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Acute renal failure (ARF) developed in a 7-week-old infant due to bilateral candidal bezoars (fungal balls) causing obstruction at the pelviureteric junction. The baby was born at term with an appropriate birthweight, and had been treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics for respiratory distress and septicemia during the 1st week of life. Recovery from ARF followed renal decompression with bilateral nephrostomy tube placement and parenteral administration of amphotericin B and 5-flucytosine. Received August 21, 1996; received in revised form and accepted January 3, 1997  相似文献   
Eighty-nine cases of chronic bronchitis were matched against167 asymptomatic controls from the glass bangle industry ofFirozabad. Factors of age, social status, smoking habit andduration of exposure were studied. Duration of exposure wasfound to be a factor contributing significantly to the causationof disease. Requests for reprints should be addressed to: Dr B. N. Gupta, Division of Epidemilogy, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Lucknow P.O. Box 80, 226001, India  相似文献   
The role of caffeine or coffee in causing or promoting the incidence of serious disease is equivocal. Two design factors may account for the discrepancies in reported findings on the effects of coffee drinking: (a) imprecision of measurement and (b) confounding variables. A study of 2,714 white U.S. adults disclosed that, of 32 risk factors analyzed by linear and logistic regression, only sex and cigarette smoking were found to be important potential confounders of caffeine and coffee intake. Partial R2 values of the other 30 risk factors were relatively small and were inconsistent for each sex. It is unlikely that any of these factors could explain any of the reported associations between caffeine or coffee consumption and certain diseases. However, certain weak associations with caffeine or coffee intake should be included in the study design when they are known to be risk factors of a disease under investigation. These factors for men are dietary fat intake, vitamin C intake, and body mass index; and for women are vitamin use, alcohol intake, stress, and perceived health status.  相似文献   
A retrospective analysis of results of treatment of 104 patients with fractures of long tubular bones associated with injuries of peripheral nerves has shown complex therapy to be necessary. Main components of this treatment were biogenic stimulators, vitamin B12, spasmolytic and dehydration drugs in combination with electrophoresis with potassium iodide and thermal procedures. Rapid disturbance of conductivity of nerve trunks after trauma should be followed by revision of the given segment of the extremity in order to remove hematoma and make reposition of displaced fragments of the bone, which can provide recovery of the disturbed function of the nerve.  相似文献   
Regional effects of craniotomy on cerebral circulation and metabolism, such as regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), regional cerebral oxygen consumption (rCMRO2), regional oxygen extraction fraction (rOEF), and regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) were examined by a PET (positron emission tomography) study concerning surgery that was performed on unruptured aneurysm patients. Eight patients with intracranial un-ruptured aneurysms were studied pre- and post-operatively by the 15O labelled-gas steady-state method, using HEADTOME-III. All patients underwent aneurysmal surgery performed by the transsylvian approach. There was a significant increase in the mean OEF values taken from the whole-brains of 8 patients, but there was not a significant change in CBF, CMRO2 or CBV. The increase in OEF was caused by decrease of O2 content, which was caused by post-operative decrease in the Hb value. So, this OEF increase was not the direct effect of craniotomy. In 2 patients, the rCBF and rCMRO2, in the fronto-temporal region (where craniotomy was performed) increased post-operatively. This regional effect suggests transient reactive hyperemia following compressive ischemia during the operative procedure, and metabolic demands for recovery of brain function. In 2 other patients, who had relatively low rCBFs during the pre-operative study, rCBF and rCMRO2 in the bi-frontal region had decreased more at the post-operative study. This change appears to have been caused by removal of cerebrospinal fluid and depression of the frontal lobe. From this study, it becomes evident that the regional effect of craniotomy on cerebral circulation and metabolism is not so great, when adequate microsurgical techniques are used.  相似文献   
In the present study, we examined the effect of CsA on the in vitro production of Ig and on the in vitro production of molecules known to have B-cell growth and differentiation activities, such as IL-6 and sCD23. For the purpose of this study, we developed an experimental In vitro system closely resembling an In vivo model of ongoing B-cell activation. Pre-activated B cells proliferated and produced IgM optimally when they were re-cultured in the presence of IL-2/IL-6. CsA down-regulated the IL-2/IL-6-induced proliferative responses of pre activated B cells by at least 50%., but it up-regulated IgM production in the same experiments. This up regulating effect was not cytokine-related since it was also seen when cells were re-cultured in the absence of any cytokines. Optimal release of sCD23 was observed when SAC-pre-activated B cells were re cultured in the presence of IL-4 or IL-4 plus IL-2 and CsA up-regulated significantly the release of this molecule in these cultures. Finally, CsA was shown to inhibit PHA-induced cell proliferation of PBMC and to up-rcgulate IL-6 production in the same cultures. We conclude that CsA can amplify in vitro both the production of Ig and the release of sCD23 by pre activated B cells. This finding, in combination with the CsA-induced up-regulation of lectin-induced IL-6 production, may have clinical implications in disease states with an ongoing immune activation, where prolonged administration of CsA might be anticipated.  相似文献   
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