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氨氯地平消旋体经D-(—)-酒石酸拆分,得到(S)-(—)-氨氯地平,再与苯磺酸成盐制得钙通道阻滞剂(S)-(—)-氨氯地平苯磺酸盐二水合物,收率67%,光学纯度近100%. 相似文献
感染与过敏性紫癜的研究现状 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
感染是过敏性紫癜(HSP)的诱发因素之一.该文介绍了各种感染(病毒、细菌、支原体等)与HSP关系的研究现状和研究方法,讨论了各种病原及其对HSP的临床影响和可能的诱发机制,表明感染、尤其是病毒感染与HSP的发生密切相关,且大多研究只能用血标本间接证明病原与HSP的相关性.揭示今后可对HSP患儿的皮肤或肾脏病理标本直接检测病原菌(特别是病毒,包括文献未研究的可能与HSP发病有关的呼吸道病毒等),用特定病原建立HSP动物模型,以直接证明感染与HSP的关系. 相似文献
不同浓度和剂量3种示踪剂应用于甲状腺前哨淋巴结活检的实验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:通过应用不同浓度和剂量的异硫蓝(IB)、专利蓝(PB)及美蓝(MB)于兔甲状腺,观察其在兔甲状腺前哨淋巴结(SLN)活检中的作用,为甲状腺癌患者SLN活检示踪剂的选择提供实验依据。方法:36只成年兔随机分为9组,每组4只。分别将1%-0.01ml,1%-0.02ml,2%-0.02ml的IB、PB、MB注入各组兔甲状腺左右叶,观察SLN的染色枚数,显色时间及明显、完全褪色时间。结果:9组实验中每侧兔颈部检出的SLN在1~3枚之间,9组间差异无统计学意义。9组实验中,SLN平均显色时间最短为2%MB0.02ml组,6.3s;平均明显褪色时间最长为2%MB0.02ml组,28.2min;1%MB0.02ml组与2%MB0.02ml组观察至40min后染色SLN仍可辨别。结论:2%MB0.02ml注射时,SLN染色较深,显色较快,褪色时间较长,为甲状腺SLN活检应用较佳的示踪剂。 相似文献
目的:应用金磁微粒标记蛋白质技术,建立可目视化蛋白质芯片检测体系,比较金磁微粒和胶体金标记蛋白质技术应用于蛋白质芯片检测效果的优劣。方法:将人IgG点制于环氧基修饰的玻片上,分别与金磁微粒和胶体金标记的羊抗人IgG温育,银染显色,肉眼观察并用普通扫描仪记录结果。结果:基于金磁微粒的蛋白质芯片人IgG最佳点样浓度为0.2mg/ml,37℃温育2h,银染10~15min,检测结果信噪比高;基于胶体金的蛋白质芯片人IgG最佳点样浓度为0.1mg/ml,37℃温育1h,银染15~20min.检测结果信噪比高。结论:金磁微粒标记蛋白质技术应用于蛋白质芯片的检测,具有和胶体金一致的可目视化检测效果。且其标记技术简单,标记的蛋白质可定量。 相似文献
一肾一夹肾血管性高血压动物模型的制作 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的研究一肾一夹(1K1C)肾血管性高血压动物模型的制作。方法选用200~220 g体重的SD大鼠,制作1K1C高血压大鼠模型。随机分为正常对照组、单肾对照组(1K)、1K1C组、1K1C+BEA组。使用药物2-溴乙胺氢溴酸盐(BEA)破坏肾髓质。采用尾动脉袖套法测量各组大鼠血压的变化。结果1K组大鼠血压4周后有明显升高,与正常对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但是1K组大鼠与正常对照组大鼠4周后血压远未达到肾血管性高血压入选标准;1K1C组大鼠血压在1周后开始升高,2周时已达到本实验高血压入选标准;1K1C+BEA组血压升高更明显,4周时血压与1K1C组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论本方法制作肾血管性高血压模型简单易行,成功率约80%。 相似文献
Jun-Jun Jia Shi-Yu Zhang Jun Yu Hai-Yang Xie Lin Zhou Shu-Sen Zheng 《Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international : HBPD INT》2021,20(2):190-192
正To the Editor : Liver transplantation (LT) has become a major and effective therapeutic approach for end-stage liver disease [1] . However, 10- year graft and patient survival rates remained low with 54% and 61%, respectively [2] . Improving the outcome of long-term LT has become a major focus of the transplantation community. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To determine the magnitude and duration of change on the horizontal and vertical meridians of the cornea after five different incisions for cataract. DESIGN: Retrospective comparative interventional study of five commonly used incisions for cataract surgery: extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE), 6-mm superior scleral tunnel (6Sup), 3-mm superior scleral tunnel (3Sup), 3-mm temporal scleral tunnel (3Temp), and 3-mm temporal corneal incision (3Cor). PARTICIPANTS: A total of 662 cases with preoperative regular astigmatism, measured with keratometry. METHODS: The mean net change on each meridian was computed at 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 1.5 months, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 12 months and at succeeding 6-month intervals after surgery. Best-fit parameters were calculated for the observed changes in the horizontal and vertical keratometry values after each incision. To determine when the cornea stabilized, average change on the horizontal and vertical meridians was compared with an estimate of the accuracy of keratometry measurement. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The pattern of change on the horizontal and vertical meridians and time for the cornea to stabilize after each incision. RESULTS: The initial and final net changes after a superior incision decrease with length. A sigmoid equation describes the course of the changes on the horizontal and vertical meridians after the superior incisions. The changes after the temporal incisions depend linearly on time after surgery. Considering the uncertainty of keratometry, the corneal meridians stabilized 4.5 months after ECCE, 1.2 months after 6Sup, and 0.3 months after 3Sup. No significant change was detected on the horizontal and vertical meridians after 3Temp and 3Cor. CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude and the duration of keratometric change on the horizontal and vertical meridians of the cornea depend on the length and location of the incision. Within the limits of measurement error, no significant change in corneal curvature was detected after either small temporal incision. 相似文献
目的 :评价虹膜睫状体压后术治疗新生血管性青光眼的效果。方法 :对 2 8例 (2 8眼 )新生血管性青光眼采用虹膜睫状体压后术治疗。术后随访 10~ 60个月 ,平均 46 2月。结果 :术后眼压控制在 0 798kPa~ 2 793kPa 2 2眼 ,其中 4眼需加用一种降眼压药物 ;成功率为 78 5 7% ;另 4眼眼压 <0 798kPa ,2眼眼压 >2 793kPa ,术后早期并发症有短暂性前房积血及葡萄膜炎等 ;远期并发症少数白内障加速发展。结论 :虹膜睫状体压后术治疗新生血管性青光眼方法简单 ,远期效果较好 相似文献