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我们采用RP-HPLC方法研究了SD纯系雄性大鼠冷适应期间脑垂体(P)、下丘脑(HT)和血浆(BP)生物活性肽变化。冷适应期间P、HT和BP肽类(MW≤30000)RP-HPLC图谱均出现一些新的肽洗脱峰。而且,所有这些肽类都能增强淋巴细胞(LC)转化活性。在P和HT肽类刺激下,脾LC[~3H]-TdR参入分别增加725 cpm(P<0.01)和1274 cpm(P<0.001)。将这些肽类进一步经Sep-Pack C_(18)柱纯化后仍分别增加[~3H]-TdR参入cpm值597(P<0.05)和333。这些结果表明了免疫系统(ImS)与神经内分泌系统(NES)双向调节环路的一个方面:NES作用于ImS。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Moderate hypothermia decreases ischemic damage in experimental stroke models. This multicenter study was performed to evaluate (1) the safety and feasibility of moderate hypothermia and (2) its potential to reduce intracranial hypertension in acute stroke patients. METHODS: Fifty prospective patients with cerebral infarction involving at least the complete middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory treated with moderate hypothermia were evaluated. Hypothermia was induced with the use of cooling blankets as well as alcohol and ice bags within 22+/-9h after stroke onset and maintained for 24-72 h; subsequently, patients passively rewarmed over a mean duration of 17 h. Outcome was assessed at 4 weeks and at 3 months. RESULTS: Time required for cooling to <33 degrees C varied from 3.5 to 11h. The most frequent complications of hypothermic therapy were thrombocytopenia (70%), bradycardia (62%), and pneumonia (48%). Four patients (8%) died during hypothermia as a result of severe coagulopathy, cardiac failure, or uncontrollable intracranial hypertension. An additional 15 patients (30%) died during or after rewarming because of rebound increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) and fatal herniation. A shorter (<16 h) rewarming period was associated with a more pronounced rise of ICP. Elevated ICP values were significantly reduced under hypothermia. CONCLUSIONS: Moderate hypothermia is feasible in patients with acute stroke, although it is associated with several side effects. Most deaths occur during rewarming as a result of excessive ICP rise. Our preliminary observation that a longer duration of the rewarming period limits the ICP increase remains to be confirmed in future studies.  相似文献   
李小兵  徐迪雄  闵苏  秦琴 《重庆医学》2012,41(35):3749-3750,3782
目的了解重庆市医疗机构的麻醉质量控制现状,为提高麻醉医疗质量保障患者安全提供科学依据。方法随机抽取该地区116所二级以上医疗机构,通过听取汇报、查阅文件和各类原始记录以及手术室实地检查等方法,对各项麻醉质量控制指标进行抽样调查。结果该地区各级医院,尤其是部分二级专科医院在麻醉医疗质量上存在的管理漏洞和重大安全隐患。结论各级医疗机构要高度重视麻醉医疗质量,管理机构应加强日常监管和督导检查,提高麻醉医疗安全。  相似文献   
目的 通过分析种植体周龈沟液细胞因子的变化趋势,评估修复体戴入后微环境的生物学特点。方法 选择40例符合纳入标准的种植病例,分别在戴冠即刻、1周、1月、3月、6月随访。每个时间点应用吸潮纸尖采集种植牙及对侧同名牙的龈沟液,经离心套管法洗脱处理,应用Luminex液相芯片技术检测相关细胞因子的浓度变化,比较种植修复后各细胞因子随时间变化的趋势。结果 种植修复后检测出8种变化活跃的细胞因子,随时间变化分泌呈上升趋势(P <0.05)。戴冠即刻各细胞因子分泌水平均低于天然牙,戴冠1周分泌水平上升,直至戴冠6个月,多数细胞因子分泌水平仍高于天然牙。结论 种植修复体戴入1周内即可激发免疫反应,戴入6个月局部微环境仍不稳定,易发生炎症,需进行复查。  相似文献   
1100例健康人血液粘度测定分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用锥板式粘度计测定1100例17~76岁的健康人的血液粘度,为河南省提供了正常参考值,并对职业、年龄、性别及测量方法与血液粘度的关系加以讨论。  相似文献   
Objective Lidamycin (LDM) can be dissociated to an apoprotein (LDP) and an active enediyne chromophore (AE).The detached AE can reassemble with its LDP‐containing fusion protein to endow the latter with potent antitumor activity.However,the reassembly of AE with LDP is affected by several factors.Our aim was to optimize the assembly efficiency of the AE with a LDP‐containing fusion protein and investigate the influence of several factors on the assembly efficacy.Methods A method based on RP‐HPLC was develop...  相似文献   
Objective:To explore the mechanical behavior of acetabulum loaded by static stress and provide the mechanical basis for clinical analysis and judgement on acetabular mechanical distribution and effect of static stress. Methods:By means of computer simulation, acetabular three dimensional model was input into three dimensional finite element analysis software ANSYS7.0. The acetabular mechanical behavior was calculated and the main stress value, stress distribution and acetabular unit displacement in the direction of main stress were analyzed when anterior wall of acetabulum and acetabular crest were loaded by 1 000 N static stress. Results :When acetabular anterior wall loaded by X direction and Z direction composition force, the stress passed along 4 directions: (1)from acetabular anterior wall to pubic symphysis along superior branch of pubis firstly, (2)from acetabular anterior wall to cacroiliac joint along pelvic ring, (3)in the acetabulum, (4)from the suffered point to ischium. When acetabular crest loaded by X direction and Y direction composition force, the stress transmitted to 4 directions: (1)from acetabular crest to ilium firstly, (2)from suffered point to cacroiliac joint along pelvic ring, (3) in the acetabulum , (4)along the pubic branch, but no stress transmitted to the ischium branch. Conclusion:Analyzing the stress distribution of acetabulum and units displacement when static stress loaded can provide internal fixation point for acetabular fracture treatment and help understand the stress distribution of acetabulum.  相似文献   
Random phase encoding is a unique technique for volume hologram which can be applied to various applications such as holographic multiplexing storage, image encryption, and optical sensing. In this review article, we first review and discuss diffraction selectivity of random phase encoding in volume holograms, which is the most important parameter related to multiplexing capacity of volume holographic storage. We then review an image encryption system based on random phase encoding. The alignment of phase key for decryption of the encoded image stored in holographic memory is analyzed and discussed. In the latter part of the review, an all-optical sensing system implemented by random phase encoding and holographic interconnection is presented.  相似文献   
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