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Proper management of periodontal tissues is required to achieve predictable long-term success with restorative dental procedures. Forced eruption as well as several surgical techniques may be used to achieve and maintain adequate biologic width during restorative and esthetic dental procedures. The technique that will yield optimal results depends on the relationship between the restoration's margins and the surrounding periodontium. A classification system that describes these interrelationships and provides treatment recommendations is included.  相似文献   
Case  DC Jr 《Blood》1982,59(5):934-937
Fourteen consecutively referred, symptomatic patients with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (ages 52-87 yr) have been treated with the 5-drug M-2 protocol (BCNU, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, melphalan, and prednisone). Three patients were previously treated and 11 patients were untreated. The majority of patients were symptomatic from hyperviscosity. All patients have responded to therapy. Two patients have achieved complete remissions and 12 patients partial remissions to date. None of the patients with symptomatic hyperviscosity has required plasmapheresis since therapy with the M-2 has been initiated. Lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and anemia have also responded to treatment. Follow-up data are limited, with survival from initiation of therapy with the M-2 ranging from 2+ to 35% mo (median 17+ mo) 2+-40+ mo from time of diagnosis). Combination chemotherapy for Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia with the M-2 protocol appears to increase the response rate in patients with symptomatic disease. Further survival analysis will be carried out.  相似文献   
Davis  GD; Fulton  RE; Ritter  DG; Mair  DD; McGoon  DC 《Radiology》1978,128(1):133-144
Of 181 patients with severe congenital pulmonary atresia and ventricular septal defect or "type IV truncus" (an obsolete term), all but 11% had true central pulmonary arteries. These arteries were demonstrable by large serial biplane angiograms using multiple selective injections into collateral vessels, frequent photographic subtraction, and occasional pulmonary vein-wedge angiograms. These techniques are extremely important for accurate diagnosis and in planning corrective or palliative surgery, which was done in 77% of patients with pulmonary arteries.  相似文献   
李得春 《医学争鸣》2005,26(17):1631-1631
0 引言 踝关节骨折是临床上较常见的关节内骨折,包含了腓骨骨折,内踝骨折,后踝骨折和下胫腓联合的损伤. 处理不当可导致踝穴的变形,下胫腓联合分离后期出现创伤性关节炎.  相似文献   
Transgenic mice with both alleles of the p53 tumor suppressor gene product 'knocked out' by gene targeting are susceptible to early development of tumors, chiefly lymphomas and sarcomas. Compared with the control group, administration of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) at 0.3% of the diet to male p53-deficient mice extended their lifespan by delaying death due to neoplasms (from 105 to 166 days on study, P = 0.002), primarily by suppressing lymphoblastic lymphoma (from 45 to 6% of neoplastic deaths, P = 0.010). Treatment with a synthetic DHEA analog, 16alpha-fluoro-5-androsten-17-one (compound 8354), at 0.15% of the diet also increased lifespan, to 140 days for mice that developed tumors (P = 0.037). The effects of these steroids on lifespan and tumor development did not appear to be strongly related to inhibition of food consumption and weight gain, in that a group pair-fed with control diet to the reduced food consumption of the DHEA-treated group developed and died of the same types of neoplasms at the same rate as the controls fed ad libitum. The chemopreventive effect of these steroids has been proposed to be due to suppression of DNA synthesis by inhibition of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the rate-limiting enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway. Although DHEA and its analog are strong non- competitive inhibitors of this enzyme in vitro, treatment with DHEA did not deplete cellular nucleotide pools in the liver, as would have been predicted. The chemopreventive effect of DHEA in this model may be due to steroid-induced thymic atrophy and suppression of T cell lymphoma, permitting these mice to survive long enough to develop tumors with longer latency.   相似文献   
Hemolytic uremic syndrome spontaneously arises in a few patients with advanced cancer, but it is more commonly related to the use of certain chemotherapeutic agents. Mitomycin-C is, etiologically, the most common causative agent inducing hemolytic uremic syndrome, in a dose dependent manner. We report this syndrome, attributable to mitomycin-C at a cumulative dose of 40 mg/m2, in a gastric cancer patient. A 42-year-old female with stage III gastric cancer underwent radical gastrectomy and was given mitomycin-C at 10 mg/m2 intravenously every four weeks as adjuvant therapy. Hemolytic uremic syndrome was diagnosed three months after the last dose of mitomycin-C administration. The most prominent symptoms included pallor, hypertension and anasarca, with laboratory evidence of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, azotemia and hyperkalemia. Her disease was progressive, but fortunately stabilized after staphylococcus column A dialysis. Her disease remained in remission for 24 months from the time of diagnosis, and then relapsed in the form of peritoneal carcinomatosis with partial intestinal obstruction.   相似文献   
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