合68例(79.07%),Billroth Ⅱ式结肠前吻合42例(61.76%),结肠后吻合26例(38.24%).结果 86例中除1例Billroth Ⅱ式吻合术后发生胃瘫并发症,经保守治疗1个月治愈外,其余患者术后恢复良好,均随访>5年情况良好.结论 消化性溃疡急性穿孔的Ⅰ期手术治疗,解决了因溃疡穿孔单行修补术后再次复发穿孔、出血、幽门梗阻、粘连、溃疡恶变而重复手术等问题,缩短了治愈周期,提高了生存质量,减轻了患者的二次手术痛苦和经济负担.  相似文献   
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