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Transgenic mouse models of cancer represent a powerful approach for exploring disease processes and testing potential therapeutic interventions. Currently, it is difficult to predict if a specific genetic manipulation will result in a desirable phenotype. The present study tests the idea that tissue recombinants recapitulate the pathologic features of the neoplastic prostate seen in transgenic mice, and would thus be suitable predictive models for new mouse design. The large probasin-large T-antigen (LPB-Tag) transgenic lines 12T-7f and 12T-10 were used as a basis for this study. Tissue recombinants of bladder epithelium (BlE) and urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM) were implanted under the renal capsule of athymic mice. Recombinants composed of BlE from 12T-10 LPB-Tag and wild-type (wt) UGM faithfully recapitulated the histopathologic and temporal features of intact transgenic mice of this line. Tissue recombinants using BlE from 12T-7f mice and wt UGM developed epithelial proliferation with atypia that lacked the associated hypercellular stroma seen in the intact 12T-7f line. Recombinants using 12T-7f UGM demonstrated that the hypercellular stroma results from stromal cell expression of the SV40 large T antigen. Corresponding to the recombinant phenotypes, stromal Tag immunostaining was observed in prostate tissues from intact 12T-7f but not 12T-10 mice. Similar stromal expression of Tag was also noted in the hypercellular TRAMP prostatic stroma. Further analysis revealed a previously unreported pattern of SV40T expression in the LADY and TRAMP models including ductus deferens and seminal vesicle stroma as well as region and cell type-specific patterns in the epididymis. The present study demonstrates the utility of using tissue recombination to explore organ-specific phenotypes. Recombination strategies should enable quick and cost-effective screening for likely phenotypes in transgenic animals. This comparison of tissue recombination to existing models shows that this approach can elicit new information on well-characterized models.  相似文献   
The authors hypothesized that insulin and leptin, hormones that convey metabolic and energy balance status to the central nervous system (CNS), decrease the reward value of food, as assessed by conditioned place preference (CPP). CPP to high-fat diet was blocked in ad-lib fed rats given intraventricular insulin or leptin throughout training and test or acutely before the test. Insulin or leptin given only during the training period did not block CPP. Thus, elevated insulin and leptin do not prevent learning a food's reward value, but instead block its retrieval. Food-restricted rats receiving cerebrospinal fluid, insulin, or leptin had comparable CPPs. Results indicate that the CNS roles of insulin and leptin may include processes involving memory and reward.  相似文献   
The spiraling costs of asthma treatment seem set to continue rising, given the equivocal performance of the latest generation of specific anti-inflammatory drugs in trials in adult asthmatics. We argue that the continuation of this trend is inevitable unless there is a substantial realignment of entrenched drug development policy in the pharmaceutical industry and a parallel shift in licensing policy by regulatory authorities to encourage the development of drugs capable of halting the progression from acute to chronic asthma when the disease first manifests in childhood. The theoretical framework for such an approach, including proof-of-principle data from studies in children with early-stage disease and a range of candidate drugs, already exists. What is needed is informed debate on the risks versus potential benefits of this approach.  相似文献   
A major challenge in understanding complex idiopathic generalized epilepsies has been the characterization of their underlying molecular genetic basis. Here, we report that genetic variation within the GABRD gene, which encodes the GABAA receptor delta subunit, affects GABA current amplitude consistent with a model of polygenic susceptibility to epilepsy in humans. We have found a GABRD Glu177Ala variant which is heterozygously associated with generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus. We also report an Arg220His allele in GABRD which is present in the general population. Compared with wild-type receptors, alpha1beta2Sdelta GABAA receptors containing delta Glu177Ala or Arg220His have decreased GABAA receptor current amplitudes. As GABAA receptors mediate neuronal inhibition, the reduced receptor current associated with both variants is likely to be associated with increased neuronal excitability. Since delta subunit-containing receptors localize to extra- or peri-synaptic membranes and are thought to be involved in tonic inhibition, our results suggest that alteration of this process may contribute to the common generalized epilepsies.  相似文献   
Pertussis--a disease and vaccine for all ages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the present study was to investigate changes in contralateral nerves associated with peripheral nerve injuries. Transection and subsequent regeneration of the saphenous nerve on one side caused a suppression of the ability of the contralateral saphenous nerve to produce a neurogenic plasma extravasation response. This effect was transient, and was first evident two weeks after injury, reaching its maximum at four weeks, but was no longer detectable at eight weeks. This change was paralleled by a decrease in the content of substance P, a neuropeptide involved in neurogenic plasma extravasation, in the contralateral nerve. The neurotoxin capsaicin was used to deplete the nerve of a subclass of C-fibres, namely the polymodal nociceptor afferents. Pretreatment of the nerve to be lesioned with capsaicin was sufficient to significantly attenuate the changes in the plasma extravasation response and substance P content observed on the contralateral side. The effectiveness of the capsaicin treatment was confirmed by histological examination. These results strongly suggest that changes observed at a site distant from the location of the nerve injury are dependent on the integrity of capsaicin-sensitive C-fibre afferents within the injured nerve. Furthermore, given that the contralateral nerve has commonly been used as the control for an injury conducted on the homologous nerve or muscle on the opposite side of the body, the underlying assumption being that the contralateral nerve remained unchanged, the present findings emphasize the need for separate groups of control animals which have undergone no surgical procedures.  相似文献   
Despite the growing use of titanium as an implant material, there is a lack of consensus on what constitutes the molecular basis of its biocompatibility. In the present study we compared the response of skin fibroblasts to two different growth supporting surfaces: commercially pure titanium (cpTi) and tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS). Proteins from extracts of whole cells and adsorbed serum were separated and identified by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In all, 40 proteins (46 spots) were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and mass spectrometry, database searching, immunoblotting, running a standard, or a combination of these techniques. Many of the proteins collected from the two surfaces were found to derive from the serum used in the culture medium. The surface properties of titanium appeared to promote the formation of a more concentrated carpet of serum proteins. Several proteins from bovine or human serum, such as albumin, alpha2-HS-glycoprotein, alpha-fetoprotein, plasminogen, thrombospondin 1, and serotransferrin, along with a few unidentified serum components, were found to adsorb onto cpTi in comparatively high concentrations. The adsorption of serum proteins did not appear to be selective on either substrate. We found that among the major cellular proteins, fibronectin and a cytoskeletal protein (non-muscle myosin heavy chain type A) were expressed at lower levels by fibroblasts grown on cpTi compared to TCPS. By analyzing the changes in the entire proteome of cells in response to different growth substrates, we may gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of biocompatibility.  相似文献   
Evidence for a disseminated plasmid in Streptococcus mutans   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Based on a survey of 86 isolates, approximately 5% of all naturally occurring strains of Streptococcus mutans contains a 3.6 X 10(6)-dalton (3.6-megadalton) multicopy plasmid of unknown function. The amount of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid per chromosome varies from 2 to 6% depending on the host strain. About 13% of the total covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid in each of the four plasmid-containing strains consists of dimeric molecules, with interlocked circular forms predominating. Site-specific restriction endonucleases have been identified that cleave this 3.6-megadalton plasmid at single and at multiple sites. Each of the four plasmids is cleaved once by the HindIII and BamHI restriction enzymes. The HpaI, TaqI, and HhaI enzymes generate two, five, and six components, respectively, and the digestion products of each of the four plasmids are identical. Because the four plasmid-containing S. mutans strains are physiologically unique with respect to one another, we conclude this plasmid to be a disseminated extrachromosomal element in S. mutans.  相似文献   
Summary Coronavirus-like particles, morphologically indistinguishable from coronavirus-like particles seen in human, canine, and simian feces, were detected by electron microscopy in the feces from both feline infectious peritonitis antibody-positive and antibody-negative cats.With 2 FiguresSupported by a grant from the Robert H. Winn Foundation of the Cat Fancier's Association, Inc., a grant from Pitman-Moore, Inc., Washington Crossing, N.J., and private contributions to the Cornell Feline Research Laboratory.  相似文献   
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