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This study reports on the efficacy of a 'coma arousal procedure'. This procedure involved a programme of vigorous sensory stimulation administered to comatose patients by relatives using Comakits. An experimental group of 12 severely head-injured patients received the coma arousal procedure while a matched control group did not. Total duration of coma and weekly Glasgow Coma Scale Scores were recorded for the two groups. Results indicate that the total duration of coma was significantly shorter and that coma lightened more rapidly for the experimental group.  相似文献   
MRI of pancreatic gastrinomas.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pancreatic islet cell tumors are often small and multiple, and preoperative diagnosis can be difficult. In a woman with hypergastrinemia, angiography and CT each depicted a solitary lesion. Magnetic resonance images, acquired using fat suppression, fast spin echo, and contrast material injection, depicted seven separate lesions, which were surgically confirmed.  相似文献   
In a cohort of 919 patients with definite or classic rheumatoid arthritis followed prospectively since 1966, we identified 36 patients with Felty's syndrome (FS). Their clinical course was compared to that of 72 matched controls from the same cohort. Patients with FS had more extraarticular features and more infections than control patients. The presence of joint erosions, serial Lansbury indices, and death rates were similar in both groups. Cardiovascular disease was the commonest cause of death in both groups, accounting for 32% of all deaths. Sepsis accounted for 10% of deaths in the group with FS and 13% of deaths in the controls.  相似文献   
An outbreak of Salmonella dublin infection occurred in England and Wales in October to December 1989. Forty-two people were affected, mainly adults, and most lived in south-east England. Microbiological and epidemiological investigations implicated an imported Irish soft unpasteurized cows' milk cheese as the vehicle of infection. A case-control study showed a statistically significant association between infection and consumption of the suspect cheese (p = 0.001). Salmonella dublin was subsequently isolated from cheeses obtained from the manufacturer's premises. Initial control measures included the withdrawal of the cheese from retail sale and a Food Hazard Warning to Environmental Health Departments, as well as a press release, from the Department of Health. Subsequently, a decision was taken by the manufacturer to pasteurize milk used in the production of cheese for the UK market and importation of the cheese resumed in June 1990.  相似文献   
The effect of oral premedication was investigated in a double-blind, randomised trial in 85 children undergoing tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy. Orally administered midazolam 0.5 mg.kg−1 given 30 min pre-operatively was compared with trimeprazine 2 mg.kg−1 given 90 min pre-operatively and a placebo preparation. Compliance, sedation and ease of induction were assessed as were the duration and quality of recovery. Following premedication with midazolam none of the patients was anxious, crying or distressed on leaving the ward, compared with 2/28 in the trimeprazine group and 5/28 in the placebo group (p =0.0007). More patients were calm and quiet on arrival in the anaesthetic room following midazolam than following trimeprazine, with both premedicant agents comparing favourably with placebo. There was no significant difference between the three groups in the time to recovery or the sedation score on discharge to the ward. Midazolam is a safe and effective oral premedicant for children.  相似文献   
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