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胎儿和新生儿同种异体免疫性血小板减少症(AIT)是引起胎儿和新生儿严重血小板减少的最常见原因.母亲针对源自父亲的胎儿血小板抗原的IgG抗体,在妊娠早期就可通过胎盘,通常导致胎儿严重血小板减少.由于一些血小板减少症临界值(50、100或150×109/L)的不同,他们的发生率亦各不相同.但在多数未经选择的人群中,AIT影响1/1 000到1/2 000活产数.在新生儿病房,临床确诊的重症AIT很罕见,可能只有1:10 000分娩数.  相似文献   
Rafiq MA, Ansar M, Marshall CR, Noor A, Shaheen N, Mowjoodi A, Khan MA, Ali G, Amin‐ud‐Din M, Feuk L, Vincent JB, Scherer SW. Mapping of three novel loci for non‐syndromic autosomal recessive mental retardation (NS‐ARMR) in consanguineous families from Pakistan. To date, of 13 loci with linkage to non‐syndromic autosomal recessive mental retardation (NS‐ARMR), only six genes have been established with associated mutations. Here we present our study on NS‐ARMR among the Pakistani population, where people are traditionally bound to marry within the family or the wider clan. In an exceptional, far‐reaching genetic survey we have collected more than 50 consanguineous families exhibiting clinical symptoms/phenotypes of NS‐ARMR. In the first step, nine families (MR2‐9 and MR11) with multiple affected individuals were selected for molecular genetic studies. Two families (MR3, MR4) showed linkage to already know NS‐ARMR loci. Fifteen affected and 10 unaffected individuals from six (MR2, MR6, MR7, MR8, MR9 and MR11) families were genotyped by using Affymetrix 5.0 or 6.0 single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays. SNP microarray data was visually inspected by dChip and genome‐wide homozygosity analysis was performed by HomozygosityMapper. Additional mapping was performed (to exclude false‐positive regions of homozygosity called by HomozygosityMapper and dChip) on all available affected and unaffected members in seven NS‐ARMR families, using microsatellite markers. In this manner we were able to map three novel loci in seven different families originating from different areas of Pakistan. Two families (MR2, MR5) showed linkage on chromosome 2p25.3‐p25.2. Three families (MR7, MR8, and MR9) that have been collected from the same village and belong to the same clan were mapped on chromosome 9q34.3. MR11 maps to a locus on 9p23‐p13.3. Analysis of MR6 showed two positive loci, on chromosome 1q23.2‐q23.3 and 8q24.21‐q24.23. Genotyping in additional family members has so far narrowed, but not excluded the 1q locus. In summary, through this study we have identified three new loci for NS‐ARMR, namely MRT14, 15 and 16.  相似文献   
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where stomach acids are chronically regurgitated into the esophagus and oral cavity, resulting in the irreversible erosion of tooth structure. The dentist often is the first health care professional to identify the affected dentition. Restorative treatment should be accomplished after management of the systemic condition. Dental treatment improves the patient's oral hygiene, reduces thermal sensitivity, prevents pulpal involvement and further abrasion, and esthetics are improved. This article presents a case report where dental erosion was present because of GERD. Conservative dental treatment of the eroded dentition is described, including diagnosis, treatment planning, bleaching, and restorative reconstruction with direct composite layering techniques without any preparation of the tooth structure. After 1 year of clinical service, the restored teeth present an excellent clinical appearance and require no repair or polishing.


The treatment of eroded teeth, caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), with direct composite resin appears to be a conservative and esthetic procedure that is well accepted by patients. However, this treatment can be carried out only after complete management of the causes of the GERD.  相似文献   
JB Ma  SX Yao  H  Li  Q  Pei JF  Yao 《美中国际创伤杂志》2014,(1):1-4,9
In this case, a male patient presented with a clinically and radiographieally unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) as well as slipped calcaneal epiphysis years. Subsequent thorough at the age of 23 work-up revealed that he had some features of rickets and labo- ratory test demonstrated he had hypophos- phatemia (2.3mg/dl), normocalcemia, normal vi- tamin D metabolite levels, and secondary hy- perparathyroidism.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is a paramagnetic gas that has been implicated in a wide range of biologic functions. The common pathway to evoke the functional response frequently involves the formation of an iron- nitrosyl complex in a target (heme) protein. In this study, we report on the interactions between NO and cobalt-containing vitamin B12 derivatives. Absorption spectroscopy showed that of the four Co(III) derivatives (cyanocobalamin [CN-Cbl], aquocobalamin [H2O-Cbl], adenosylcobalamin [Ado-Cbl], and methylcobalamin [MeCbl]), only the H2O- Cbl combined with NO. In addition, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of H2O-Cbl preparations showed the presence of a small amount of Cob-(II)alamin that was capable of combining with NO. The Co(III)-NO complex was very stable, but could transfer its NO moiety to hemoglobin (Hb). The transfer was accompanied by a reduction of the Co(III) to Co(II), indicating that NO+ (nitrosonium) was the leaving group. In accordance with this, the NO did not combine with the Hb Fe(II)-heme, but most likely with the Hb cysteine-thiolate. Similarly, the Co(III)-NO complex was capable of transferring its NO to glutathione. Ado-Cbl and Me-Cbl were susceptible to photolysis, but CN- Cbl and H2O-Cbl were not. The homolytic cleavage of the Co(III)-Ado or Co(III)-Me bond resulted in the reduction of the metal. When photolysis was performed in the presence of NO, formation of NO-Co(II) was observed. Co(II)-nitrosyl oxidized slowly to form Co(III)-nitrosyl. The capability of aquocobalamin to combine with NO had functional consequences. We found that nitrosylcobalamin had diminished ability to serve as a cofactor for the enzyme methionine synthase, and that aquocobalamin could quench NO-mediated inhibition of cell proliferation. Our in vitro studies therefore suggest that interactions between NO and cobalamins may have important consequences in vivo.  相似文献   
We have studied serum immunoreactive erythropoietin (SIE) levels in 28 patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA) without renal insufficiency and in 17 patients with nonhemoglobinopathy anemias of comparable severity using a sensitive radioimmunoassay procedure. An exponential relationship between SIE level and degree of anemia was noted in all patients. However, in nonhemoglobinopathy anemia, a sharp rise in the SIE level occurred as hemoglobin (Hb) levels fell below about 12 g/dL, whereas in sickle cell patients the increase was not marked until hemoglobin fell to about 9 g/dL. The response was more blunted in older SCA patients than in younger ones. A linear regression model relating SIE level to Hb level, presence/absence of SCA, and age explained 63% of the variation in SIE. We conclude that the serum erythropoietin levels in SCA increased at a lower hemoglobin concentration and are of a lower magnitude than that of the other anemias.  相似文献   
Tumor invasion of the inferior vena cava (IVC) through direct erosion is a rare and poor prognostic feature of aggressive hepatic or perihepatic malignancies [1,2] . Literature shows poor response to chemotherapy, such that resection often is the only option for improved survival [3] . Multidisciplinary collaborations can expand technical options; incorporation of transplant techniques has led to successful R0 resection involving difficult vascular reconstruction and extended resection [4,5] . This study describes and analyzes the ten-year collaborative experience of hepatobiliary (HPB) surgeons in management of malignancies involving the perihepatic IVC.  相似文献   
18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG‐PET) scans in the first 49 patients referred with either possible brain tumour or brain tumour recurrence were reviewed. FDG‐PET imaging was reported with reference to anatomical imaging. Based on the report the FDG study was classified as either positive or negative for the presence of tumour. Thirty‐eight cases were included in the analysis, 21 having pathological data and 17 with diagnostic clinical follow up. Eleven were excluded, as they had inadequate follow‐up data. Of the 21 cases with pathology, 18 were shown to have tumour. In this group there were five false‐negative scans and two false‐positive PET scans. Seventeen cases were assessed by clinical follow up, nine were considered to have been tumour. There were two false negatives with one false positive. The overall sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were 74, 73, 87 and 53% respectively. This is similar to figures previously quoted in published work. Despite relatively limited numbers, the utility of FDG PET imaging in our hands is similar to published reports. With a positive predictive value of 87%, a positive FDG study indicates a high likelihood that there is brain tumour present. A negative study does not exclude the presence of tumour.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We report an unusual case of bilateral chronic conjunctivitis and corneal scarring in a boy with X-linked hypogammaglobulinaemia (XLH) who did not respond to the usual antibacterial and antiviral therapy. An immunofluorescence test for Chlamydia trachomatis from an eye swab was strongly positive. Within days of commencement of local and systemic tetracycline therapy, he showed marked improvement. Since conjunctival follicle formation, which depends on the presence of a B-cell population, may not occur in XLH, clinical examination in chlamydia conjunctivitis may be misleading and lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment with resulting corneal complications, unless laboratory evidence of chlamydia infection is specifically sought.  相似文献   
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