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为了探讨抗肿瘤药平阳霉素(BLM)及氨甲喋呤(MTX)对生物陶瓷人工骨与骨结合的作用,作者以杂种狗为种植模型,采用定量组织测量学、生物力学、元素分析的定量分析方法考察了骨与人工骨的结合区.结果发现在植入后1.5月MTX不仅能抑制局部新骨的生长与钙化,而且能减少骨与人工骨的结合,从而降低了人工骨植入体的稳定性.而同期BLM上述作用却不明显,因此作者认为对于肿瘤术后人工骨修复的患者的术后化疗拟应用BLM为宜. 相似文献
P. Shanmuhasuntharam BDS Formerly Tutor Faculty of Dentistry Lian Chin Boon Associate Professor † 《Australian dental journal》1991,36(3):209-213
Transmigration is the migration of a tooth across the midline of the jaw. This phenomenon is found only in relation to the permanent mandibular canines. Two cases are reported. In both, the cause of this deviation was an odontome found in the site normally occupied by the mandibular canine. The literature on transmigration is reviewed. 相似文献
种植义齿系统工程的概念及修复环节在其中的位置 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
韩科 《口腔材料器械杂志》1996,5(1):7-9,43
种植义齿治疗是一个系统工程,需要医学专家、理工专家和患者的共同努力。其中,修复专家占有重要地位。他们需要根据患者的意愿和条件确定种植义齿是否可行,以及是否能给患者带来最大的利益。需要设计植入体的数量、部位和植入角度。需要根据种植体界面的特殊条件在义齿的设计制作中作相应的处理。还需要对患者作咨询教育,使之对种植义齿抱有合理的期望并遵医嘱执行保健措施。 相似文献
目的本文通过对安氏Ⅲ类错的家庭聚集性、遗传度及遗传方式的研究,探讨遗传因素在安氏Ⅲ类错发生中的地位和作用。方法采用遗传流行病学病例对照的研究方法,对195个安氏Ⅲ类错先证家系和208个对照家系进行调查,比较其一级亲属患病率,以二项分布(p+q)n的数学模型及χ2检验判定家庭聚集性。以Falconer回归法进行遗传度的估算。结果安氏Ⅲ类错先证组一级亲属患病率为27.83%,与对照组8.09%相比,统计学上差异具有显著性。二项分布显示,先证组实际频数大于二项分布的理论频数,说明其具有家庭聚集性。一级亲属遗传度为80.85%,其中男性遗传度为90.79%,高于女性遗传度(71.08%)。结论安氏Ⅲ类错的发生具有明显的家庭聚集性,属于多基因遗传模式。其一级亲属遗传度为80.85%,遗传倾向有明显的性别差异。遗传因素在其发病中起重要作用,尤其对男性作用更为明显。 相似文献
Charles C. Van Kirk Kun Qin Klaus H. Theopold Dennis H. Evans 《Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (Lausanne, Switzerland)》2004,565(2):185-190
The oxidation of the CrIII hydroxy complex, TptBu,MeCr(pz′)(OH), 1, (TptBu,Me=hydrotris(3-tert-butyl-5-methylpyrazolyl)borate; pz′=3-tert-butyl-5-methylpyrazolyl anion) was studied in methylene chloride at a glassy carbon electrode. There are two oxidation peaks, Ia and IIa, that are totally irreversible and CrIV oxo complex 2 is the product at both peaks. Peak Ia grows with respect to IIa as the scan rate is reduced and the voltammograms were quantitatively accounted for by a CEirr mechanism involving two interconverting forms of 1, 1a giving peak Ia and 1b giving peak IIa. The reduction of 2 is detected on the return scan along with a small amount of 3 that arises from hydrogen-atom abstraction by 2 from hydrogen-atom donors in the medium. The processes giving rise to peaks Ia and IIa have the characteristics of dissociative electron- transfer reactions. It is suggested that they may be concerted electron-proton transfer reactions. It is speculated that the postulated minor form of 1, 1a, may be an isomer having axial OH rather than the equatorial OH found in the favored isomer, 1b. 相似文献
In Asia, a round face rather is more acceptable than a square face. Intraoral mandibular angle ostectomy is a common aesthetic procedure for correcting a prominent mandibular angle. However, an operation of sheer straight-lined prominent mandibular angle resection would sometimes create extramandibular angles or palpable bone steps in the margin of mandibular body and produce unnatural lower one-third facial appearance, especially for a square and disproportional mandibular angle even extending to the middle mandibular body. This article describes the method of multistage mandibular angle ostectomy to produce a natural lower one-third facial contour. This method mainly focused on the posterior area of mandibular ostectomy by intraoral approach, although it has modifications. Mandibular contouring is realized first through bone cutting from antegonial notch posteriorly upperward, reaching to the middle ramus of the mandible near the earlobe; second ostectomy followed along mandible lower part is to get rid of extramandibular angle according to the preoperative design; sometimes necessarily, third ostectomy creates a smooth mandibular contour. From January 2000 to January 2010, 379 patients were operated on, and satisfactory results were achieved. Thus, this procedure could avoid excessive bone cutting, extramandibular angles, unnatural appearance, and palpable bone steps. 相似文献
目的:探讨舌背上皮细胞体外培养的可行性,并观察其生长特性。方法:断颈处死出生后1d的SD大鼠,70%乙醇浸泡3~5min,切取舌体及下颌骨。以DMEM/F12作为基础培养液,原代培养舌背黏膜上皮。当细胞铺满整个培养瓶底70%时,进行细胞传代。采用广谱角蛋白细胞免疫化学染色法及透射电镜观察法对上皮细胞进行鉴定。结果:接种时,原代细胞形状、大小不等,呈多样性,表现为多角状扁平细胞、体积较大的球形细胞和体积较小的球形细胞。大多数细胞在培养24h后贴壁;培养3d后,细胞增殖形成许多小而不规则的细胞克隆或集落,开始进入指数增殖阶段,形成细胞团块。随着时间推移,细胞团块周围结构疏松,间隙增大,细胞团块不断增大,融合、连接成片,排列成铺路石状,可传3~4代。结论:以DMEM/F12为基础培养液,可成功地培养出舌背上皮细胞。 相似文献
目的:建立下颌前牙不同程度牙槽骨吸收后的釉质、牙本质、牙骨质、牙周膜、松质骨、皮质骨等组织的三维有限元模型。方法:利用薄层CT扫描技术与Ansys软件相结合,对层厚为1mm的CT断层影像进行分析处理。结果:模型具有良好的几何相似性,共有单元约13万个,节点约19万个,数据量约130MB,可以根据要求任意旋转、缩放、透视、剖开,进行多种方式观察;并可以按照不同研究目的和要求,对模型进行简单的修改和调整,模拟牙槽骨吸收、联冠修复等临床治疗所需的几何形态,考查各种约束和加载条件下前牙的力学反应;讨论了约束的处理和载荷的施加方式。结论:薄层CT扫描技术与Ansys软件相结合建立的三维有限元模型,能较精确地模拟实际情况,为进一步研究下颌前牙牙槽骨吸收和联冠修复奠定了良好的基础。 相似文献