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邻关节骨囊肿 (骨内腱鞘囊肿 )是局限在关节的软骨下骨内良性囊性病变 ,我院收治 1例 ,报告如下。患者 ,男 ,6 0岁 ,右踝关节疼痛 2年 ,行走时加重 ,休息后缓解 ,1月前疼痛加重 ,呈间歇性隐痛。无明显外伤史。查体 :右踝关节活动正常 ,内踝压痛 ,皮温不高 ,局部无肿胀。X线片示右内踝有1cm× 1 5cm× 1 5cm大小圆形透光区 ,密度均匀 ,边缘清晰。术前诊断 :右内踝骨囊肿。硬膜外麻醉下手术探查 ,凿开右内踝骨皮质后见有 1cm× 1cm× 1 5cm大小囊腔 ,囊壁呈灰白色 ,内有胶冻样组织 ,周围骨质硬化 ,刮除病变后碘伏冲洗 ,取右髂骨… 相似文献
目的探讨第3代Gamma钉(the third generation of Gamma nail,TGN)内固定术治疗股骨粗隆间骨折,拉力螺钉钉尾距股骨外侧皮质距离(tail femur distance,TFD)与术后拉力螺钉移位或切出的关系。方法回顾分析2012年1月—2015年12月行TGN内固定术治疗且随访达18个月以上的124例粗隆间骨折患者临床资料。男52例,女72例;年龄46~93岁,平均78.5岁。骨折根据国际内固定研究协会(AO/ASIF)分型:31-A1型43例,31-A2型69例,31-A3型12例。伤后至手术时间1~10 d,平均2.9 d。根据患者骨折愈合情况分为正常愈合组和固定失败组,记录并比较两组患者年龄、性别、身高、骨骼矿物质密度(bone mineral density,BMD)、骨折AO/ASIF分型、受伤至手术时间以及术后1 d TFD值,并采用logistic回归分析影响螺钉移位或切出的危险因素。结果正常愈合组111例,骨折愈合时间80~110 d,平均95.5 d;固定失败组13例,其中拉力螺钉切出2例、明显移位11例。单因素分析显示,除固定失败组术后1 d TFD值显著高于正常愈合组,差异有统计学意义(t=5.14,P=0.00)外,两组患者性别、年龄、身高、BMD、骨折AO/ASIF分型及受伤至手术时间比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。logistic回归分析显示,TFD值是拉力螺钉明显移位或切出的危险因素(B=1.22,标准化系数=0.32,Waldχ~2值=14.66,P=0.00,OR=3.37)。结论 TFD值较高患者术后拉力螺钉移位或切出的风险增加,术中应谨慎选择合适长度的拉力螺钉,控制TFD值,防止术后拉力螺钉移位或切出。 相似文献
BACKGROUND:So far steroid pulse therapy and surgical decompression are the main accepted therapies for spinal cord injury, but these methods make no effects on injured neurons. Nerve growth factors and endogenous neural stem cells play a role in the neuronal regeneration and remyelination, which provides a new idea for spinal cord injury treatment.
OBJECTIVE:To explore the effect of the basic fibroblast growth factor on proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells after spinal cord injury and to analyze its relationship with the increased fluoro-gold labeled neurons.
METHODS:Totally 48 Kunming mice were randomly divided into four groups including normal, spinal cord injury, treatment and sham operation groups. Acute spinal cord injury models were established in the spinal cord injury and treatment groups, and the normal group was subjected to operation that did not damage the spinal cord. At 2 hours after regaining consciousness, the treatment group was given daily injection of MTPBS containing 25 μg/kg basic fibroblast growth factors and 1% album. And at 7 days, laminectomy was carried out again at the L1 segment in the former three groups and a small piece of sterile gelfoam soaked with fluoro-gold was inserted into the incision. The sham operation group was given no processing. Afterwards, mouse motor behavior was assessed using Rotarod and Platform Hang tests; neurons in the corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts were labeled with fluoro-gold; the number of endogenous neural stem cells positive for nestin was detected by immunohistochemistry method. Besides, the correlation between the number of fluoro-gold labeled neurons and the number of endogenous neural stem cells was assessed.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The basic fibroblast growth factor could significantly improve the mouse motor behavior after spinal cord injury. And the number of endogenous neural stem cells was significantly increased after the basic fibroblast growth factor injection, which was related to the increased fluoro-gold labeled neurons. In conclusion, basic fibroblast growth factors play an important role in the proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells after spinal cord injury. Furthermore, endogenous neural stem cells improve locomotive behaviors by encouraging the neuronal proliferation. 相似文献
如果蛆令你想到叮满苍蝇的肉和腐烂的尸体,请换种想法。因为蛆疗法,即用已消毒的苍蝇幼虫为坏死的组织清创,正迅速地在伤口治疗领域取得一席之地。早期的临床实验表明蛆疗法同时也是抗耐受甲氧苯青霉素(meticillin)的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的有力武器。蛆能很漂亮地将伤口处理干净,这在几个世纪以前人们就已知晓,特别是军医,他们发现伤口在偶然寄生了蛆之后非 相似文献
青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)是一种好发于青春期的脊柱不对称性旋转病变,病因不详。如果要对其进行合理的预防和治疗,就必须对其病因学有明确的了解。但“特发性”的含义是指“病因不明确”,它不同于有明确病因的脊柱侧凸,如结缔组织性(如马凡综合征)、神经肌肉性(如脑瘫)和结构性(如先天性半椎体)脊柱侧凸等。因此,以往提出过很多有关特发性脊柱侧凸病因学的理论。近年来,特发性脊柱侧凸病因学的研究范围非常广泛,从动物模型、影像学、组织学、神经学、免疫荧光检查、生物力学、数学模型、基因学到分子生物学研究,特发性脊柱侧凸的临床模式和病因学方面取得了很大的进展。现就基因和发育方面的进展进行综述。 相似文献
老龄非“大手术”后致死性肺栓塞患者的病例报告及反思 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
骨科大手术术后深静脉血栓形成(deep venous thrombosis,DVT)发生率较高,少数可造成肺栓塞导致死亡,是患者围手术期死亡的重要原因之一。2004年3月起,中华医学会骨科学分会参考美国胸科医师协会发表的第7版《抗栓与溶栓治疗循证指南》等大量国内外文献,起草了《预防骨科大手术后深静脉血栓形成的专家建议(草案)》,2005年正式发表,2009年再次修缮, 相似文献
间接复位方法避免了骨折的广泛暴露,使骨折碎片得以与相邻的软组织保持连接,这是增进骨愈合的关键。复位的目标是实现解剖学上纠正成角、旋转和肢体长度。骨碎片间接复位通常通过牵引器、外固定架或固定于一个主要骨段的钢板联合应用牵引器械牵引软组织。这种应用牵引的方法,又称作软组织整复法,与X线透视检查同时通过联合应用点复位钳进行骨碎片复位。关节骨折必须解剖复位,因余下的骨的不一致会导致创伤后关节炎。对关节内骨折复位,可用软组织牵引实现早期复位。传统的固定方法是将机械压力从钢板转移到骨。加压钢板不要求主要骨片的环形接触,它通过减小植入物(承载)的压力和拉力来加强构造的稳定性。减少骨 相似文献