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患者女,52岁,入院前1周先后在上楼途中,早晨上卫生间后发生晕厥4次,意识丧失时间逐渐延长,最长达3min,无抽搐,口吐白沫及大小便失禁.因再次晕厥伴气短于2009年3月30日晚7时由急诊科转入我科.既往高血压病史8年,双下肢静脉曲张病史3年.人院查体:血压114/70mm Hg(1 mm Hg =0.133 kPa),呼吸频率24次/min,神志清醒,半卧位,口唇微绀,颈静脉无怒张,双肺呼吸音清,心界不大,心律齐,心率102次/min,A2=P2,肝、脾未触及,双下肢无水肿,未见曲张静脉.心电图:窦性心动过速,QⅢTⅢ,ST-T改变.动脉血气分析:pH值7.30,动脉血氧分压(PaO2) 52mm Hg,动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2) 32 mm Hg,HCO3- 15.5mmol/L.血常规、肝、肾功能正常.急查D-二聚体5.7 μg/L.高度怀疑肺栓塞,立即予以低分子量肝素皮下注射.第2天查CT肺动脉造影(CTPA):多发肺血栓形成.为明确栓子来源,进一步查心脏彩超:左房左室大,主动脉增宽,符合高血压改变;2次查双下肢、髂内外静脉及下腔静脉彩超均无血栓;肿瘤标记物正常;复查动脉血气分析:pH值7.42,PaO265mm Hg,PaCO240 mm Hg.患者住院第2天晚上出现血压下降到86/53 mm Hg,未予处理约10 min升至正常,以后未再发.第10天复查CTPA:双肺及肺动脉未见异常.入院后皮下注射低分子量肝素、华法林治疗.病情稳定后出院,随诊近4个月,患者自述在洗澡后出现角膜充血不适,但国际标准化比值(INR)稳定,嘱观察并继续口服华法林治疗,随访6个月时,复查双下肢血管彩超,无静脉血栓形成,遂停止服用华法林.  相似文献   
主动脉疾病发病率低,但症状严重,易危及病人生命,对其正确诊断有利于病人得到及时治疗,对挽救病人生命具有重大意义.……  相似文献   
巨细胞病毒肺炎是肾移植术后全身感染的重症之一,及时采用呼吸机辅助通气等综合治疗措施可改善预后.肾移植术后由于应用大剂量免疫抑制剂,机体细胞免疫和体液免疫功能均显著减弱,易并发多个脏器的感染,如肺炎,肝炎,胰腺炎,脑膜炎。其中尤以巨细胞肺炎是肾移植术后的严重并发症之一,是造成肾移植术后死亡的主要原因,死亡率高达25%。总结我院2000—2005年肾移植术后合并巨细胞肺炎的9例患者,旨在引起对此病的足够重视,总结经验。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Biodegradable stent implantation is a commonly used method in the clinical treatment of a variety of cardiovascular diseases. Importantly, the corresponding stent should have good surface properties and biocompatibility. OBJECTIVE: To observe the surface properties of the biodegradable vascular stent material, and to analyze its biocompatibility. METHODS: Artificial plasma was prepared for soaking the biodegradable magnesium alloy stent, and the corrosion of the material was observed by scanning electron microscope. Stent extraction solution was prepared and cytotoxicity test was carried out to observe the toxicity level of human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured in the culture medium. Platelet adhesion test and hemolysis test were performed to detect cell and blood compatibility of the material. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: After the 10-day immersion in artificial plasma, the material was scanned and a uniform corrosion layer was found on the surface of the material. During the drying of the material, some cracks appeared on the corrosion layer. After the corrosion products were removed, there were corrosion pits uniformly distributed on the corrosion surface of the material. In the cytotoxicity test, there were no absorbance values in the positive control group, and almost all of the cells died. After cultured in the material extraction, the toxicity level of human umbilical vein endothelial cells was graded 0 or 1. In the adhesion test, platelets on the stent surface were mostly disk-shaped under scanning electron microscope, some of which were deformed and extended pseudopodia, but no platelet aggregation occurred. The hemolysis rate of the material was 3.15%, in accordance with the requirement of the hemolytic rate < 5%. These experimental results show that the biodegradable magnesium alloy stent material has good corrosion resistance and good cell and blood compatibility, which can meet the demand of clinical application.   相似文献   
冈上肌肌腱炎的临床研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冈上肌肌腱炎又称冈上肌腱综合征、肩外展综合征、冈上肌腱钙化,是骨伤科临床常见的肩部疾病,好发于中青年以上体力劳动者及运动员.近年来,国内外对本病的研究逐渐展开,本文仅就冈上肌肌腱炎的临床研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   
张利鹏  荣华 《现代医药卫生》2004,20(2):F003-F003
我们于2000年6月至今 ,对20例锁骨手术中在颈丛阻滞的基础上复合肌间沟臂丛阻滞 ,现将方法介绍如下。1临床资料1 1一般资料 :20例锁骨骨折患者 ,急诊开放性骨折12例 ,切实施切开复位内固定术 ,男17例 ,女3例 ,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级。1 2麻醉方法与用药 :患者均不用术前药 ,人室后取仰卧位 ,头偏向健侧 ,于胸锁乳突肌及颈外静脉交叉点附近摸到第四颈椎横突 ,在横突面上注射局麻药3~5ml。然后拨针至颈阔肌与皮下之间注药10ml,观察5~10分钟 ,无异常情况后再于前、中斜角肌之间的肌间沟注药10~15ml。局麻药配制为1 :1液 ,即2 %利多卡因10ml加0 5 %布…  相似文献   
骨性关节炎(Osteoarthritis.简称OA)临床上又称退行性关节炎、增生性关节炎等,膝关节是骨性关节炎的多发部位.近年来随着科技的发展,有关骨性关节炎的研究又迎来了新的热潮,并引进了循证医学的概念,使本病的相关研究达到新的高度.  相似文献   
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