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目的:分析社区住院2型糖尿病患者慢性并发症情况.方法:以张家港澳阳医院住院的2型糖尿病患者为研究对象,应用统一的调查表,按病历记录,分别收集住院患者姓名、性别、病程、年龄、糖化血红蛋白、血糖、血脂、相关病史等.结果:本组研究中社区住院的2型糖尿病患者住院患者微血管并发症以糖尿病视膜病病变具多,与病程、甘油三酯呈正相关,合并症中以高血压、高脂血症、脂肪肝占比率较大,分别为38.3%、25.4%、31.2%,合并感染2型糖尿病患者占23.3%.结论:社区住院的2型糖尿病患者需提高并发症筛查的检测水平,及早发现并发症,在控制血糖同时加强血脂控制,减少糖尿病视网膜病变的发生.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence suggests that the small G protein Rho and its downstream effec-tor Rho kinase may play important roles in kidney biology. The present study examined the effects of a Rho-kinase inhibitor, fasudil, on daunorubicin-induced progressive glomerulosclerosis and explored the underlying mechanism by which fasudil ameliorates glomerulosclerosis. Thirty-six male SD rats were randomly allocated into sham-operation group (sham group, n=12), unilateral nephrectomy (UNX)+daunorubicin (DRB) group (model group, n=12), UNX+DRB+Fasudil group (treatment group, n=12). Two to four weeks after the establishment of the animal model, 6 rats in each group were taken randomly for the detection of 24-h urine protein excretion. Kidney sections were exam-ined by HE and PAS staining, immunohistochemistry and transmission electric microscopy (TEM). The expression of Rho-kinase mRNA and P27 mRNA in kidney were detected by RT-PCR. It was found that the 24-h urine protein excretion in model group was increased significantly as compared with sham group (P〈0.01). But this increase was significantly suppressed by fasudil (P〈0.05). At 4 week, the foot process effacement in podocytes, mesangial proliferation and ECM accumulation were observed in model group, presenting as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. But in the treatment group, the fasudil alleviated glomerular injury, with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive cell infiltration ameliorated and the expression of P27 increased. The expression of Rho-kinase mRNA was significantly enhanced in model group and was suppressed in treatment group. Moreover, fasudil up-regulated the mRNA expression of P27. Our study demonstrated that the glomerulosclerosis was substantially ameliorated by inhibiting the expression of Rho-kinase. It is suggested that Rho-kinase pathway is involved in the renal injury and the inhibition of Rho-kinase may constitute a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of renal injury.  相似文献   
加强高校干部队伍建设的探讨同济医科大学组织部,武汉430030朱忠华,甘汉祥面向21世纪,大力加强高校干部队伍建设,全面提高现有干部素质,抓紧培养和选拔德才兼备的领导干部,是我们高校组织工作的一项紧迫战略任务,也是新时期高校党的建设的关键性工程。结合...  相似文献   
UREMIC RENAL FAILURE is a common chronicdisease. Hemodialysis therapy has increased thelifespan of uremic patients significantly. Patientquality of life (QL), however, is also an importantindicator of the effectiveness of the medical carethat patients receive and therapies that prolonglifespan may actually compromise quality of life.1In recent years, intravenous iron has been studiedas an adjunctive therapy for anemia in hemodialysispatients. Based on protocols published previously,we selected hemodialysis ...  相似文献   
Beagle犬血液细胞及生化值测定与比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了给Beagle犬的推广应用提供更多的正常背景资料,用ADVIA试剂及分析仪检测了168只成年、健康Beagle犬的血液学与血液生化指标值。共检测15个项目,并将其中的13个项目的平均值同20年前检测结果比较。结果发现,其中6项指标的差别有显著性,因此建议对Beagle犬的生理生化正常值应定期复查,尤其是在饲养、繁育条件有变化时。  相似文献   
2005年是国民经济和社会发展“十五”规划的最后一年,今年湖北省卫生工作的重点是抓好以下七个方面的工作:  相似文献   
本文对1987年1月~1988年5月在我院住院的20例慢伫肾功能不全患者进行了补锌前后血清锌值弼定及临床观察,探索微量元素锌与慢性肾功能不全之间的联系.以期寻求改善病人临床症状及延长病人生命的有效途径。  相似文献   
蛋白酶激活受体2在小鼠肾间质纤维化中的表达及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察单侧输尿管梗阻(UUO)小鼠模型中蛋白酶激活受体2(PAR-2)在肾小管间质中的表达部位、动态变化及其与肾间质纤维化的关系。方法 制备UUO小鼠模型,采用RT-PCR方法检测UUO术后第1、3、5、7、10、14、21天肾组织中PAR-2mRNA的表达;免疫组化方法检测PAR-2蛋白的表达。分析它与肾间质相对面积、α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(SMA)表达水平的关系。结果 UUO术后第1天肾小管间质可见少量PAR-2mRNA和蛋白的表达,第7-14天表达显著增加,其后维持在较高水平。PAR-2表达量与肾间质相对面积、α-SMA表达量成正相关。PAR-2表达主要定位于肾小管上皮细胞(尤其为近曲小管),也可见于肾毛细血管袢、间质浸润细胞和成纤维细胞。结论 PAR-2在肾小管上皮细胞和肾间质的表达可能参与了肾间质纤维化发生发展的过程。  相似文献   
Withtheimprovementofperitonealdialysis(PD)techniqueinrecentyears,theincidenceofbacterialperitonitis(BP)hasbeen'dramaticallydecreased.However,fun-galperitonitis(FP)anditsprophylaxisandtreatmentremainproblemsandlittleprogresshasbeenmade.Wereviewedl1FPcasesamong64PDpatientswithBPinourdepartmentbetweenl985andl995,inordertodeterminewhetheraprofileofpa-tientsatriskofdevelopingFPcouldbei-dentifiedandtoevaluatetheeffectivenessofroutinetreatmentprotocolofFP.lPAT1ENrsANDMETHoDSThesubjectsinc…  相似文献   
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