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Previous studies have shown that self-expansion (e.g., increasing positive self-content via engaging in novel, rewarding activities) is associated with smoking cessation and attenuated cigarette-cue reactivity.


This study examined whether self-expansion is associated with better adherence, weight loss, and physical activity (PA) outcomes within a weight loss intervention.


Participants from Shape Up Rhode Island 2012, a Web-based community wellness initiative, took part in a randomized controlled trial that involved a 12-week behavioral weight loss intervention [1]. At baseline and post-intervention, objective weights and self-reported self-expansion and PA were obtained from 239 participants. Treatment adherence was assessed objectively.


Self-expansion during treatment was significantly associated with percent weight loss including clinically significant weight loss (i.e., 5 %), minutes of PA, and treatment adherence. These results held after controlling for relevant covariates.


This is the first study to show that self-expansion is associated with better behavioral weight loss outcomes including weight loss, adherence, and PA. These results suggest that self-expansion is a promising novel target for future research which could inform health interventions.
Descending necrotizing mediastinitis: surgical management.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: Descending necrotizing mediastinitis (DNM) is a primary complication of cervical or odontogenical infections that can spread to the mediastinum through the anatomic cervical spaces. METHODS: Between April 1994 and April 2000, 13 patients, mean age 39.23+/-18.47 (median 38, range 16-67) years, with DNM were submitted to surgical treatment. Primary odontogenic abscess occurred in six, peritonsillar abscess in five and post-traumatic cervical abscess in two patients. Diagnosis was confirmed by computed tomography (CT) of the neck and chest. All patients underwent surgical drainage of the cervico-mediastinal regions by a bilateral collar incision associated with right thoracotomy in ten cases. RESULTS: Six patients out of 13 required reoperation. Two patients previously submitted only to cervical drainage required thoracotomy; four patients, which have been submitted to cervico-thoracic drainage, underwent contralateral thoracotomy in two cases and ipsilateral reoperation in two cases. Ten patients evolved well and were discharged without major sequelae; three patients died of multiorgan failure related to septic shock. Mortality rate was 23%. CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis by CT of the neck and chest suggest a rapid indication of surgical approach to DNM. Ample cervicotomy associated with mediastinal drainage via large thoracotomic incision is essential in managing these critically ill patients and can significantly reduce the mortality rate for this condition, often affecting young people, to acceptable values.  相似文献   
目的 观察以问题为基础的学习模式(PBL)和以授课为基础的传统学习模式(LBL)在急诊重症加强治疗病房(EICU)示教中的应用效果.方法 选择新疆医科大学2007级和2008级五年制临床医学专业本科生312名,2007级108名,2008级204名学生.按随机数字表法分为两组,2007级每组各54名, 2008级每组各102名,使用交叉配对方法,两组学生前半学期分别以PBL和LBL进行示教,期中采用笔试考试 (WES)、客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)及自我评价问卷调查的方法对学生学习效果进行评估;在后半学期将两组学生对调进行上述教学方法,同样在学期末进行考试.学期结束时比较两组学生的考试成绩及问卷调查分数.结果 2007级及2008级两种教学模式学生WES、OSCE考核成绩比较,PBL模式教学WES、OSCE明显高于LBL模式〔前半学期:2007级:WES(分):23.20±3.33比22.78±4.41,OSCE(分):27.60±6.44比25.45±6.35,2008 级:WES(分):24.45±2.65 比 23.02±3.67,OSCE(分):29.53±4.67 比 27.57±6.83;后半学期:2007级:WES(分):24.60±3.67比23.46±2.57,OSCE(分):28.50±4.78比28.01±5.78,2008级:WES(分):23.54±3.56比22.56±6.89,OSCE(分):28.08±2.15比27.43±7.23,P<0.05或P<0.01〕.对2007级和2008级学生两种教学模式自评问卷结果显示:PBL模式教学的自主学习能力、积极性、理论联系实际能力、团队动力、注意力均较LBL模式提高〔2007级前半学期:自主学习能力(分):4.20±0.67比3.32±0.71,积极性(分):4.15±0.98比2.01±0.81,理论联系实际能力(分):4.09±0.65比3.52±0.89,团队动力(分):4.43±0.56比3.08±0.43,注意力(分):4.25±0.77比2.98±0.67;2007级后半学期:自主学习能力(分):4.23±0.77比2.11±0.98,积极性(分):4.59±0.85比3.20±0.73,理论联系实际能力(分):4.23±0.71比2.88±0.87,团队动力(分):4.66±0.63比2.21±0.64,注意力(分):4.21±0.73比2.28±0.43;2008级前半学期:自主学习能力(分):7.60±0.64比5.62±0.41,积极性(分):7.23±0.47比5.07±0.51,理论联系实际能力(分):7.04±0.67比4.56±0.59,团队动力(分):7.33±0.55比5.06±0.47,注意力(分):6.21±0.87比4.88±0.37;2008级前半学期:自主学习能力(分):7.03±0.71比5.11±0.48,积极性(分):7.89±0.57比5.20±0.33,理论联系实际能力(分):7.63±0.25比4.88±0.57,团队动力(分):7.64±0.33比5.21±0.67,注意力(分):7.01±0.89比6.01±0.90〕.结论 PBL教学法是一个值得探索及推广的教学模式,尤其在运用于医学这一重视实践的学科上,更能体现其重要性.  相似文献   
The use of hormone replacement therapy by postmenopausal women with a history of breast cancer is a subject of considerable controversy. There are no scientific studies that have appropriately examined the issue, and current practice is often based on inferences from indirect evidence, anecdotal experience, and personal bias. Our understanding of the effects of exogenous, as well as endogenous, hormones on normal and neoplastic breast tissue provides some insights but is not an appropriate basis for clinical practice. The effects of exogenous hormone replacement on the overall health of postmenopausal women, including psychosocial issues, cardiovascular risks, and the morbidity of osteoporosis, must be understood before patients can be counseled appropriately. Treatment of patients must be individualized. The rapidly expanding area of nonhormonal therapies for the treatment of postmenopausal health risks and the treatment of symptomatic complaints in postmenopausal women has already led to a reevaluation of the use of exogenous hormones among all women. A prospective randomized trial that examines the effects of hormone replacement on women with a history of breast cancer is currently underway and will provide valuable data to address these issues. The aim of this review is to outline the scientific basis for the association between estrogen and breast cancer and to provide a framework in which individualized recommendations concerning the use of hormone replacement therapy can be made for patients with breast cancer.  相似文献   
The clinical findings of eight families with Stickler syndrome were analyzed and compared with the results of linkage studies using a marker for the type II collagen gene (COL2A1). In six families, there was linkage of the phenotype to COL2A1. The manifestations of the affected individuals were similar to those of the original Stickler syndrome family [Stickler et al., Mayo. Clin. Proc. 40:433–455, 1965] and resembled the phenotype of the previously reported individuals or families with Stickler syndrome in which a dominant mutation in the COL2A1 gene has been identified. Linkage to COL2A1 was excluded in the two remaining families. The most striking difference between these two types of families was the absence of severe myopia and retinal detachment in the two unliked families. In the COL2A1 unlinked families, linkage of the phenotype to genes (COL11A1 and COL11A2) that encode proα chains of type XI collagen, a minor cartilage-specific collagen, was also excluded. Since Stickler syndrome can be produced by mutations in COL2A1, COL11A1, and COL11A2, our data suggest that there is at least a fourth locus for Stickler syndrome. Am. J. Med. Genet. 80:121–127, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Objectives. We determined the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of adding an evidence-based Internet behavioral weight loss intervention alone or combined with optional group sessions to ShapeUp Rhode Island 2011 (SURI), a 3-month statewide wellness campaign.Methods. We randomized participants (n = 230; body mass index = 34.3 ±6.8 kg/m2; 84% female) to the standard SURI program (S) or to 1 of 2 enhanced programs: SURI plus Internet behavioral program (SI) or SI plus optional group sessions (SIG). The primary outcome was weight loss at the end of the 3-month program.Results. Weight losses differed among all 3 conditions (S: 1.1% ±0.9%; SI: 4.2% ±0.6%; SIG: 6.1% ±0.6%; Ps ≤ .04). Both SI and SIG increased the percentage of individuals who achieved a 5% weight loss (SI: 42%; SIG: 54%; S: 7%; Ps < .001). Cost per kilogram of weight loss was similar for S ($39) and SI ($35); both were lower than SIG ($114).Conclusions. Although weight losses were greatest at the end of SURI with optional group sessions, the addition of an Internet behavioral program was the most cost-effective method to enhance weight losses.Excess adiposity is associated with increased health risk.1,2 Behavioral weight loss programs are the treatment of choice for overweight and moderate obesity. These programs produce weight losses of 8 to 10 kilograms during the initial months of treatment,3 which are associated with significant health improvements.4,5 However, the programs are intensive, expensive, and only accessible to a small portion of individuals in need. Thus, there is critical need to develop cost-effective weight loss programs that are accessible to large numbers of overweight and obese individuals.Community weight loss campaigns are typically offered via the Internet and reach large numbers of people. However, weight losses produced in these programs are modest. Thus, the challenge is to use these wide-reaching community programs to attract large numbers of individuals and enhance the weight losses without substantially increasing cost. We have begun to programmatically test ways to improve weight outcomes in ShapeUp Rhode Island (SURI), an annual 3-month Internet-based community initiative that attracts thousands of overweight and obese adults. In an earlier trial,6 we showed that providing SURI participants with behavioral weight loss strategies via e-mail (i.e., sending weekly PowerPoint slides and providing feedback) significantly improved 3-month weight losses (–3.1 kg vs –1.2 kg). If providing access to evidence-based weight loss strategies was found to be both effective and cost-effective, the potential public health impact would be substantial. In addition, it is important to evaluate other approaches that might further enhance SURI outcomes.This trial extended our previous work. Based on the content of our previous e-mail intervention, we developed an Internet behavioral weight loss Web site and examined whether it improved weight loss outcomes in SURI 2011. In addition, we examined whether adding optional group sessions to the new Internet program further improves weight losses. Secondary aims explored the cost-effectiveness of these strategies and examined weight loss trajectories following treatment. We hypothesized that SURI weight losses might be increased if, in addition to adding an Internet behavioral program, participants were offered optional group sessions. However, because adding group meetings would likely increase cost, we examined whether the expected increased weight loss would justify the increased cost. The primary endpoint was 3 months.  相似文献   
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