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建立于2007年的城镇居民基本医疗保险旨在覆盖城镇职工医疗保险未覆盖的城镇人口,是我国实现全民医保战略的重要举措[1].近几年,城镇居民基本医疗保险发展很快,但仍旧面临着城镇居民缴费能力欠缺、长效筹资机制未形成和保障待遇水平偏低等问题[2].如何确保城镇居民基本医疗保险的可持续发展,是困扰相关决策者的重大难题之一.  相似文献   
提高卫生服务可及和公平,确保居民人人享有所需的基本医疗服务既是近年来国际热点问题,也是我国此次卫生改革的主要目标之一。当前的挑战主要体现为地区资源配置不公平、保险待遇差异引起的风险分担水平差异,以及服务供给中价格机制僵化。改善公平需要从加大偏远地区资源配置以提高其服务提供能力、缩小人群保险待遇差异、调整价格机制等方面入手,结合实际情况,科学决策,同时也需要多部门的协作。  相似文献   
结合国家部署和当地实际,上海市积极开展按疾病诊断相关分组(diagnosis-related groups,DRG)付费改革,形成了覆盖按DRG付费全过程的10个技术规范,包括数据上传与质量控制、分组策略与规则、权重设置与指标、费率测算与调整、特殊病例标准与处置、考核体系、监管办法、清算规则、付费激励,以及专家库建设与...  相似文献   
目的 介绍上海市按疾病诊断相关分组(diagnosis related groups,DRG)付费改革的整体工作思路、分组策略与方法,及其细化落地过程中遇到的问题和主要做法,评价其分组效能,并提出未来调整策略,为其他试点城市提供相关经验.方法 查阅国内外相关文献,访谈上海市DRG改革相关专家,并基于2020年34家参与...  相似文献   
完善上海基本医疗保险给付管理的政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了上海医保给付目录和给付标准的制定原则、程序以及建立项目和材料医保结算库的设想,建议采用准入法制定医保给付项目目录,用准入结合排除的方法制定材料目录。  相似文献   
Objective To compare the efficacy and cost of surgical clipping and endovascular embolization in the treatment of anterior and posterior communicating artery aneurysm and to conduct cost-effectiveness analysis. Methods The data of treatment outcomes and costs in patients with anterior or posterior communicating artery aneurysms admitted to Huashan hospital from 2002 to 2006 were analyzed using a retrospective cohort study. Results A total of 302 patients were included in the study. They were divided into surgical clipping group (n = 150; 65 males, age [48. 11 ±9. 94] years), interventional treatment group (n = 152;75 males, age [52. 56 ± 11. 09] year). The age of the former was lower than that of the latter (t = -3. 670, P =0. 000). There was no significant difference in preoperative clinical conditions (such as location of aneurysms and Hunt-Hess grade) between the two groups. The good outcome rate in the interventional treatment group was significantly higher than that in the surgical clipping group (84. 87% vs. 74. 67%, χ2 = 4. 875, P = 0. 027). There was no significant difference in hospital mortality (5. 33% vs. 3. 94%,χ2 =0. 328, P =0. 567) and complication rate (26.67% vs. 19. 74% , χ2 =2.036, P =0.154) between the surgical clipping group and the interventional treatment group, but the intraoperative aneurysm rupture (10. 67% vs. 3. 95%, χ2 =5.047, P =0.028) and the incidence of postoperative intracranial infection (6/144 vs. 0/152, χ2 = 6.203, P =0.014) in the surgical clipping group were higher than those in the interventional treatment group. The length of hospital stay in the interventional treatment group was significantly shorter than that in the surgical clipping group ([10. 0 ± 7. 0] dvs. [23.0 ± 11. 0] d, Z = -10. 35, P <0.001). The median cost of treatment was 95 327.63 %,yuan in the interventional treatment group, and the interquartile range (IQR) was 26 312. 98 yuan; it was significantly higher than the surgical clipping group (median 30 072. 01 yuan, IQR 11 178. 54 yuan) (Z = -14.449, P<0.001). Compared with the surgical clipping group, while the mRS score improved in the interventional treatment group 0. 10, the cost was about 66 438 yuan, so that the surgical clipping was more cost-effective. Conclusions The efficacy of the intervention treatment of anterior and posterior communicating artery aneurysms is better than that of the surgical clipping The mortality and total complication rate are almost the same with the surgical clipping Thehospital stay is shorter, but the cost of treatment is higher. From an economic point of view, the surgical clipping is more cost-effective.  相似文献   
社区卫生服务成本、收费与补偿现况分析   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3  
本文对陕西省、河北省、江苏省和广东省12城市社区卫生服务的成本、收费与补偿情况进行了分析。为控制社区卫生服务成本,完善社区卫生服务补偿政策和机制,对存在的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   
头孢吡肟和头孢他啶治疗中重度肺炎的成本效用比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的对头孢吡肟和头孢他啶治疗中、重度肺炎的成本效用进行分析。方法118例中、重度肺炎病人前瞻性临床随机对照研究,头孢吡肟组(n=60),中度感染1g,重度感染2g,ivgtt,bid×7~10d;头孢他啶组(n=58),中度感染1g,重度感染2g,ivgtt,bid×7~10d。结果2组治疗总有效率分别为88%和79%,差别无显著意义(P>0.05)。头孢吡肟在用药过程中能够更有效地改善病人生活质量。头孢吡肟组每例可节省直接医疗费用3800元左右。结论头孢吡肟ivgtt治疗中、重度肺炎比头孢他啶ivgtt更具成本效果。  相似文献   
近年来,中欧和东欧国家财政收入减少,而卫生服务支出增加,卫生系统预算缺口不断增大。1994年保加利亚进行了“非正规支付”的小规模调查,研究发现,医务人员“灰色收入”一般为平均月工资的3%~14%,手术者“灰色收入”为平均月收入的83%。人们愿意把这种“非正规支付”改为共付制,但需要做更多的研究看其对公平性和负担能力的影响  相似文献   
社区基本预防服务的成本测算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
预防服务是一类准公共产品或具有正外部性的消费品,政府提供补助或直接予以提供就是必然的解决途径。通过分析社区基本预防服务的成本及其构成,可以为政府预防经费的预算和预防服务的战略规划提供实证参考依据,也为社区医院挖潜节支,提高资源利用效率提供决策参考。结果表明,预防经费投入与目前开展服务实际需要之间尚有一定差距,需要增加政府投入,按基本预防服务优先次序合理配置资源、规范社区 预防服务、改善工作效率是提高有限资源利用效率的有效途径。  相似文献   
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