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嗅区粘膜放疗后可引起迟发性嗅觉障碍,为了解其机制,对放疗后嗅粘膜用透射电镜观察其超微结构改变。发现其上皮层变性嗅神经原增多;固有层内纤维母细胞增多,胞浆内含有大量粗面内质网和线粒体,在纤维母细胞周围有大量整齐排列的胶原纤维。放疗后嗅粘膜的纤维化是嗅觉障碍的原因之一。 相似文献
彭怀祖 《南通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2000,(4)
“剥离”特指在高校后勤社会化进程之中 ,原来属于高校自身的后勤服务业 ,成建制地分离出去 ,不再属高校领导和管理 ,成为独立的、自负盈亏的实体。本文从研讨高校后勤社会化的内涵、模式以及中小规模高校后勤社会化的特点入手 ,思考“剥离”的有关问题 ,从而明确“剥离”的重要性、复杂性以及方式的多样性。 相似文献
三种中成药中小檗碱和巴马汀的含量测定 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
应用反相高效液相色谱法对牛黄千金散、清胃黄连丸和芩连片中小檗碱(Berberine)、巴马汀(Pal-matine)进行含量测定。方法快速准确,为厂家控制产品质量提供依据。 相似文献
采用RPMI1640及FDA抗生素3号两种培养基的微量稀释法对肿瘤患者合并肺感染分离出51株念珠菌进行药敏对比测定。结果显示二性霉素B在两种培养基中均具有非常好的抗菌活性,敏感率均为98.0%,其次酮康唑也显示出良好的抗菌活性,敏感率均为94.1%。相比之下,在RPMI培养基中伊曲康唑和氟康唑的敏感性稍差,敏感率分别为92.2%和90.2%,但在FDA抗生素3号培养基中,伊曲康唑和氟康唑敏感性明显下降,敏感率分别为70.6%和66.7%。为此我们建议抗真菌药敏试验,尤其是咪唑类药物应该选用NCCLS推荐的RPMI1640培养基做药敏试验 相似文献
NK细胞识别的新模式——压力诱导模式 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
T、B细胞通过TCR和BCR介导抗原识别模式,巨噬细胞通过模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptor,PRR)介导病原体相关的分子模式(pathogen associated molecular pattern, PAMP)或凋亡细胞相关的分子模式(apoptotic cell associated molecular pattern, ACAMP),比TCR,BCR和PRR更为复杂的是NK细胞的受体,迄今为止,已发现有数十种之多,分属抑制性受体和活化性受体两大类.各大类又包括数个家族,体现了NK细胞受体的多样性,介导了NK细胞的不同识别模式,分别传递不同的活化信号和抑制信号[1-2]. 相似文献
艾滋病预防控制策略 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
1世界艾滋病预防控制的经验与措施自1981年在美国首次报告获得性免疫缺陷综合征(简称艾滋病, AIDS)临床患者至今已20多年, AIDS已蔓延至世界各地,成为人类面临的危害最大的疾病之一。目前,全球累计艾滋病病毒(H IV)感染者已超过7000万。世界卫生组织(WHO )和联合国艾滋病规划署(UN-AIDS)估计至2004年底全球存活的H IV /AIDS人数已达3940万(3590~4430万)。在艾滋病的预防控制工作中,世界各国积累了许多丰富的经验和有效的控制策略,其中有些具有基本的、普遍性的原则,我们可以学习借鉴。它们主要体现在以下几方面。1·1政府重视,经… 相似文献
Inducible nitric oxide synthase expression elicited in the mouse brain by inflammatory mediators circulating in the cerebrospinal fluid 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) protein was studied in the brain after intracerebroventricular injections of interferon (IFN)-gamma, and IFN-gamma combined with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, compared to ovalbumin as control. Wild-type mice and mice with targeted deletion of the IFN-gamma receptor gene were used. Findings based on iNOS immunoreactivity were evaluated at 1, 2, 4 and 7 days post-injection, using also quantitative image analysis and double labeling with glial cell markers. IFN-gamma administration induced iNOS immmunostaining in activated microglia and macrophages in the parenchyma surrounding the ventricular system, several cortical fields and fiber tracts. IFN-gamma-elicited iNOS immunoreactivity was down-regulated after 1 day. The number of iNOS-immunopositive cells was significantly enhanced by co-administration of LPS or TNF-alpha; IFN-gamma+TNF-alpha injections also resulted in longer persistence of iNOS immunoreactivity. No immunopositive cells were seen in the brain of IFN-gamma receptor knockout mice after IFN-gamma administration; very few immunostained macrophages were detected in these cases, mostly around the injection needle track, after co-administration of LPS or TNF-alpha. Western blot analysis confirmed a marked iNOS induction in the brain of wild-type mice 24 h after IFN-gamma+LPS injections. The findings show that inflammatory mediators circulating in the cerebrospinal fluid induce in vivo iNOS in the brain with topographical selectivity and temporal regulation. The data also demonstrate that the signaling cascade activated by IFN-gamma binding to its receptor is critical for iNOS induction, and the synergistic action of LPS and TNF-alpha as iNOS inducers in brain cells is largely mediated by the receptor-regulated action of IFN-gamma. 相似文献
目的探讨高血糖高渗状态(HHS)患者的病死率与器官功能衰竭、血浆渗透压、年龄的关系。方法回顾分析我院1997年 ̄2003年住院的124例HHS患者的临床资料。结果①124例HHS患者病死率为38.7%。②病死率与器官功能衰竭显著正相关,且与所并发器官功能衰竭的个数成正比。③病死率与年龄、血浆渗透压正相关。结论治疗HHS的同时积极防治器官功能衰竭是降低死亡率的关键。 相似文献