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The relationship between psychologic variables (the match between repressive style and level of cardiac information, and anxiety level) and medical complications, re-stenosis (renarrowing), and psychosocial adjustment was studied in 97 patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for treatment of narrowed coronary arteries. Three major findings emerged for outcomes measured 6 months after PTCA: repressors with a high level of cardiac information (coping style-information level mismatch) and no history of heart attack were at higher risk for late medical complications (p less than 0.001); sensitizers with a low level of cardiac information (coping style-information level mismatch) and whose PTCA was only moderately successful were at higher risk for re-stenosis of the artery previously widened during PTCA (p less than 0.01); and patients who were more anxious during hospitalization had poorer social functioning and more mood disturbance 6 months after PTCA (p less than 0.05). Thus, psychologic, information, and medical factors are important in predicting 6-month outcomes in patients undergoing PTCA.  相似文献   
We discuss the statistical and biological problems of adapting the theoretical bingo model to the analysis of empirical data. A distinction is made between an idealized pathogenetic model, which aims to represent the disease in as much authentic detail as the present state of knowledge allows and in components that have literal interpretation, and an empirical model, which deals with those effects of the pathogenetic model that one may hope to observe clinically. We review a variety of empirical models distinguishable by the amount of data available on intermediate degrees of damage short of total destruction. The relationship of damage to time is explored, and we consider the criteria and usefulness of linearization of this relationship where the diachronic ("longitudinal") data are few and extend over a comparatively short time. Every time a patient is examined, the degree of cumulative damage is assessed in each of the body systems of interest. Thus the examination will furnish a set of measurements, which is obtained on each of several examinations, taken over a period that for preference is long relative to the survival of the system. Specific disorders discussed include dentition and enlargement of the aorta with age in the Marfan syndrome.  相似文献   
A convenient serum-free fibrin clot culture system for murine megakaryocyte progenitor cells was developed. The culture and counting of colonies is much easier in this system, when compared with previously reported serum-free culture methods. Recombinant murine interleukin-3 (rmIL-3) stimulated megakaryocyte colony formation in a dose-dependent manner in this system. While recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) had no effect on megakaryocytopoiesis, recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEpo) and recombinant human interleukin-6 (rhIL-6) augmented megakaryocyte colony formation stimulated by rmIL-3. The depletion of adherent cells and T cells from the cultured bone marrow did not eliminate the synergistic effect of rhEpo and rhIL-6.  相似文献   
We have shown previously that cells comprising the cutaneous infiltrates of histiocytes X (HXCs), like Langerhans cells (LCs), react with monoclonal anti-T6 antibody. HXCs also react with anti-T4/4b and anti-Ia-like antibodies. To further define the patterns of antibody reactivity in HXCs, we performed immunoelectron microscopy on two clear-cut cases of histiocytosis X using the immunoperoxidase technique. The reaction product of diaminobenzidine, indicating anti-T6 antibody reactivity, was easily detected along cell membranes of HXCs and at sites of possible endocytosis. Anti-T4/4b and anti-Ia antibodies had less cell membrane reactivity. Computerized image analysis aided in discriminating the patterns of anti-T6 antibody in HXCs and from LCs and confirmed that anti-T6 antibody staining was the most intense of the antibodies evaluated. These findings (1) document antigenic similarities and differences between HXCs and LCs on an ultrastructural level, (2) add support to the concept that HXCs are abnormal proliferations of LCs, and (3) demonstrate the association of the cell surface antigen, T6, with apparent endocytotic activity.  相似文献   
Analysis of the bias of ascertainment is reformulated to deal with more general patterns commonly encountered in practice. The goal is to provide a unifying theory that will both replace the traditional, rather piecemeal, treatment of the problem and free it from certain restrictive assumptions. A compact algebraic method is furnished for analyzing the properties of the distributions by means of the probability generating function (PGF). The scope of the generalization is illustrated by applying it to the various classical patterns of bias of ascertainment. It is extended to other patterns in which the conditions of ascertainment, though more plausible, are also logically more complicated. It also accommodates cases hitherto inadequately dealt with, such as where the segregation ratios are heterogeneous (for example because of age-dependence); and cases where the ascertainment function is of arbitrary form and denies us such valuable, but demanding, assumptions as independence. Not only is the result unifying, but it leads to usable results in specific application such as diseases that depend on age or birth order. While the commonest applications are in human genetics, there are many other issues (such as the use of batteries of tests) in which it is equally important.  相似文献   
The only molecular similarity in sex determination found so far among phyla is between the Drosophila doublesex (dsx) and Caenorhabditis elegans mab-3 genes. dsx and mab-3 contain a zinc finger-like DNA-binding motif called the DM domain, perform several related regulatory functions, and are at least partially interchangeable in vivo. A DM domain gene called Dmrt1 has been implicated in male gonad development in a variety of vertebrates, on the basis of embryonic expression and chromosomal location. Such evidence is highly suggestive of a conserved role(s) for Dmrt1 in vertebrate sexual development, but there has been no functional analysis of this gene in any species. Here we show that murine Dmrt1 is essential for postnatal testis differentiation, with mutant phenotypes similar to those caused by human chromosome 9p deletions that remove the gene. As in the case of 9p deletions, Dmrt1 is dispensable for ovary development in the mouse. Thus, as in invertebrates, a DM domain gene regulates vertebrate male development.  相似文献   
A total of 1434 strains of Neisseria meningitidis isolated from cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in Australia between 1994 and 1999 were examined by standard methods for susceptibility to antibiotics used for treatment and prophylaxis. The proportion of isolates fully susceptible to penicillin decreased from 45% in 1994 to 26% in 1999 (P<0.001). All the other isolates were less sensitive to penicillin except for two meningococci with a penicillin MIC of 1 mg/l. The geometric mean penicillin MIC increased from 0.045 to 0.065 mg/l from 1994 to 1999. There was no significant difference in the geometric mean penicillin MICs of serogroup B and serogroup C meningococci. Penicillin susceptibility was significantly associated with a poorer outcome. Isolates from survivors of IMD had a higher geometric mean penicillin MIC (0.06 mg/l) than those from fatal cases (0.048 mg/l) (P< 0.001). This suggests that factors other than the decrease in susceptibility to penicillin observed were more relevant to outcome in IMD. All isolates were fully susceptible to ceftriaxone. Rifampicin resistance was infrequent (eight isolates in 6 years) and sporadic. A single isolate had decreased quinolone susceptibility. Despite the significant shift in susceptibility to penicillin recorded, this group of antibiotics remains a suitable treatment for IMD in Australia.  相似文献   
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